Modified Bedrest?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by Adrienne4, Dec 4, 2009.

  1. Adrienne4

    Adrienne4 Member

    HI ladies. I am starting to freak out. I just went to the doctor yesterday for my 28week u/s. They checked the babies' growth, fluid and my cervix. Growth looked good- they are about 3lbs each. My fluid is questionable with either A or B having more than average fluid at any given visit. The doctor wasn't too concerned but was concerned with my cervix shortening. It was at 3 last month and it's now at 2. She immediately put me on a monitor to check for contractions and thankfully there weren't any. She wants to see me back next week and advised that I drink tons of water and get off my feet as much as possible (which is a challenge with 2 other children). I am looking into getting help ASAP. Please tell me if anyone has had this happen and was there a "happy ending"??? I don't know if it's realistic for my cervix to lengthen or stay stable-? Thanks in advance for sharing your experience.
  2. Goose

    Goose Member

    I don't know how much help I will be. I measured at over a 3.5 at my 20 week visit. At my 24 week visit my cervix shortened to a 2.7. The doctor put me on modified bedrest and I had to go back for a cervix check 5 days later. I too have little ones at home ages 6,4 and 2. It scared the daylights out of me and really bedrest was almost impossible. Thankgoodness it was over a weekend and my husband was home. I spent most of my days resting and staying off my feet. I got up every once on awhile to check on everyone. At my next check there was still no change and I was still at a 2.7 . I am now 32 weeks and still in between a 2.7 and 2.5. I have nit been on bedrest since that 24 week episode however I do try to lay down for an hour or so when my kids nap. It is hard carrying twins and raising small kids at the same time. As a mom our instinct are to jump at every cry of our kids and for me, I really haven't slowed down like I should. The closer I get to delivery, the harder it is getting. Just this past week I've had to admit that supermom needs little time off.
    I would suggest listening closely to your doctors and try as much as possible to get off your feet. As moms we can do amazing things and I think if you just do away with any heavy lifting and get off you feet when you can, it may help. Little suggestions would be read your children books in bed or when or if you have to grocery shop, take advantage of the motorized carts. My son just loves riding around walmart on my lap. As a momi feel I still have dinner responsibilities. I make sure I cook dinner every night, but when my husband gets home from work, we eat and I am off for the night. Him and the kids are clean up duty and bedtime duty. Everybit helps, and it will make a difference. Just don't panic. Relax and enjoy the break if you can. My doctor told me this past week that she isn't going to check my cervix anymore. After 34 weeks she in not concerned about how short it is. Good luck to you and congrats on your twin are doing a great job
  3. becky5

    becky5 Guest


    At 26ish weeks, I measured 5, and 2 weeks later I was measuring 2.5 with funneling. It is scary! I was having BH contractions, but had been since 12 weeks or so. My peri put me on modified, which I did not feel was enough for such a huge change. I put myself on strict bedrest for the duration. I delivered at 37 weeks, due to pre-e, after 9 weeks of strict bedrest. I only got up to use the bathroom, and take a quick shower everyday.

    It certainly can happen. After just a week on strict bedrest, I was measured again, and went from 2.5 to 4.5, and had no funneling.

    Rest and hydrate. :hug:
  4. Zevy

    Zevy Active Member

    Very frightening, I know. I was found to have a short cervix at 13 weeks, and put on bed rest at 20. My cervix was 0.5. I too have other children, which made it very very difficult.

    I am now at 30 weeks, completely 100% effaced and dilated to 1-2. Still on bed rest, still kicking. :) Do your best to listen to your docs and stay off your feet.

    can you get help with your children? Can your husband take over the majority of the care? I spend all my time either in bed or on the couch. I get up only for the bathroom, shower, or make a 2 min snack. Next time you see your doc, have him outline exactly what you should/should not be doing.

    Good luck
  5. Surrodoula

    Surrodoula Well-Known Member

    My cervix was only 4 mm long and 1 cm dilated at 28 weeks, then 4mm long and 4 cms dilated at 33 weeks. I went on strict bedrest with bathroom privileges only (at 28 weeks), until 35 weeks, when I went on modified bedrest. I ended up delivering at 35 weeks, 4 days, which, all things considered, I thought was pretty fantastic!
  6. Adrienne4

    Adrienne4 Member

    Thank you so much for your responses- it really helps ease my mind and enforces the need to adhere to the bedrest. I agree, I will need specific guidelines from my doctor when I see him this week. For now, I am trying to get my sitter to start on Monday and be here almost every day, all day. I will definitely keep you posted.

  7. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    It's very possible to have a happy ending- I'm watching my 2 play on a mat born healthy at 37 w 5 days right now :hug: .

    I was at 4cm the whole time... right up until 30 weeks or so. I went down to 2. They gave me the shots, DIDN'T tell me to take it easy or do bedrest, (my docs didn't believe it in unless they sent you in to the hospital). I got as low as 1.7cm. At that point, I was taking calcium & magnesium supplements to ward off contractions (& they did work for me!), changed my schedule to work from home & decided to try to lay down or rest for 2 or 2.5 hr stretches of time.

    Those babies stayed in until 5 days after I gave them my personal eviction notice & were born a reasonable 6lbs2oz & 5lbs7oz. :youcandoit: My cervix never got any shorter- in fact, it hit 1.8 at some measurements.

    I really encourage you to rest as much as possible- (put those other kids to WORK, :laughing: ), obviously drink as much water as you can stand (I did a gallon a day, bare minimum); & read the "When You're Expecting Twins, Triplets or Quads" by Dr. Barbara Luke. I stumbled across it but found it to be the best pregnancy book out there for twins. She has scientifically analyzed how to keep babies in/grow 'em bigger.

    Good luck & don't fear- you can do it. It's just super hard. We're always here, though. :good:
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