Miscarried a twin..What now?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by luvmytwins2009, Jan 17, 2013.

  1. luvmytwins2009

    luvmytwins2009 New Member

    Has this ever happened to anyone and what was the outcome?

    Backstory---I found out I was pregnant on 12/31 with an HCG of 4897. At that time I would have been 3 weeks from conception, five weeks pregnant. I spotted for a week, very little brown old blood, but I spotted with my now 3-year old twins (yes, I already have twins) so I wasn't too scared but I knew what might be happening. On 1/11 I started pouring out blood, passing clots. Since it was on the weekend the doctor told me the general rule, go to the if I was soaking a pad in an hour or if I was in major pain and to call them Monday. I stopped bleeding red blood Saturday but had brown blood for the remaineder of the weekend. Monday the doctor said my cervix was partially opened and sent me for an ultrasound to confirm I had a miscarriage so they could do a D&C ASAP. The ultrasound showed one baby with a heartbeat of 102, measuring 6wks3days. The doctor said my uterus was measuring large, my cervix was open to one side with blood on that open side, and my HCG was high 153,000. All these indications led her to believe I had miscarried a twin. She also said the baby was measuing a little small and the heartbeat was low but this wasn't too concerning. I go back Tuesday for another U/S and if the heartbeat is strong and baby is growing my doctor said can start looking foward to this pregnancy.

    I just need some to hear some other stories. I'm confused, stunned, shocked. I greived for 5 days thinking I had completly miscarried and now I'm too scared to figure out my emotions. I still can't get over having twins (fertility treatment) and 4yrs later I'm pregnant (old fashion way) with another set when I thought I would never be pregnant.
  2. Dielle

    Dielle Well-Known Member

    This sounds so much like Jackie! I'm sure she'll chime in and tell you about her experience. But she has three beautiful children.

    I'm sure it's a very confusing time. And I think it's completely reasonable to grieve, and to celebrate at the same time, and then to feel conflicted over the different emotions. I hope everything goes well on Tuesday and with the rest of your pregnancy!!!
  3. Meximeli

    Meximeli Well-Known Member

    I haven't personally experienced this and I can't imagine what a roller coaster it must be. But I just wanted to say that in the 9 years that I have been on TS there have been many woman who have misscarried a twin and gone on to have one healthy baby. And others who have misscarried a triplet and gone on to have twins.
    Be positive. Tuesday is not too far away. :grouphug:
  4. slugrad1998

    slugrad1998 Well-Known Member

    I know of quite a few friends who have had early miscarriage of a twin and gone on to have a healthy pregnancy, as well as one who miscarried a triplet. I even know of one friend who miscarried at 10-12 weeks and another who had a selective termination (due to severe birth defects) during 2nd trimester, both of whom went on to deliver healthy singletons. I think the early early miscarriage is more common than we realize and is due to an egg fertilizing yet not completely implanting. Hoping the little bean looks great on Tuesday!!!!
  5. 3under2!

    3under2! Well-Known Member

    Ugh I'm so sorry! When I was pregnant with my first I bled at 4 weeks and again very heavily at 11 weeks, then when I gave birth there was a second, much smaller placenta. Then my next pregnancy was twins. I'm convinced that it was a twin pregnancy and I lost one of the twins. But thank G-d my daughter is a happy, healthy 2.5 year old today :) Just sharing my experience. I hope you find some peace.
  6. emp59

    emp59 Well-Known Member

    With this pregnancy I lost a twin at 7.5 weeks. I'm now nearly 37 weeks pregnant with one healthy baby. I'm sending positive thoughts your way!

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