Miserable...need words of encouragement

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by jleon, Nov 18, 2009.

  1. jleon

    jleon Active Member

    I am sooo miserable :( I have so many aches and pains. I was put on bed rest a week and a half ago for pre-e and it's so hard. My c-section is scheduled for 12/5 and it seems so far away. I need words of encouragement to get through these last weeks.
    How did you ladies do it that made it to 38 weeks? I need advice.

  2. MrsWright

    MrsWright Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I'm sorry:( I didn't make it to 38wks but I did do 6wks of bedrest and I know its hard! I always just kept reminding myself why I was sitting on the couch all day (the health of my babies), that I could not possibly stay pregnant forever and that anything could happen during delivery and that it might be the only time I got to be pregnant so I should enjoy every second of it...on the couch or not.

    Good luck! My twins bday is 12/5 and I feel like its coming toooo fast;)
  3. watersurfers

    watersurfers Well-Known Member

    OMG....First, congrats on making it this far! Yay, that's so awesome! Having said that....it is also SO HARD! I delivered (actually was induced) at 38 weeks and 2 days. I was so miserable those last six weeks, seriously. Everything hurt, every single part of me. I was also really emotional! Kept crying, didn't want to be pregnant any more.... Honestly, being sleep deprived and postpartum is still easier than being pregnant with twins for me. So, what got me through? Well, my family's support, the knowledge that it would SOON be over, and a really great bowl of ice cream.
    A twin pregnancy is hard, no bones about it, but you CAN do this. You only have two weeks left!!! I know everything hurts, but try to keep upbeat, knowing your babies will be out safely soon and they will be healthy! These last two weeks will fly by and soon be a distant memory. Hang in there girl! Put your feet up, watch some good movies, make your family help with chores and anything else needed. RELAX. I wish you the best mama, good luck.
  4. Tamaralynn

    Tamaralynn Well-Known Member

    YOu can do it! I am 35 weeks and feel the same as you. Like the others said, the thought of 2 healthy babies is what keeps me going. I have been on bed rest since week 24. You are almost there. I know 2 weeks feels like an eternity at this point, I have 3 weeks if I get to 38 weeks, but you are almost done!
  5. genagoodrow

    genagoodrow Well-Known Member


    Distraction, Distraction, Distraction! Find a good book or TV show (not anything birth related) or video game. Something really absorbing and escapist. They are trashy, but I used to love Tammi Hoag mysteries. And focus positive thoughts on your growing little ones.

    You're doing a great job!
  6. jpgeyer

    jpgeyer Well-Known Member

    Congrats for making it this far! You've made it this long, 2 more weeks is nothing! Believe me, I should know...I'm on my 8th week of *hospital* bedrest!!! It is horrible and my c-section isn't even scheduled till Dec. 11...so you've got almost a week less than me!

    Remember, you could go into labor or your water could break at any time so you may not have to wait till 12/5. I would recommend trying to take one day at a time, don't think "oh, i have 2 more weeks," just try to think, "Okay, let me make it till tomorrow." Do you have friends who can come visit you? What about lots of magazines, books, surfing the internet (internet shopping?). Try to have a schedule too--read for 30min, go online for 30 min, watch a show for an hour. I know it's awful in every way...just imagine being stuck at the hospital on bedrest...really, really not fuN! But, on the flip side, I already have a child and i can tell you...you'll never have this much peace and quiet again...at least not for a LONG time!

    I broke down at 7 weeks (in the hospital) but now that I'm in my 8th week, i feel like i'm in the homestretch and now I'm actually thinking, "Hey, maybe I should enjoy this time to myself." I too am super uncomfortable and can't fathom how my belly could make it another 3 weeks, but maybe it won't! Just think what a great thing this is for your babies. You can do this!! Good luck!
  7. evemomma

    evemomma Well-Known Member

    Hang in there!!!

    I'm only 17 weeks with twins, but already did 5 weeks bedrest early on...that was different though. But, I did 12 1/2 weeks of bedrest fro 24-36 weeks with my singleton. I didn't have as much baby to carry as with twins, but my back was MESSED up by the end...it hurt all the time. ITA with giving yourself small milestones...I crossed off every day I made it longer with a BIG X on the calendar so I could see my accomplishment. The biggest life saver for me was using a heating pad on my back throughout the day...and using as many pillows as I could to make myself comfortable (I had to be on my side all the time).

