
Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by lezlie72, Apr 16, 2010.

  1. lezlie72

    lezlie72 Well-Known Member

    my pedi said we could try the miralax for DD, Kennedy. he said dosage was basically, just to try a little and see how it works, give a little more if needed.

    how much did you start with? anything special i need to know before we try this? thanks!
  2. ssb2e

    ssb2e Well-Known Member

    I have had to give both of my children miralax since before they were 1. I am finally at almost 18 months old, trying to stop. It really does depend on how badly she is backed up. I usually give mine 1 tsp in their monrning sippie cup and it usually works pretty quickly. It may take a day or so if she is really compacted. My pedi usually recommended a full tablespoon to get them cleaned out and then back it off. If she is having a really hard time with no movement at all, I might try a tablespoon. If it's just kind of hard, but she's at least going, start with a teaspoon.
  3. Joanna416

    Joanna416 Well-Known Member

    With my son we started with 1 capfull 1 time a day however it was not at all effective. We have had to move to 3 capfulls a day now....he is tiny, only 15lbs so if he can handle that I'm sure you can play with at least up to that much....

    Good luck - this part os NOT fun at all! :spiteful:
  4. lezlie72

    lezlie72 Well-Known Member

    thanks, your responses give me somewhere to start! yes this is NO fun, i just feel so bad for her...
  5. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    I'd call the ped about the starting dose, but I do know that my SIL had to have her DS on *double* the adult dose of Miralax for a few *years* (he's now 4). He's had horrible constipation since the moment he started solids. So I think you can start low, and increase until it does what you need it to do, then back it down later.

    So sorry your DD is going through this; keep up the good work mama! :hug:
  6. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    Definitely verify with your pedi. Ana (who is older than your child) has been constipated almost 2 weeks. My pedi said to start with 1 Tbs in her sippy once a day, and if that doesn't get things going, do it 2x a day (separated by 8 hours). But she is 3 so the dose might be less for your little one. :hug: After dealing with this for 2 weeks, I have much sympathy to anyone else going thru this. It breaks my heart to see my little girl in so much pain and not be able to take it away instantly.
  7. lezlie72

    lezlie72 Well-Known Member

    at our 15 mo check up on thursday our pedi didn't really give us a dosage and he really didn't push it too much. it is my fault for not pushing it (many things leading up to the appointment were VERY stressful that day! ugh) but Kennedy had had a soft BM that day and she does eat prunes and other fruit so i sort of felt like i needed to keep trying other things along with the flax oil i just got a couple days ago before pushing a medicine. at this point i want the miralax for a back up in case in a few days kennedy becomes more stubborn with holding it!

    thank all and good luck to others who are going thru this as well... big hugs to everyone!
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