Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by newtothis, Sep 5, 2010.

  1. newtothis

    newtothis Well-Known Member

    i just gave my LO motrin; 1 hour now he's been fighting to go to sleep. fingers on either side of his mouth and just CRYING, CRYING, CRYING. :(
    he doesn't have a fever anymore from the coxsackie which he was diagnosed with yesterday. he was MISERABLE today. didn't nap and pretty much spent 75% of the day just crying. the other 25% he was his regular-self.

    im not sure what else to do. nothing works short of sleeping on the couch with him but its only 800, lol.

    do you think this is just molar pain? hes getting them!
  2. Rollergiraffe

    Rollergiraffe Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Probably a combination of both things... already not feeling good and then molar pain. There was a day about 2 weeks ago when Austin had roseola and molar pain that he cried non-stop for hours and hours.. I contemplated taking him to the doctor because nothing was working, but then I gave him a popsicle and he was fine, so I knew it was just his teeth. Keep up with the motrin and tylenol and try to give him something cool to chew on.
  3. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    It could be molars, but it could also be the virus; when Nate had something similar last month he was in miserable pain for at least 2 days after his fever subsided. I kept alternating the ibubprofen and Tylenol as the ped suggested, and gave him lots of cool things to drink, which seemed to help. It's so awful when your LOs are in pain; you feel so helpless! :hug:

    Your little guy will probably feel a whole lot better in a day or two, so hang in there! :)
  4. desolation_anonymous

    desolation_anonymous Well-Known Member

    I'm not a doctor, but I don't think that's molar pain. At least in our experience the molar pain is bad but not constant. But, unfortunately this sounds very much like what our kids went through when they had a coxsackie virus. Think it's the coxsackie.

    Call the doctors office! There MIGHT BE something that you can do to ease the mouth pain for blisters for coxsackie. When ours had it they told us to mix children's benadryl with REGULAR maalox (don't remember the quantity of each) and dab it on the sores in their mouthswith a q-tip. It helped them be able to swallow. Seriously, call them and ask if this is OK/can be used, and what to do if it is OK (but of course call/check 1st to make sure it is safe, OK, and if so what quantities).

    Another thing you can try, is ask the doctor if you can alternate motrin/tylenol for the pain every 3-4 hours. It might help take the edge off. But this isn't normally safe so check with a Dr. if you can.

    Ours were MISERABLE when they had a version of this. Even our twin that didn't have visual blisters in his mouth- miserable. Crying almost non-stop all day and night. Not sleeping unless being held. For both of them their mouths were EXTREMELY sore 3-4 days. We had to force syringe fluids into them for TWO DAYS EACH so they didn't have to go to the hospital for fluids (they were under a year old). The only thing that helped them was the concoction they told us about (benadryl/malox which we only found out about when the 1st twin was over his!). This virus is also what got them off of their pacifiers- their mouths hurt so bad when they tried to use them that they refused to try usign them again,.

    For fluids- try straw sippie cups. This is the only way we got fluids into them the next time they had awful sore throats. For some reason it hurt less for them than regular sippies or bottles.

    Good luck! Sorry your family is going through this, it sucks!
  5. newtothis

    newtothis Well-Known Member

    ty for the reply. they went to the babysitters today :( she said they slept fine. they actually slept last night. i didnt even want to say it last night because i thought i would jinx it!! i did motrin before bed; i feel VERY guilty giving them motrin every night...i feel like im drugging them to go to sleep.
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