mmr vaccine question

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by newtothis, Nov 2, 2010.

  1. newtothis

    newtothis Well-Known Member

    not sure if this is the place to post this but this is where i do most of my posting!! :laughing:
    as many of you know (lol) my one son has low muscle tone. he is exiting out of PT and she said she has concerns about his speech. his bottom lip hangs and he doesn't say too much but understands it. (i guess receptive language is 'ok' but expressive is not???) his mouth muscles (i.e. neck) are also a little low in tone.

    we haven't done ANY live vaccines yet but everything else is up to date.
    she said to delay the mmr vaccine due to his possibility of having a speech delay.

    why would she say that? we were planning on delaying the vaccine but i wasn't sure 'why' to delay it bc of his possible speech delay.
  2. MarchI

    MarchI Well-Known Member

    I am going to be frank. Your PT is attempting to diagnose your child with autism like symptoms (low muscle tone, delayed speech etc) and she is suggesting you delay the mmr because some people feel it causes autism. I would talk to your pediatrician and get a medical opinion about your son's overall health. I would also question your PT about why she is suggesting what she is suggesting. My sons both have limited expressive language but are great with receptive. I didn't delay mmr but I delayed chicken pox because I didn't want both at once. Both have progressed language wise since having the mrr, it did not delay their speech. I would honestly talk to your doctor about this and tell him/her what your pt is suggesting and see what the doctor says.
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  3. newtothis

    newtothis Well-Known Member

    ok, ty....being 'frank' isn't a bad thing. :)
    i just wasn't sure why and she moved onto something else with him right after she said it.
  4. Rollergiraffe

    Rollergiraffe Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    ITA with the previous poster. And the study that linked the MMR vaccine and autism was recently retracted in the medical journal it was published in. If your PT doesn't know this, I would really question her expertise and I would find someone else. If she really feels that autism is a concern she should be recommending an evaluation rather than hinting around it and making you guess and worry.. she really doesn't sound very professional and she really doesn't sound like she knows what she's talking about.
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  5. newtothis

    newtothis Well-Known Member

    his last day of PT is this week. he no longer qualifies. the new pt has been great but i wasn't sure what she meant with her delay the mmr statement...
  6. carlylafont

    carlylafont Well-Known Member

    My girls have had all of their shots, but the mmr shot. I am waiting until it is the only shot they get and they are really healthy so their ammuine system can do what it needs to. I know the study of autism was retracted by md's, but the thought of possibly dealing with autism scares me to no end. Please do not take offense to this, just know that I am showing my weakness and fear here. When the girls were 3 months old (now 19 months), one of them had a hard time recoverying from the series of shots, and that is why I am hesitant. HOWEVER, they are both advanced for their age and show no signs of anything out of the ordinary. So it is really, my fear and nothing really factual to base it on other than gut of doing what I think is best. I think what is best is to wait until their ammunine (yeah- can't spell) system to be up to speed and healthy before giving them three shots in one.
  7. ainsleyr

    ainsleyr Well-Known Member

    BECAUSE SHE IS AN IDIOT. :grr: :headbang: Sorry. As you know, I am a PT. I am married to a geneticist. I have 2 nephews with autism. I totally understand people being nervous about the MMR vaccine, and I will never, ever condemn or pass judgement on a parent and the choices they make in this decision. But for a health care professional to say something this asinine drives me crazy. It is just not science, and as a health care professional she needs to stick to her own area of expertise. And speech and language therapy is, quite obviously, not it. If she is so concerned about your son, then she needs to refer you for a SLT assessment and keep her ignorant, unprofessional mouth shut about topics that she knows nothing about. :grr:

    Phew. Did y'all get the impression that this chick is p*ssing me off? :FIFblush:

    Seriously, you need to speak to her supervisor. This chick is out of control.
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  8. newtothis

    newtothis Well-Known Member

    thank you for your responses, no matter how 'harsh' they seem.
    :) i spoke to a speech teacher today i am friends with and she told me about some vibrating 'nuk' brushes to try. :) i will try that first, lol.
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