Mobility -- a mixed blessing!

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by Becca34, Jan 26, 2008.

  1. Becca34

    Becca34 Well-Known Member

    So I was doing bath/bedtime alone tonight, as DH was in bed with a stomach bug. And I felt for him, because I had the same thing two days ago.

    Left Karina on a blanket on the floor while I bathed Kevan -- no problem, as she doesn't do much more than turn in circles yet. Got Kevan dressed, and put him in the bouncy (actually the infant-to-toddler rocker, which is supposed to last until, what, 40 pounds?).

    Put Karina on the changing table to change and dress her (we alternate their bath nights), and look around to find Kevan flipping OUT of the bouncy onto the carpet. Yell, NO NO Kevan! Right, like that's effective with a 7-month old....meantime, I have an open diaper full of poop in my hands, and even though Karina doesn't roll much, I can't leave her on the changing table and walk away.

    Still, managed to strap her in, catch Kevan, and put him on the floor. Go back to the diaper change. Look around again two seconds later, and don't see him anywhere...turns out he's under Karina's crib.

    Great, that's where the cats like to sit, so now he's all hairy....I finish changing Karina, put her in her bouncy, and retrieve Kevan, who has discovered the wire to the space heater plugged in behind the crib...change him into a fresh, cat-hair-free onesie, and put him back in the bouncy.

    Feed them both. Karina only takes a couple ounces because she has to poop. Again. Apparently the diaper I just changed was just a preview. Kevan, thankfully, drowsily drinks most of his bottle....and pretty much falls asleep.

    So, I go to change Karina, and look around again to discover that Kevan is flipping out of his bouncy AGAIN -- dude, wasn't he just asleep? So, we repeat the whole scenario -- this time, he decides to check out the bathroom, and manages to soak his onesie, because the bathroom floor is wet from all the frantic splashing he does in the bath.

    I finish with Karina, and try to feed her the rest of the bottle, only stopping to retrieve Kevan a half dozen times. When she's done, I change him into yet another onesie.....and then, he decides to poop himself, so I wait around for that, and then change his diaper.

    It's now 9:42pm, and I started this process at about 8:30pm. And let me tell you, my older DD was no picnic to put to bed before this....

    Anyway! The crazy thing is, Kevan isn't even crawling yet -- he's close, up on all fours and rocking -- but he does this super-fast roll/scoot that gets him where he needs to go. We went through this with Nadia (much earlier, actually), but she was just one baby -- HOW do you do this with twins? And what the heck will I do when Karina is mobile, too?

    Oy. Good thing I can't get frustrated at them when they smile at me, LOL. Here is a pic from this morning:

    Where's our food, mom?
  2. fuchsiagroan

    fuchsiagroan Well-Known Member

    Wow, what a zoo! You must be exhausted! But you still write a very funny story of it all. :lol: I hope your DH gets over the stomach bug soon.

    I actually love it that mine can crawl now. As long as I blockade things like the cat dishes and the bookcases, it's great - they can keep themselves happy/entertained SO much better now, and there's no more of the *whimper whimper screech* "Hey mommy, my toy is 4 inches away and I can't reach it, WAAHH!"

    Love the pic! Such cute smiles, and those chubby cheeks are irresistible.
  3. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    Awww! What cuties!

    And too remember the days when I could lay one down and bathe her sister and then switch... or put them in a bouncy without them houdini-ing out of it. Now I use their cribs or pnps to confine them during diaper changing and bath time.
  4. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    I was laughing remembering those days. It seems you need to have arms and eyes everywhere at all times. You get used to it though. They are just SOOO cute, thanks for sharing that picture!!
  5. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    They are SO adorable Becca! :wub:
  6. nepolm

    nepolm Well-Known Member

    Great pic!

    It sounds like they'll be keeping you busy in the months to come!
  7. ahmerl

    ahmerl Well-Known Member

    They are sooo cute! I loved your story - thanks for sharing :)

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