Molars and Teething

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by shelbaz, Nov 2, 2010.

  1. shelbaz

    shelbaz Well-Known Member

    My twins turned 1 on October 15. For the last 2 weeks or so, my son is doing heavy drooling, very irritable, not eating a ton. I can't see any teeth coming in, and he already has the front 8 teeth. Is a molar next? Isn't it a little early? Are molars more painful than the front teeth?

    Just wondering if this is what is causing his pain/irritability. He has been checked, no ear infections or others to speak of. It is wild how upset he is...
  2. slugrad1998

    slugrad1998 Well-Known Member

    The molars are usually the next ones to come in. Some kids get them later, but my DS started getting them right about a year. He was unique in that he got his canines at the same time so he was cutting 8 at once. DD was a little later, got her molars between 13 and 14 months, and now at 16 months is slowly getting her canines.

    It definitely sounds like your DS is teething! Mine didn't act like it was more painful, but they drooled more with their molars than any other teeth and we had a lot of chewing and biting. They also take longer to come through because they have 4 points. DS did get picky with foods and we did a lot of yogurt and applesauce. We also did motrin before nap and before bed.

    Good luck! I hope they start coming through quickly!
  3. ChaoticMum

    ChaoticMum Well-Known Member

    Mine all ranged from 11mths up to 17mths for those molars. The duo are both cutting all 4 of theirs right now at 14mths. The drool is insane around here. That and irritability at bedtime seems to be the only signs thankfully.

    I freeze wash cloths and give them those to suck on - just enough cold to help and not too messy. Plus washable and reusable!
  4. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    My guys found the first molars to be really painful. :( They have been the worst teeth so far, and we had a lot of crying, whining, chewing, spitting, biting (of hands, loveys, stuffed animals, etc.), plus generally acting like a$$es.

    My boys often feel better with some ibuprofen (especially at night), and I have been known to dole out the occasional popsicle when it gets really bad. ;)

    I hope he cuts those teeth soon!
  5. MarchI

    MarchI Well-Known Member

    Mine have been getting molars for the last 3 months. We have 7 of 8 in. Jacob has one more. Henry's popped with him being fussy the day before. Jacob is a little more dramatic and you might think we beat him from the crying and screaming jags he goes on. I had never before thought a kid could be in that much pain from a tooth. The good news is, it makes the eye teeth a piece of cake.
  6. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    My youngest is getting his last (of the first set) molar and it's been AWFUL! The twins got 2 at a time and they were fussy but E has gotten them one at a time and each one has been a nightmare! He was up for 3 hours screaming last night because of it. So yes the molars have been much harder on my kids then the other teeth. I think because it takes so long for them to come in and they are so much bigger then the others.
  7. Rollergiraffe

    Rollergiraffe Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    The molars just about put us all in the mental institution here. I have never heard kids scream like that! Hopefully it's a quick process.. for us it was about a week or so of heavy teething and once they had poked through a bit they felt better. Eyeteeth are a piece of cake so far!
  8. MarchI

    MarchI Well-Known Member

    I am glad I am not alone with the molars. I remember them being bad for DS #1 but man, this is over the top craziness.
  9. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Molars were tough for my DS (and not so bad for my DD). I used a combo of ibuprofen and the Little Teethers Teething Tablets to help him out. The molars were definitely more painful then front teeth for DS...and he was not thrilled about front teeth.
  10. scrappycindy

    scrappycindy Well-Known Member

    My two started getting their molars around 14 months. I noticed irratability (their other teeth really didn't bother them that much it seemed) but we were also in the process of moving, so I wasn't sure if it was the teeth or all the unsettledness.
  11. irisflower

    irisflower Well-Known Member

    Could be molars. There are another set of molars later too.
    When they get alot of teeth the liquid teether toys can be punctured.
    We ended up getting "banana" toothbrushes at BRU. They are flexable & make
    it easier to teeth the back teeth.
  12. bbyboo1323

    bbyboo1323 Well-Known Member

    DS Just cut 2 molars at once 2 weeks ago. however he worked for a few weeks cutting those suckers!

    DD has no molars but you can see where her gums are really swollen so I am sure they will be very soon. However, she cut 1 canine last week. THese back teeth have been a ***** to cut. Their 1st 8 were smooth sailing but we are making up for it now!
  13. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I agree with everyone else, the molars were hell! Liam had a hard time cutting all of his teeth. He'd run a low grade temp, snotty nose, and lots and lots of crying/whining/fussing/sleeplessness. Rylee would be fussy one day, and wake up the next day with a new tooth! :laughing: Liam would be rotten for weeks before his teeth came in. It really varies from kid to kid, i don't remember teething being a big deal for my older kids. I always do motrin before nap and bedtime when they are teething so they can get some much needed rest.
  14. two41

    two41 Active Member

    I'm pretty sure one of my girls is going through the same thing right now. I am DYING to see some teeth pop through!!! On Monday and Tuesday, she ran a fever in the afternoons/evenings and was just listless. Didn't want to do ANYTHING. Not really whiny, though. She had some nightwaking, and we had to go in and soothe her a couple of times. Yesterday- no fever, but OMG!!!! What a whiny, cranky little girl!!! :( Sometimes she eats her solid food, sometimes she is refusing it all. Sometimes she is happy, sometimes when she "almost" falls after bumping into something it throws her into an inconsolable fit.

    aye aye teeth coming in has got to be one of the worst things I have experienced with raising a child yet. :(
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