Missing It

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by lorileahb, May 31, 2009.

  1. lorileahb

    lorileahb Well-Known Member

    Okay, as much as these two babies are a blessing, I've really started missing it. What is "it" one may wonder? "It" is my normal body.

    Don't get me wrong, I have no delusions of wanting to be the same size I used to be - I simply miss my normal body including:
    1. Being able to turn over in bed without groaning.
    2. NOT having hemmorhoids or constipation. <_<
    3. Walking without tons of pressure/weight out front.
    4. Being anonymous when I go out in public (please, if I don't know you, please don't touch my belly!)
    5. Having my three-year old cuddle up in my lap and picking him up in general.
    6. Being able to go two consecutive hours or one full night without having to get up to go to the bathroom.
    7. Feeling "in the mood" (poor dh :D )
    8. Being nice (instead of snippy) most times.
    9. NOT being a crier (seriously, where have all these tears come from?)

    In a nutshell - I miss IT! Do you???????
  2. fromthecabbagepatch

    fromthecabbagepatch Well-Known Member

    I want to sleep on my belly so bad!!! & move without pain! or do anything without pain for that matter. Oh, and breath... that would be nice to be able to do that again!
  3. sparkle77

    sparkle77 Well-Known Member

    Ditto! I miss my body so much already that its crazy. I'm most definitely with you on the tears. My husband thinks I have lost my mind because I cry hysterically over everything these days and its really starting to freak him out. I was never a crier and now I cant stop.

    Ah well, so long as we're healthy and the babies are healthy, right? I still cant believe I have over 4 months to go. Seems like a lifetime away.
  4. lalalauren86

    lalalauren86 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(lorileahb @ May 31 2009, 11:05 AM) [snapback]1334960[/snapback]
    Okay, as much as these two babies are a blessing, I've really started missing it. What is "it" one may wonder? "It" is my normal body.

    Don't get me wrong, I have no delusions of wanting to be the same size I used to be - I simply miss my normal body including:
    1. Being able to turn over in bed without groaning.
    2. NOT having hemmorhoids or constipation. <_<
    3. Walking without tons of pressure/weight out front.
    4. Being anonymous when I go out in public (please, if I don't know you, please don't touch my belly!) (AND PLEASE DON'T AS ME HOW I GOT PREGNANT)
    5. Having my three-year old cuddle up in my lap and picking him up in general.
    6. Being able to go two consecutive hours or one full night without having to get up to go to the bathroom.
    7. Feeling "in the mood" (poor dh :D ) SIGH I'M JUST TOO TIRED
    8. Being nice (instead of snippy) most times.
    9. NOT being a crier (seriously, where have all these tears come from?) I THINK MY BOOHOO SWITCH IS STUCK IN THE ON POSTION

    In a nutshell - I miss IT! Do you???????

    *SIGH* YES
  5. ladybug101ca

    ladybug101ca Member

    I totally agree!!!
    I'm glad it's not just me. The turning over in bed thing is the real kicker. I can't seem to find a comfortable spot and turning over feels like it takes 20 minutes!! I sometimes forget about the belly when I go to reach for something while I am sitting on the couch and my fiance finds it hysterical (of course he passes it to me). Stairs...that's another thing. It takes what seems like forever to get up them.
    The breathing part also gets me, especially when you have a huge yawn and have to stop half way bc you ran out of room. lol
    I keep telling myself though that as long as the babies are healthy it doesn't matter how much pain or how uncomfortable I am in.
    Hahaha...also does anyone else run out of room while eating??
    I went to a buffet and had to stop eating not because I was full but because I had no more room in my belly. It was so disappointed because I was still hungry!!!
    LOL the joys of having twins!!! :D
  6. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    :hug:'s You all are doing great and allowed to miss "it". :hug:
  7. rhc0607

    rhc0607 Well-Known Member

    I miss laying on the floor and being able to pop my back! Sometimes the back pain is so unbearable. Also being able to be motivated to go shopping or get out of the house for a few hours...not happening right now!
  8. lisachalf

    lisachalf Well-Known Member

    I miss picking up my 2 year old and my 3 year old and not having enough lap for them to sit. :( They try to sit on my belly like it's a booster seat. Not happening!
  9. lalalauren86

    lalalauren86 Well-Known Member

    I am going to add another I miss being able to shave "it" and actually be able to see what I'm doing. :blush:
  10. MarchI

    MarchI Well-Known Member

    I miss being able to pick things up from the floor. Every since these two have gone head down, butt out, I can barely bend. Oh and like a PP stated, when I do get down there, I miss being able to pop back up.
  11. beckman445

    beckman445 Well-Known Member

    My husband suggested someone should invent a mattress for pregnant women with a cut out for our stomachs :D I'm not a stomach sleeper at all, but as uncomfortable as I am, I would give anything to flip onto my stomach for a while at night.

