Modified Bed Rest and participating

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by twinzonboard, Jun 27, 2011.

  1. twinzonboard

    twinzonboard Member

    Today is my first day of modified bed rest and my first day after being taken off of work....and typically on Monday night's we go to my husband's brother's softball games. He thinks that I should go and it shouldn't be a big deal/problem. I disagree. Any thoughts?
  2. twinzonboard

    twinzonboard Member

    Today is my first day of modified bed rest and my first day after being taken off of work....and typically on Monday night's we go to my husband's brother's softball games. He thinks that I should go and it shouldn't be a big deal/problem. I disagree. Any thoughts?
  3. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I would ask your doc what their thoughts are. I was on modified bedrest from 27 weeks till the girls were born at 34w1d. There were a couple of things I wanted to do that I just ran by my doc first (my sister's wedding, going to see a couple of movies, buying cribs, etc). Her general rule of thumb was it was okay to do those sorts of things but I should stay off my feet as much as possible and no more than one thing a week. And I just took extra care to listen to my body & not over do anything.
  4. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    I would not go. There are enough things you HAVE to do or really WANT to do -- don't expend your energy on things that aren't important. (Unless the softball game is the social highlight of your week, in which case, by all means go if you are feeling up to it.)

    For me, "modified bed rest" meant that I was supposed to be sitting/lying down the vast majority of the time. I was allowed to go make myself a sandwich, heat up something in microwave, shower, get a new book/DVD/CD, and go to the bathroom, but that was about it.

    Think about how much walking might be involved (from the parking lot to the field, etc.) and how comfortable you are sitting upright for long periods of time. Both of those things would have made my back ache like crazy and given me contractions after about 29 weeks (I don't know how far along you are).

    My husband was the opposite -- he would often not let me do things I thought should be fine. It made me crazy, but I'm grateful that he was worried on our behalf.
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  5. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Can you lay down? Is it close? I might go IF I knew I could be very comfortable and resting. I wouldn't do it if it's hours on an uncomfortable bench in the sun.

    Also, what instructions did you doc give you? I would follow doctor's orders.

    Finally, how supportive is your DH to your bedrest? Does he 'get it' or is his struggling with the fact that you will not be able to do certain things? This is only important to me if it's a pattern of disregard- if he wasn't on board I'd stay home and rest. You may need to make it clear that this isn't about everybody else, it's about the health of your kids.

  6. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    I was put on modified bed rest at 28 weeks with my twins and my dr did not want me to leave the house at all except for to go to dr appointments. But we had issues with growth and fluid levels. I guess it would depend on why your dr wanted you to rest. You are 35 weeks and 4 days now right? Did your dr pull you out of work and just tell you to rest since you are so close?or did he pull you out of work and tell you he wanted you on modified bed rest? If your dr used the words I want you on bed rest, modified or no, then I would not go.
  7. Nancy C

    Nancy C Well-Known Member

    For me it would depend on why the modified bedrest?
    I would probably decide to be safe and hang at home - looks like you are around 36 weeks?

    Good luck!
  8. twinzonboard

    twinzonboard Member

    My bed rest is due to severe edema. My doc wants my feet up as much as possible. The babies are growing fine and all is well in the womb. I did end up going. We drove over and the walk was minimal. Jason's dad brought a special lounge chair that allowed me to lay down and have my feet up. I did call my doctor and they said as long as you are sitting in a nice chair with your feet up you can go. She said no bleachers. We were gone for an hour and 20 and I was back on the couch. I doubt we will be doing it again. I think that my husband is going stir crazy....stuck at work all day and the thought of being stuck at home all night is making him a little nutso. I told him we could discuss things more with the doctor on Wednesday when we see her. Maybe hearing it from her will help him understand. Thanks for all of the advice everyone! Now...back to the couch with me!
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