Momma I'm scared

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Jennifer P, Nov 22, 2007.

  1. Jennifer P

    Jennifer P Well-Known Member

    What do you do when your 2 year old repeats "Momma I'm scared" over and over again and stalls every way she can to avoid going to bed or nap. She has even woken up and said she's scared. This has been going on for a couple of weeks now. I'm hoping it is just a phase but it doesn't seem to be ending anytime soon.

    Does anyone have any suggestions on the best ways to handle this?
  2. Jen620

    Jen620 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    At about 2, Annie became scared of the 'monsters' in her room. She had a blanket that we used to shoo the monsters out, singing, "Goodnight monsters, goodnight monsters, goodnight monsters, it's time to leave the room." She has a great imagination, so I'd find some that hadn't 'left,' grab them and throw them out. She's 'find' some for me to toss out, then she'd find nice monsters that would sleep on her bedpost.

    Maybe investing in Monster Spray (spray bottle of water) would help!

    Good luck!
  3. Stacy1976

    Stacy1976 Well-Known Member

    I like the above post. I think that you should find out what is scaring her and then find a creative solution to get rid of it.
  4. matwetwins

    matwetwins Well-Known Member

    I totally agree with pp. You need to find out what's scaring her. Instead of asking her what she was dreaming ask her what she saw in her head. I find they don't know what the word dream means. It can take a while and it may require some suggestions. She may not even know why she is scared. My guys usually need the suggestions and will say if I'm wrong. Good luck, I hope it doesn't last too long.
  5. blueeyez553

    blueeyez553 Well-Known Member

    I dont have any kids yet but heard this from a friend of mine. Her daughter started to be afraid of sleep and monsters aroud that age and she took one of her fragance bottles (like from bath & body works, or whereever) and she wrapped it with white paper and drew fairies on it and wrote fairy dust. She told her daughter that the things that she is scared of in her room dont like smell good things and would walk around her room spray it in the closet, under the bed, by the door, and on her pillow. she told her as long as she could smell the fairy dust the scary things wouldnt come in her room. (hence, spraying it on the pillow, made her smell it all night) just a thought!! hope you fid something that works ;-)
  6. ktfan

    ktfan Well-Known Member

    Aww, poor thing! I would try to talk to her about it, asking simple questions. Like pp said "what do you see in your head (or in your room)". Be gentle and caring but don't make a big deal out of it. If you appear really upset about it, she'll think there is really something in her room to be afraid of. Be reassuring and eventually you'll get to the bottom of it.
  7. ~Laura M~

    ~Laura M~ Well-Known Member

    Great advice. :hug99: I never thought of the Monster Spray concept.

    Ian and Montana went through this, Ian is still very leery of his bedroom. He can sleep anywhere else in the house, but does not like his room. So he sleeps with me and DH. NOT THE RIGHT ANSWER--but it works for us. Montana is perfectly content in her room now.
  8. Jooles73

    Jooles73 Well-Known Member

    at around 3 1/2 my girls had "alligators" in there room under their beds in their closet. i got a bottle of lysol wrapped paper around it and wrote "Alligator & all other scary monsters and stuff begone spray" so not only was i "scaring" away the monsters but i was disinfecting their room
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