    Oh, and how about trying to sit up at the table to eat your meal. I have to take a bite and then lean back to take the pressure off of my stomach. Oh the joys of two!!!!!

  12. mes_00

    mes_00 Well-Known Member

    Yes, yes, and yes I miss it. I have to agree with you!

    My hubby is finally learning that I'm going to break down for no apparent reason to him. He just holds me and waits it out.

    I am having an awful time getting up at night to make the dash for the potty. My body just will not sit upright! I still scoot around to swing legs off, but the tummy won't go upright.

    So far I can disguise the tummy, but not for much longer. Little kids are like magnets to my tummy.
    People that think they know me actually comment that I've gained alot of weight. Ugh! I don't even bother to explain. We just tell them that's what happens when you sit around all day and don't work.

    So darn good to know I'm not the only one! :hug: We'll make it somehow!
  13. jvanmourik

    jvanmourik Well-Known Member

    Here here! i miss being able to see my feet, or anything below my belly for that matter. I miss being able to get around and do normal tasks around the house, to walk my kids to school and bend forward when sitting down. I havent been emotional but thanks to all the testosterone from these two boys i'm really snappy etc. There is definitely so much of IT that i miss!
  14. birdsong00

    birdsong00 Well-Known Member

    Oh ladies LOL let me tell you I almost cried just reading this post
    I miss being able to do things for myself!!!
    Going for a walks
    Sleeping on my back
    good night sleep
    waking up and not throwing up
    I had a break down Saturday. My husband went to a going away party and I was home most of the day by myself
    I felt like I was confined to the couch since I get winded getting up and moving around. I was crying hysterically by the time he got home......I'm 21 weeks THIS is going to be an advanture
  15. lorinboyett

    lorinboyett Well-Known Member

    DITTO to everything everyone has said plus I miss being able to go shopping without having to find a chair to sit down in every 15 minutes because I feel like my whole midsection is going to explode and my back is going to break if I dont!!
  16. tamaras

    tamaras Well-Known Member

    As Liz said ~ you are all doing GREAT!!
    Totally fair to miss all of those things!
    Hang in there ladies!! :good:
  17. lalalauren86

    lalalauren86 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(lorin @ Jun 1 2009, 11:08 AM) [snapback]1336295[/snapback]
    DITTO to everything everyone has said plus I miss being able to go shopping without having to find a chair to sit down in every 15 minutes because I feel like my whole midsection is going to explode and my back is going to break if I dont!!

    YEEEEEEEEEEEES! We used to shop like mad women, now I have to sit at every available spot , then pee at every available bathroom. FIL has taken to calling me the bathroom inspector!
  18. RG215

    RG215 Well-Known Member

    Good post!! I couldn't agree more...I miss feeling useless in general! I miss being able to play with my son and shave my legs without missing huge spots.

    I also agree about eating, I run out of room after a few bites. But then I stand up and 10 minutes later I'm hungry again.

    I miss being able to exercise and roll over without it being a huge production.

    I could go on, but instead I'll just go ahead and count my blessings and just hope for 2 beautiful healthy babies!!
  19. akerean

    akerean Member

    Oh you don't know how much I needed this thread!!!! I feel so guilty having these thoughts sometimes, because I know I'm very blessed to be carrying these babies... but I feel like my body has been highjacked and I'm only 21w, 5d.

    My DH and I went and watched the Pixar movie Up last night. I'm not a crier normally, and this animated film had me sobbing and shaking as tears dripped off my cheeks. My husband put his arm around me, but he was shaking too - with laughter. (BTW, it was a great movie.) Who is this crazy, chubby person?

    Additional things I miss:

    - cuddling with my hubby on the couch
    - not thinking the worst about every little twinge, ache, bump, etc. I feel in my body
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