    You're getting so close and have done such a great job. You can do this!!!!
  8. jleon

    jleon Active Member

    Thanks so much everyone for the advice and words of encouragement!!! Knowing what some of you are going through- like the weeks and weeks of hospital bedrest - really gave me much needed perspective :)
    I know, I know that I need to stop thinking about how much time I have left. I really needed to hear that.
    Tonight I'm going to be positive - no more tears, b/c that sure was not helping me.
    Thanks again ladies :)
  9. amymc72

    amymc72 Well-Known Member

    It's super hard at the point you're at, but December 5th will be here before you know it. I found that the last week was the easiest one of all - being able to say "my C-section is next Tuesday" vs. "I'm not due for three freaking more months" was so great. Hopefully you'll find the last week the same as I did - and you only have just over a week to get to the last week in your pregnancy status! You're almost there! You can do it!!
  10. Sofiesmom

    Sofiesmom Well-Known Member

    Been there, done that, and you can do it too! My last 3 weeks were the hardest ones ... but I took it easy, day by day and kept them cooking for their sake! They were born at 38w2d after a scheduled induction, close to 8lbs a piece ... a proud moment!

    Been there, done that, and you can do it too! My last 3 weeks were the hardest ones ... but I took it easy, day by day and kept them cooking for their sake! They were born at 38w2d after a scheduled induction, close to 8lbs a piece ... a proud moment!
  11. chellebelle

    chellebelle Well-Known Member

    You can do it!!! The last few weeks are so hard but it's worth it, hang in there momma!! I could barely walk at the end but it was so worth it!
  12. christy.fisher

    christy.fisher Well-Known Member

    You've made it so far!! I agree with others to just take it one day at a time. Don't worry about two weeks. Just get through today. Hopefully you'll make it that far but if not, every day you do it make is an accomplishment.

    I would love to be as far along as you are now! I hope I can make it that far. I have so much anxiety from this pregnancy. But I can't imagine how miserable you are at this stage. I'm getting pretty miserable measuring full-term now and your belly must be measuring so much larger!

    It will all be over soon.
  13. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    It's so hard. IMO- You're working harder now than you will be after they are born recovering & meeting the babies. I know I enjoyed my C-Section recovery more than my last month of pregnancy. I think it's pretty common to break down everyday, especially when they feel SO LONG. :headbang: I took up watching baseball- b/c it was on every day in the summer and something I could look forward to. I'm not sure which sport is available to you, but I'd suggest something like a sport that's televised; or 'movie time' every afternoon... definitely have others visit you, read the 1st year & breastfeeding forums (if you plan on breastfeeding)...

    Again, it's SO HARD. You NEVER have to repeat whatever day you are now completing. NEVER. It's gone & will not be back. :ibiggrin:

    This was my personal breaking point... pretty much where you're at now.

    Good luck & stay healthy!
  14. jleon

    jleon Active Member

    Thanks ladies for all your support!!! It has definately made me feel better to know that what I am going through is normaland that many of you are going throught the same thing. Today I tried not to think of the time I have left and I think it made a differnce for me.If only I could get my knees to stop hurting when I go from sitting to standing :)
  15. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    One day at a time. :hug: If I thought too hard about how many days I had left, I cried.

    I also happened to have a brand-new Diana Gabaldon novel (that's how I know how long it's been since the last one!) that I had to finish before the babies were born. ;) And I watched lots of movies. DH asked all his work colleagues to send over whatever DVDs they had that I might like.
  16. HorseyLover

    HorseyLover Well-Known Member

    Hang in there. I'm right there with you... I'm 35w4d pregnant and I am so uncomfortable. I'm still working - but at home. It's so hard to concentrate... but I think having something to do helps. So, I like the advice to give yourself a schedule, maybe that will help. Sleeping sucks - I can't wait to be able to roll over without being in major pain. It makes me feel better to know I'm not the only one - I hope it helps you too! :)
  17. Stephanie1074

    Stephanie1074 Well-Known Member

    This is totally the key to what you said! ENJOY this time that you have to yourself. Once your babies arrive there is no more "me" time... Think about having someone give you a manicure & pedicure. Maybe a facial or something just for you... I know it's hard when you are close to the end and EVERYTHING hurts and you are emotionally drained, but this is it... rest now before they come so that you ahve some energy once they are here! You can do it!
  18. qfmom2009

    qfmom2009 Well-Known Member

    No advice, but just wanted you to know that my thoughts and prayers are with you.
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