Moms of mixed race boys

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by serranoboys, Jun 25, 2008.

  1. serranoboys

    serranoboys Well-Known Member

    I guess more specifically I mean those babies who have one African American parent. I have a few questions:

    1. When did you cut their hair?
    2. Did the texture change after this?
    3. How short did you cut it and did you have to brush it down or put any styling products in it?

    Right now we don't do anything to their hair (except when I get bored and fluff it out to its maximum fro potential). It's about 2.5 inches long when stretched out and it's soft and curly but I swear there's like 3 different babies hair textures mixed in there! Some spots are coarse, some smooth, some glued to the head and some completely straight depending on the day. DH wants to cut it SHORT so badly (my fault because before they were born I said boys get their hair cut when they turn one :rolleyes: ) but I'm so afraid they'll lose their curls for good. Plus, Caleb's head is still wongo underneath that halo of curls! EEK! This is a pretty shallow topic but I just wanted to get some ideas. Thanks!
  2. snoopytwins

    snoopytwins Well-Known Member

    I have mixed race boys...just not with one African American parent.

    I would think cutting it shorter would be best. I know with mine, they have course and fine hair mixed together (with parts of it curly and parts of it stick straight). When we cut it short, it did much better and I don't have to do anything to it but run a brush through it after bath time. No more products, detanglers, etc.

    I cut their hair at home with clippers on a number 3 blade I short but not "buzz" short.

    Sorry I don't have "specific" information to your needs to help you out but I'm sure someone will.
  3. carmenandwhittsmom

    carmenandwhittsmom Well-Known Member


    Two African American parents here but we cut my son's hair when he turned one. His texture did not change at all. We keep it cut short and we just use kemi oil/oil moisturizer and a brush. Hope that helps some!
  4. Becca34

    Becca34 Well-Known Member

    Mixed race here, but no African American parent, sorry -- but I'm butting in anyway, LOL. Just wanted to say, DON'T CUT THEIR HAIR!

    I just adore baby boys with longish hair, especially if it's curly. And your little guys have great hair!

    I won't be cutting Kevan's until it's downright shaggy, or until my DH starts threatening...

    Okay, butting out now. :D
  5. ruthjulia

    ruthjulia Well-Known Member

    DH is black and i'm white. Cameron (DS) had SUPER SUPER curly hair as a baby - and tons more than DD, who didn't have ANY hair until she was 18 months (seriously - she had peach fuzz and that was it). we did cut it just before he turned one because it was out of control. i think between 1 and 2 it did change texture - it got a bit more coarse, and not when his hair gets long it's still very curly, but not as much of a soft frizz like it was before but more formed curls, if that makes sense. DH takes him to the barber and they ALWAYS cut it too short for my taste - i like it short back and sides but curls on top. luckily it grows out quickly.

    When it's gets on the longer side i do use product in it - the same that i use for DD since that is what is handy. i use either the aussie leave in conditioner or the VO5 leave in conditioner - both are spray products - a friend with mixed race kids recommended the former and a friend who is mixed recommended the later.

    feel free to PM me with more questions.

    CROSSTWINS Well-Known Member

    I don't have mixed race kid's but their hair is adorable the way it is. They are precious.
  7. AshleyLD

    AshleyLD Well-Known Member

    my BFF has a mixed black and white boy. She shaves his head with a 2 or a 3 (1/4 - 1/2 in) every so often. she also uses garnier fruitise (sp?) curl shaper in his hair. Its a spray.

    The spray make the curls stand out and hold in place.. his hair has always looked nice :)
  8. Irishlisa

    Irishlisa Well-Known Member

    My husband is black, I'm white. Our son Avery is 4 and he has soft big curls. We cut his hair for the first time when he was 14 months. I was afraid that his beautiful curls wouldn't grow back too, but they always do. The texture hasn't changed. I use Garnier Fructis leave-in conditioning cream (sleek & shine). My husband takes him to the barber about every 3-4 months. At first they would always cut it too low and I didn't like it with all his curls gone, but now they listen and don't cut it too low on top, just the sides and back.

