Miracle Blanket, is it worth it?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by Snittens, Sep 21, 2008.

  1. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    Do/did you use a Miracle Blanket? I didn't with the girls, but am considering it for Caleb, as he really likes to be held to sleep, and that's just not practical all the time. I was hoping the Miracle Blanket would give him the cozy feeling and I could set him down to sleep. Does it work?
  2. JaimielynnLake

    JaimielynnLake Well-Known Member

    No, I don't think so...The Miracle Blanket is a little too "tight," whereas a regular swaddle-style fold will work just as well.

    We folded the blanket into a triangle, tucked one point under one arm, folded the bottom up, tucked the other point, and they were happy and snug.

    The Miracle Blanket seems to "straight-jacket" the child...my opinion from watching the "how-to" video on their website...
  3. sbcowell

    sbcowell Well-Known Member

    We used a variety of swaddling things - regular blankets (for the first month), then kidopotamus (sp?) swaddling blanket, then another cheap swaddle blanket and finally the miracle blanket. I REALLY like the miracle blanket best! When they were young and didn't move around as much the big receiving blankets worked just fine, but as they got a big older they would get out of that swaddle pretty quickly.
    So, for us they were expensive but worth every penny!
  4. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    If your baby likes to be held and swaddled the miracle blanket is totally worth it! We used our miracle blankets until the girls were 6 months old - they got holes from so much wear! You can not get any other blankets swaddled as tightly as a miracle blanket.
    Just don't be afraid about wrapping them up really tight in the blanket, infants love to be very snug in a blanket, it soothes them. When we would swaddle our girls so many people made snide comments about the babies not being able to move :rolleyes:
  5. jillangel

    jillangel Well-Known Member

    Like pp said it is like a straight jacket but that totally works for us. Didn't get them til the twins were a few months old but they worked great for them. I was soooo glad I'd have them from the get go for Riley. She sleeps wonderful in them. They are worth every last penny.
  6. ladybutterflyrose

    ladybutterflyrose Well-Known Member

    We loved the miracle blanket! We used it until they were 3 months old. Then they were continually breaking out of it. The swaddle was a life saver.
  7. beemer

    beemer Well-Known Member

    Like another poster we tried a few things - first regular receiving blankets (went by the wayside in less than a week - they just kept breaking out), then Kiddopotamus swaddle Me's (loved them and used them until 3 months where they started getting an arm or two out), then tried the Miracle Blankets (the babies screamed bloody murder in them). Maybe if we had used the miracle blankets early on it would have been fine or maybe it just wasn't for my babies who knows. So we went back to the swaddle me's and just wrapped them more carefully for about another month or so for A as he still had bad startle reflex and would wake himself up. B was a rolly polly by that point and swaddling seemed more like a hazard and he slept pretty well without being swaddled so we just set him free. :)
  8. Brown Eyed Gurl

    Brown Eyed Gurl Well-Known Member

    They are ok but i don't use mine that much really.....the hospital gave me two
  9. dtomecko

    dtomecko Well-Known Member

    I guess it depends on the baby. Some don't try as hard to break free from other swaddles. My daughter broke free from a regular receiving blanket by 3 weeks. The kiddopotomus swaddleme blanket worked well until 2.5 mos, then she was free (and awake nonstop!). The miracle blanket worked wonders until 4.5-5 mos. Then she was free from that. But definitely the best swaddle blanket, and would have worked the best had we had it from the beginning. I'm sure there are other babies that don't fight as much and it would last longer. We used it up until last week, because waking to reswaddle was better than the alternative. Now she breaks free too often and rolls to her tummy, and isn't working anymore so we're dealing with her learning to sleep with no swaddle right now. So I really think it depends on your baby. Do they need to be swaddled, and swaddled good and tight? (arms keep waking them - like my daughters whose arms are constantly rubbing her face when she's asleep). If they become unswaddled, do they do fine and not really wake up? If they are like my son, swaddling or unswaddling doesn't seem to matter much, so the miracle blanket would be a waste for him. The kiddopotomus blanket worked fine for him when we needed it. But it was a lifesaver for us all with my daughter.
  10. Shellstwins

    Shellstwins Member

    I think it depends on the baby. Both of mine loved the miracle blanket. We used it until they were 4 months old. They slept so good once we swaddled them up in it.
  11. ferfischer

    ferfischer Well-Known Member

    Yes. Used it for naps and nighttime until 7 months!
  12. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    Hi Kelly -- I did a double-take when I saw you asking a question here. :D

    We did use the MB and loved it. They seemed to like that we could wrap them really tight -- the straitjacket factor worked for us! (Especially for Amy, who would escape from any other type of swaddle.) DH and I also found it easier to use once the girls got bigger than 10 lbs or so.

    But if Caleb doesn't care for being swaddled with another type of blanket, the MB is not necessarily going to be a miracle. IMO, the MB works best for babies who like to be swaddled, but tend to bust out of swaddles with other blankets.
  13. debfitz

    debfitz Well-Known Member

    The miracle blanket is a lifesaver for us. It helps them on their schedule. They know that after they eat and are swaddled, it's time to go down, and they do. We couldn't live without it!
  14. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    I haven't really attempted a swaddling with him yet, we were kind of playing things by ear since the first two weeks of his life were in the agency apartment and hotels. He's been sleeping in his carseat mostly. I did try to swaddle, but I think I am woefully out of practice and it just did not work, he busted out in two seconds. I think he would like it because he goes to sleep by being held closely, and then ever so carefully putting him in the seat. Thanks for the feedback, I think it's worth a shot.
  15. happychck

    happychck Well-Known Member

    i've got lots of friends who swear by them and think they are the greatest thing... on the other hand, i personally have two almost-never-used ones that we never got the hang of! so, go figure. sounds like your little guy will like it, though.
  16. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    I think they're great... and at the same time not so great. Swaddling babies in regular (large) receiving blankets gives you a good idea of when they are ready to move on. Mine got used to sleeping with their arms out by getting them out of it, so we knew when to wean them... Ok, DS managed to get out of the miracle blanket too, but DD didn't.
  17. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    Hi Fran! Glad to see you over here! :wavey: (I'm ChromaKelly..I'm sure you figured that ;))
  18. seamusnicholas

    seamusnicholas Well-Known Member

    I wish I had the miracle blanket. What I did not like was the velcro of the swaddle me blankets Whenever I went to make it tighter, the velcro sound was so loud it would wake them if I went to adjust it.
  19. 3greysandamutt

    3greysandamutt Well-Known Member

    The miracle blanket was a true miracle for us! Our Ben would starle himself awake all night long until we started swaddling. He would break out of regular blankets, and other swaddlers (with noisy velcro) didn't secure him tight enough. We loved our straitjackets and used them until 7 months!!
  20. melissak

    melissak Well-Known Member

    For us they truly were a 'miracle'! They started STTN when we used them. We used them until they were about 6 months old which was really sad for us to to give up our baby burritos!
  21. mmbadger

    mmbadger Well-Known Member

    I've read about lots of people loving both Miracle Blankets and Kiddopotamus SwaddleMes. We used Lullawraps, and I LOVE them (they're basically a traditional blanket with one corner missing, in a stretchy fabric that's easy to swaddle).

    Swaddling, though, is the KEY, regardless of your method of choice (IMO)!
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