Miserable Moments

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by Martieroo, Mar 25, 2009.

  1. Martieroo

    Martieroo Member

    I am so miserable! My skin hurts!! My ribs hurt!!

    I am so worn out but I can't sleep well!!

    I am on "bedrest" - which I am sick of since 28 weeks!

    I want what is best for these babies, but I want them to come!!!! I want them out!!! I keep whimpering and then crying, which makes me hurt more.

    Any suggestions....

    I am 34 weeks 4 days - my OB will not give me a possible end date!

    BTW - My cervix is so far up high the OB had difficulty feeling it! But it is long and thick!

    I am tempted to have sex! But I do not want my dr to know! Would he be able to tell??

  2. meganguttman

    meganguttman Well-Known Member

    I felt the same way at 33 weeks so I can't imagine what you are going through! The only thing I can say is that you need to keep those kiddos cooking! You are not completely of the the NICU woods yet and as uncomfortable as you are, it's best for the babies! Someone once told me that the last month of pregnancy was designed to make us feel like labor was a breeze! :) Hang in there sweetie! You are almost done!
  3. Kyrstyn

    Kyrstyn Well-Known Member

    :hug: I am sorry you are so uncomfortable! :hug: As hard and painful as it all may seem, you are doing an amazing thing for those babies. I would have given anything to be able to make it as far as you are. Keep up the good work Momma and Hang in there! :hug:
  4. tamaras

    tamaras Well-Known Member

    Just wanted to send you a big :hug:!!
    Hang in there, those little ones will be here before you know it ~ :hug:
  5. Martieroo

    Martieroo Member

    BTW - My cervix is so far up high the OB had difficulty feeling it! But it is long and thick!

    I am tempted to have sex! But I do not want my dr to know! Would he be able to tell??

    What do you all think about this???

    I am hurting so bad! The Procardia is not any fun!

    I am soooo tired and not doing well!

  6. Chicklet

    Chicklet Well-Known Member

    I'm sorry you're so uncomfortable :( but I think I'd wait to have sex, I know the babies will be ok born now.. but I think I'd want them to grow more in me first. (I am only 22 weeks so my tune might change in 12 ;) )

    Hang in there, you can do it!!
  7. oh-baby-baby

    oh-baby-baby Well-Known Member

    Hold tight! You've come this far, a couple of weeks will be a breeze! :grouphug:
    (When the docs give you the ok for sex, go for it! You never know how long before you get it again with 2 babies around! :lol:)
  8. Angelsamb

    Angelsamb Well-Known Member

    I hope you feel better fast. It's not that long now! You're almost there. Hang in there and try to keep your babies in a little longer... It will be so worth it!
  9. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I'd hold off on the sex, you are almost there. Hang in there. :hug:
  10. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    :hug:'s Megan. Soon enough you'll be holding your little darlings and will forget (well, not completely ;) ) about all of this. You are doing an amazing job. :hug: I'd hold off on the sex unless your doctor says otherwise.
  11. dalidigger

    dalidigger Well-Known Member

    Hang in there! It's hard and you are so close to the finish line. Use our support as wings and fly. I am 32 weeks and need a hug throughout the day so I ask my 3 yr old--pathetic but works and I feel better. People around you can't imagine how this feels; You're a strong person and have been chosen to do a big job--rock it out sister!
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