MMR shot

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by kdanielleflowers, Oct 5, 2009.

  1. kdanielleflowers

    kdanielleflowers Well-Known Member

    Our girls were 6 weeks early. We spoke to our pedi long ago about delaying their MMR shots. I believe the suggested time period is 12 to 15 months. Did any of you delay your LOs MMR shots and if so, when did you give them?
  2. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    It depends on the pedi I think. I've seen two, and they both do it at 15 months because, according to them, it lasts longer.
  3. lianyla

    lianyla Well-Known Member

    MMR is the only one I delayed. I got it for the boys when they were 18 months adjusted, 19 actual. Oh and I always vaccinated them on their adjusted age schedule.
  4. busymomof3

    busymomof3 Well-Known Member

    I am delaying our boys MMR till 18 months. My pedi didn't want them to get their MMR during the cold and flu season which is when they were scheduled to get it.
  5. E&Msmom

    E&Msmom Well-Known Member

    We delayed our MMR until 18 months as well.
    I didnt want them to have that with any other shots that way if they had a reaction I would know EXACTLY what it was from. Im glad we waited and gave it as a single shot not with any others.
  6. sruth

    sruth Well-Known Member

    My pedi suggested 12-15 months as that's when they loose their mothers passive immunity. Though I plan to wait a bit longer when they are bigger and as the pp mentioned after flu season. They are getting so many right now, for me I just want to slow it down to one a month.
  7. abrinka

    abrinka Well-Known Member

    My guys got MMR at 12 month. If it suggested at 12-15 month I don;t see reason not to get one.
  8. cjk2002

    cjk2002 Well-Known Member

    My boys are 21 months and still have not received it. I am going to wait until they turn 2 in January, most likely a little bit later due to flu season.

    My pedi said we have up to the age of 3 for them to get the first round but I won't wait that long.

    We have had a delayed vac schedule every since they were 2 months old.

    And when they do get it, it will be the only vaccine that day.

    It's a personal choice and you have to do what feels right to you.
  9. christie76

    christie76 Well-Known Member

    Why can't you give it during flu season? I have mine scheduled for Nov. 1st. They will be 17 months at the time. I asked at their 15-month if we could come back in between their 15 and 18 month appt. to get the MMR. My pedi said that was fine as long as it was at least 4 weeks before the next set of shots.
  10. cjk2002

    cjk2002 Well-Known Member

    You can but for me I want to make sure they are well enough for it. I don't want them getting sick after the shot and trying to figure out if it was a reaction to the shot or something else.
  11. jenniferkkelly

    jenniferkkelly Well-Known Member

    Mine are almost 17 months & still haven't gotten it. They were supposed to get it at 12 months, but were sick. I think we're going to get it at the 18 month appt.
  12. nylaney

    nylaney Member

    Mine got it at 12 months, which is on schedule. They were only 4 weeks early so we never adjusted their vaccination schedule. I wanted the shots done as soon as possible so I wouldn't have to worry about exposure. They had absolutely no side effects from the shot.
  13. melissak

    melissak Well-Known Member

    Mine are 23 months and we haven't gotten the MMR shot yet. We are waiting until 2.5yrs. We just saw the pedi today and she said there was no reason to get it now if we wanted to wait until 2.5yrs. We have also been doing delayed vaccination. We will be getting flu shots in the next month then chic pox vaccination 2 weeks later then MMR at 2.5 yrs.
  14. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    I wanted them to get the MMR by itself, and I thought that nothing else was due at 15 months... but then they got all of the normal 15 month shots... so I went back at 17 months and they just got it then. So far no reactions.
  15. Rach1137

    Rach1137 Well-Known Member

    My boys had it at their 12 month visit (which was actually at 13 months). We wanted to make sure they got it while they were healthy this summer. Since they go to a home based daycare they are with kids of all ages and I wanted to make sure they had it before the older kids went back to school and started bringing more germs back to daycare.
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