Mini birth control pill

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by Melissa84, May 20, 2008.

  1. Melissa84

    Melissa84 Well-Known Member

    So, since I am breastfeeding, I don't really have much of a choice on birth control. I had a choice between the depo shot or the mini pill. I chose the mini pill, but I am concerned with the decrease in effectiveness, and also the increased risk of etopic pregnancy, and ovarian cyst. How many people are taking this pill, and is it a good one? Are your periods normal? My OBGYN told me to go a head and start it today, but I am still bleeding from my c-section I had on May 1st, aren't you supposed to wait until the first day of your period to start taking it? Please share what your thoughts are about the mini pill .... thank you ladies.
  2. pinguinlvr

    pinguinlvr Well-Known Member

    That's what my doc put me on at my 6 week appt. He told me to just start taking it that Sunday and that I would get my period in the fourth week after starting. I decided I liked not having my period so I waited until I started my period (gave myself an extra 2 weeks) and then started on the Sunday after my period started. I think it's effective. It's kinda hard to have sex with three little ones but I'm not pregnant yet! LOL! My problem is I keep forgetting to take it at the same time and I've heard (especially with the mini pill) it's VERY important to take it at the SAME time EVERY day to maintain effectiveness.

    As far as still bleeding after your c-section, I can't help you on that one. I think I only bled for like 2 weeks after mine and then I was done.

    ETA: Oh yeah, and I had stopped breastfeeding so I wasn't breast feeding either when he prescribed it for me.
  3. natmarie

    natmarie Well-Known Member

    I took the mini pill while I was nursing DS and pumping for my twins. I had no problems and it worked great! I didn't start my period again until I quit BF/Pumping. After I quit pumping/BF I switched to the regular pill.

    I agree with the pp it is important to take the pill at the same time every day.
  4. serranoboys

    serranoboys Well-Known Member

    Ok, I'm not going to be much help but I'm taking it and I'm not with child therefore it's working fine for me. I rarely remember to take it though but I'm still EBF and I'm thinking that's what's saving me :eek: . I chose this over depo because I was already on depo for 2 years and docs don't recommend being on it any longer than that. I had never heard anything about ovarian cysts and the mini-pill. That's scary!

    As for the bleeding, I started 6 weeks pp and I was still bleeding until 9 weeks pp. It doesn't matter-it's not a period and you may never get one while you're bf so I can't see how you would have to wait until then.
  5. Beth*J

    Beth*J Well-Known Member

    I was still bleeding 12 weeks postpartum. I started the mini pill before I quit bleeding. I have been on it three months and have not had a period. I am exclusively pumping though.
  6. twinmuffin

    twinmuffin Well-Known Member

    At 2 weeks PP I told my OB I wanted an RX for the mini-pill. She wrote it out, handed it to me, and said, "Call me when you want a birth control that works.". Um, that was enough to make me freak out on the spot. I said, "I just had twins, i don't need anymore babies. Tell me what birth control works because that is what I want." (Not that I want to scare you, she said it is fairly effective if you take it at the EXACT same time every day.) Anyways, i got the Mirena IUD put in at 6 weeks PP, and I am breastfeeding.
  7. Saramcc

    Saramcc Well-Known Member


    I'm on the mini pill right now and yes my periods are very irregular. It's annoying!!
  8. allboys

    allboys Well-Known Member

    I started the mini pill at 6 weeks postpartum and have had no bleeding at all but I also am exclusively nursing and pumping. I definitely prefer it over the depo shot. Once you finish nursing, it's best to switch to an estrogen containing birth control pill but the mini pill is very effective if you take it right.
  9. 3greysandamutt

    3greysandamutt Well-Known Member

    I went on the mini-pill at 6 weeks. I was (and still am) exclusively breastfeeding. I did not have a period before starting the pill, and have not had one yet.

    I don't think I'm pregnant (but I have been nauseous and very fatigued the past couple of weeks... :huh: )!

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