Mom at the center of twins' arguments

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by MusicalAli, Jul 14, 2007.

  1. MusicalAli

    MusicalAli Well-Known Member

    OK, so no one seems to be able to give me advice about this because I guess I don't know many other multiples' moms that have the problem and singleton parents obviously don't have the issue. So, I turn to you!

    THe boys are constantly fighting over me. It starts the very first thing in the morning with who I get out of the crib first and they both want me to carry them down the stairs at the same time. THen throughout the day it's over who gets to sit on my lap and they refuse to share. I have been simply removing myself from the situation and letting neither of them sit on my lap but that's not working.

    Any advice?
  2. ruthjulia

    ruthjulia Well-Known Member

    i can't really give you advice - just sympathy. mine are willing to share - but whenever one wants me, the other seems to need to join in, even if they were fine before - but they are ok with me having both on my lap (we do this a LOT), etc.
  3. Egriffin

    Egriffin Well-Known Member

    HI Allison,
    I have the same issue on a daily basis. I don't have a magical solution, but I just try to be conscious of who gets pulled out of the crib first, who gets put into the car first, who gets their snack first, etc. in hopes that they will begin to understand taking turns with me.
    It can be torturous at times, and i often feel sorry for the one whose turn it isn't- but I haven't found any other solutions....

    They occasionally try to push the other one off of my lap, and again, i just try to reinforce "it's casey's turn on mommy's lap" and then i'm sure to announce 'Now it's nick's turn on mommy's lap....

    Good truly is something that a mom of a singleton cannot begin to understand!!

    QUOTE(MusicalAli @ Jul 15 2007, 12:02 AM) [snapback]331052[/snapback]
    OK, so no one seems to be able to give me advice about this because I guess I don't know many other multiples' moms that have the problem and singleton parents obviously don't have the issue. So, I turn to you!

    THe boys are constantly fighting over me. It starts the very first thing in the morning with who I get out of the crib first and they both want me to carry them down the stairs at the same time. THen throughout the day it's over who gets to sit on my lap and they refuse to share. I have been simply removing myself from the situation and letting neither of them sit on my lap but that's not working.

    Any advice?
  4. micheleinohio

    micheleinohio Well-Known Member

    This worked for awhile and then they started teasing each other but maybe some variation of it would work.
    We had Michael days and Matthew days. When it was a Michael day he got to go first and when it was Matthew day he got to go first. However, like I said it worked great for awhile and then they started taunting each other and saying it's MY day. So if you decide to try it make sure you don't over personalize it. Just say it's so and so's turn to go first today and tomorrow it will be your turn to go first. Good luck!!!! Mine have always been mommy's boys and they still haven't entirely given up the fight over mommy.
  5. mich17

    mich17 Well-Known Member

    When they were smaller I told them I had 2 laps (legs). One for each boy. That worked great then. Now they fight over who gets to brush their teeth first or who gets dressed first.
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