MMR vaccine or something else?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by mommycandi, Mar 31, 2008.

  1. mommycandi

    mommycandi Well-Known Member

    The babies had their MMR shot last Friday, so that would make it 10 days today. I know that reactions to the shot usually happen 7-10 days after. Well, my dd has been horrible today! She wouldn't nap and has been very irritable/cranky. She seemed a little warm this evening, but i didn't take her temp (i know, bad, but it was a long day). She has a nickel sized red spot on her arm where the shot was given. Tonight, i put her to bed at 7 and she went down fine, but she has already been up twice crying for about 4-5 minutes each time (its only 9:45 now). So, the little leaflet i got says symptoms of fever up to 103, mild rash, and joint discomfort are all normal. How the heck do i know if she has joint discomfort??? Maybe thats why she is so cranky? Ds seems okay although he was extremely tired and cranky yesterday, even with two long naps he went to bed early, and he has a quarter sized spot on his arm. So, i gave them both motrim before i put them to bed tonight so they would sleep better. Apparently not working for dd! If this is just a reaction to the vaccine, how long does it last? Just wondering so i know if i should call the pedi or not if it continues.
  2. Chillers

    Chillers Well-Known Member

    The girls got their shots last Friday as well and have kind of been 'off' the past couple of days and have rashes on their legs around the injection site also. Extra sleepy, but fussy around here too. And not necessarily eating as well either.

    Poor Searra also has a rash all over her belly and some spots on her face too. I'm just waiting for Ellie to break out in the same thing. Luckily the rash doesn't seem to be bothering her, and didn't get worse through the course of the day but I called the pedi today just to see if I should expect it to get worse before it gets better (we played phone tag all day, so I don't have an answer as of yet).

    It's probably the vaccine but you may want to give your pedi a call anyway, just to see if they have any other suggestions for you. Hope your guys feel better soon!
  3. mommycandi

    mommycandi Well-Known Member

    So i recently posted about my DD getting her MMR vaccine last Friday (the 21st). On Monday and Tuesday of last week, she refused naps and had several episodes of waking up at night through the week. By Friday, she seemed okay. And on sunday, she actually took a 2 1/2 hour nap. So i figured whatever was bothering her, she was over it. Well, yesterday, again, no naps and horrible sleeping last night. Today, she actually cries as i am taing her to her room and again, no nap. She cried at first but got quiet for about 20 minutes, i am assuming she slept, but then started crying again. I went in to get her after about 10 minutes of crying (she was just sitting in her crib looking pitiful). Held her for about 1/2 hour, tried to put her back in her crib, but screaming now. It has been that way for about 15 minutes. This is a girl who usually sleeps 1 1/2 hr in the morning and at least another 2 in the afternoon. She is exhausted! I took her temp and no fever. I did give her tylenol in case she has pain but nothing seems to help. should I go get her??? I just don't know if she is going through a phase, if something is really bothering her, if it was the shot (would have been 10 days yesterday), if shes just testing me.... Ugh! what do i do? I don't want her to think mommy comes running when she cries, we've been through that. She had been doing so well. I just don't know what to do. she is exhausted, i am not getting a break, and i am tired too.
    WWYD? I let her cry for an hour yesterday. She didn't stop and i finally went to get her. should i keep letting her cry and see if she eventually goes back to her old routine?
  4. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Lila had a horrible reaction to her first MMR & she was super cranky & just seemed out of sorts for about a week (it started about 10 days after the shot). She also had the rash, a fever, & huge lumps behind her ears where her glands were swollen from the mumps portion of the shot. Does Tylenol or Motrin seem to help her? If so, maybe she is a bit achy from the shot.
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