Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by mama3, Jun 15, 2007.

  1. mama3

    mama3 Well-Known Member

    I am interested in what my just turned 2 twins should be having for breakfast now.
    I have been waking them up at 6:30 and carrying them to the den couch for a sippy of tepid whole milk, then there's diaper change and watch 1/2 hour of Noggin with their older sister while I dress. At 7:20, we leave for the 20 min trip to the sitters, then work. Their sitter offers breakfast at her house, so should I try to forgo the wake up sippy in favor of a bigger appetite for breakfast in an hour or so?
    Also, with limited time in the morning, potty training has been slack, but I need to start trying again as they are potty training at the sitters. Don't laugh, but do you think it would be rude to put them on the potty right out of the crib in the morning? We have always have had that cuddletime on the couch while they drank their sippies, but I guess it is time to change our routine?
    There's also the whole sippy vs. cup issue and the whole milk vs. lowfat issue.
    Or maybe juice would better. Funny, I am not at all indecisive about other things..
    Any suggestions?
  2. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    I can't speak to PT, since we're not there yet -- but as far as breakfast goes, I'm amazed that yours can even make it for more than an hour in the morning on just a cup of milk! Mine are awake at 6:30 and are screaming for their breakfasts by the time we get them up at 7. They walk straight to the dining room and climb into their booster seats, and they eat a ton.

    If yours seem content with just the milk until they get to the sitter's, I'd say you're lucky -- but I wouldn't try to get them to go without it. (Unless she's been telling you that they're not eating much at breakfast?)

    Re: whole milk vs. lowfat, I think our ped says to switch to lowfat at age 2. We don't really give juice (though they get it for snacks at school) and don't really plan to, at least not until they are old enough to start begging for it.

    One other thing, though this wasn't a question you actually asked... If you are having to wake them up at 6:30 just to give them their milk and sit them on the couch while you shower, would it be possible for you to shower before getting them up? That might just make things a little smoother for you. I don't know if that would work with your older DD though.
  3. mama3

    mama3 Well-Known Member

    You are right, that is what the sitter says. Also, I should have mentioned we just had our 2yo check and the ped said that they were 35% in weight, (but 75% in height). He did not seem concerned, but I thought if their morning sippy was eliminated, it might help them eat more food. Also, there is a constipation issue that I hadn't mentioned earlier. I thought perhaps forcing a slight increase of real food vs. milk (they drink aprox 24 oz daily) could help there too. They can choose from many fruits/vegie at each meal, but always choose milk yougurt, cheeses, & pasta, breads, etc. :rolleyes:

    Re: waking earlier, I actually do, I get my hubby up, my dd#1 up, feed & water cats, make dd#1 lunch, pour & warm sippies, & shower, by then it's 6:30, I throw on a robe, and wake up babies. DD#1 is 15yo so, I shouldn't have to wake her OR hubby, but neither is a morning person. :lol:

    Anyway, thanks for the info on your morning and the advice.
    Guess I'm lamenting the change from babies to tots!
  4. BellaRissa

    BellaRissa Well-Known Member

    My girls will not eat until they have been up an hour or so. In addition to the milk, I would give them a high fiber fruit, like fresh cubed peaches, blueberries, strawberries, etc. I would offer wheat toast with a fruit spread on some days. I would go with 2% milk - they need more calories than 1% or fat free, but don't need all the fat in whole milk. As for the constipation - you can add Benefiber to their milk.

    As for the PT - are your children ready, or is the sitter doing it for her convenience? Most ust turned 2 year olds are not ready. Unless you feel your kids want to go on the potty - ask your sitter to wait until you tell her to start. Once PT starts, you both need to be consistent.

    It sounds like you are really organized & that your kids get a warm, loving start to the day!
  5. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    at 13 mos mine get a sippy (or bottle if I'm lazy) of milk at 6:30 and then eat at my mom's at 7:30 when we drop them DD won't eat right when she gets up and DS doesn't care one way or the other so they get milk first in the morning...

    I really need to make it more sippy than bottle but its easier to pour the bottle...
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