    Your boys are beautiful!!!!
  9. ruthjulia

    ruthjulia Well-Known Member

    just wanted to say - good to see some other mixed race families on here (weren't sure if there were any) :)

    and, not to steal this post - but can we discuss girls' hair care also?!?!?!? my DD had no hair until 18 months but now her hair is out of control curly - it's gorgeous, but it's VERY fine, and VERY curly - her hair is probably 5 inches long but only 1 inch from her head because it curls up so much. it knots very easily too. all i do now is spray detangler/leave in conditioner in it every morning and comb through. any suggestions of other products i should use instead/in addition would be great.

    oh - and how often do you shampoo - right now i do every other day, but wondering if that is too much?
  10. serranoboys

    serranoboys Well-Known Member

    These are some great suggestions. I knew I could count on you ladies!

    QUOTE(ruthjulia @ Jun 25 2008, 08:10 PM) [snapback]845645[/snapback]
    just wanted to say - good to see some other mixed race families on here (weren't sure if there were any) :)

    oh - and how often do you shampoo - right now i do every other day, but wondering if that is too much?

    I agree! I tend to forget that my husband and I are in an interracial relationship until I come across the occasional blue haired lady giving us the evil eye. Sorry, I don't have any suggestions for the girls but I know from a couple of biracial girlfriends of mine that it can be pretty tough to maintain. Yet another reason I was hoping and praying for boys :lol: !
  11. carmenandwhittsmom

    carmenandwhittsmom Well-Known Member


    Me again. Depends on the texture of hair but generally, I wash my daughter's hair once a week unless they have rolled around in dirt/sand at the park or daycare. If her hair starts to get dry and brittle, you may be washing it too often. However, my sister-in-law washing her hair everyday and it does fine. I use Carol's Daughter's hair products on her hair for oil. It's all natural and they have a product for every texture of African-American hair (which is a wide spectrum). I use KeraCare shampoo on her hair(detangler/moisturizer combined). Hope this helps a little!
  12. kristy horner

    kristy horner Well-Known Member

    Not mixed race, but ds and dd have super curly hair and we just bought the Fairy Tales all natural, organic curly-q curl maker. It's not hard on their skin and washes out easily and was about $9 (plus shipping). Bought it from last week due to a topic on here! We love it and it makes the curls just glow! Good luck, they are toooooo cute!!!!!
  13. Irishlisa

    Irishlisa Well-Known Member

    Don't get me started on girls hair. Alexa's is CRAZY!!!! I have to work hard every morning to make it look good. It's just that the curls are alot tighter. And now I have 2 more girls....Why do the boys always get the good hair?

    I'm happy to have you guys also to bounce ideas with :D
  14. twinboys07

    twinboys07 Well-Known Member

    My DP is African American & Greek. The sperm we used to conceive the boys was Black/Italian/Greek/Caucasian-- the donor identified himself as "dark-skinned". You can't really tell... I was pretty shocked at how "white" their skin is! I was really expecting more color and kind of wish they weren't so pale. Apparently, I have some pretty strong, pale genes. :lol:

    Anyway, Jackson (who has hair!) does have some texture to his and he has that crazy mixed texture thing going on-- his back hair is fairly coarse and can be pretty tightly curly. The top is thinner and loosely curly, and the front sides are fine and straight. It's pretty tough to make his hair look good. I cut his hair a couple of weeks ago and it has not changed the texture or curliness, except that some of the finer parts appeared less curly for a couple of days until they grew out a bit more. Now, those parts are almost the same as they were before the cut.

    I think Braxton & Caleb are gorgeous as-is, but I am sure if you cut their hair they will be equally adorable... and I'm betting you won't lose the curls!!
  15. EMc2

    EMc2 Well-Known Member

    Piping in for the girls here. We use Kids Organic line to condition and Carol's Daughter rosemary mint to shampoo only once a week. Their hair is extremely dry, coarse, curly and fine. Inbetween shampoos if I want to comb to style, I use a mixture of essential oils of lemongrass, lavender and bergamot with a little bit of Carol's Daugter tui oil mixed in water in a spray bottle. I like the Kids Org, it's not nearly as expensive as CD, it doesn't contain petrolatum or mineral oil which will clog scalp pores and it's easy to find. I've also heard really good things about Curly Q's but haven't used it yet.
    I agree with pp, nice to see more interacial families here too.
  16. ruthjulia

    ruthjulia Well-Known Member

    thanks everyone for the girls' hair product suggestions! now, if one of you more experienced moms could just come to my house every morning to part and style dd's hair i would be all set ;)
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