Modified Bed Rest

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by melthoreson, May 17, 2009.

  1. melthoreson

    melthoreson Well-Known Member

    Hello All- I was put on modified bed rest last week because of a positive Ffn test...I also have a history of pre-e so I think they are just being cautious...My bp has remained healthy so far... thank goodness!

    While I am VERY relieved to be on "modified" bed rest, I have discovered that there is a WIDE definition of "modified!" Everyone has an opinion! It's really hard with a 3 year old, too... I have most of my day covered with help, but the in-between times can be a challenge... I can't believe how much TV I am letting him watch... Ugh!

    Anyone else have a definition of "modified" best rest to share?......
  2. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Bedrest with a child at home is hard. :hug: I had to do it with my 5 year old and while she was independent it was still hard, since she needed to get ready for preschool. I was able to use the bathroom and shower every few days. I was also told (which looking back now this really surprises me) I could go up/down the stairs one time each day. Most days I did not though.

    Don't feel bad about letting your DS watch TV right now, it's okay considering what is going on right now. :hug:
  3. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(summerfun @ May 17 2009, 01:01 PM) [snapback]1317082[/snapback]
    Don't feel bad about letting your DS watch TV right now, it's okay considering what is going on right now. :hug:

    I agree with Amy. :good: Don't beat yourself up about the TV time, it's just for a short amount of time. :hug: :hug:
  4. stephi5882

    stephi5882 Member

    I could have written almost word for word your post. I'm on modified bedrest with a son that will be 3 in August. I think we have watched just about every disney movie ever made too. :lol:
    For extra ideas to do, we have been playing with playdo, coloring, learning new songs and our project this week is to make a home made Father's card for daddy, since I can't go to the store to get one. All projects have been on the couch though.

    My doctor's definition of modified bedrest was that I could go from the bed to the couch during the day, I can take a shower and use the bathroom, but he doesn't want be doing a lot of chores though. Which is VERY difficult with a two year old when daddy isn't home.

    When it's just me and my son, we eat a lot of cold cereal or yogurt for breakfast and easy lunches like PB&J and fruit. Besides that, I usually only get off the couch to help with going potty or something. Daddy makes the nice meals for dinner and luckily my sister and mom come by a lot to help.
  5. fromthecabbagepatch

    fromthecabbagepatch Well-Known Member

    I'm doing as much as possible from the couch. I only get up when I need to get something for my daughter (she'll be 2 next month) or need to put her down for a nap or something. She brings her toys out into the living room and plays near me for the most part. Sometimes she'll disappear into her room and watch her PBS in the mornings. I know about feeling like you are letting them watch too much! But since I can't entertain her like I'd like..... and it is educational (mostly).

    I make hubby push me in a wheelchair at the i can still get out of the house. Modified to me is as long as I'm's okay. So no standing for long periods of time...which is uncomfortable anyway.
  6. E&Msmom

    E&Msmom Well-Known Member

    When I was on bedrest I could:

    shower 1x a day
    be on the couch or bed so long as I was in a semi reclined position
    get up to make myself a sandwhich
    Attend doctors appointments

    that was it
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