
Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by 2Xthelove, Jun 5, 2008.

  1. 2Xthelove

    2Xthelove Well-Known Member

    how much milk do you go through in a week? i have just begun to switch them over to milk. i started by giving half milk half formula then will go to all milk in a bottle and see how they do. between the 2 of them how much do you go through if i give them 3 bottles of it a day
  2. Kaylee Marie

    Kaylee Marie Well-Known Member

    Six 8-ounce bottles = 48 ounces each day. There are 128 ounces in each gallon. You'll go through a little under a half-gallon each day. Also keep in mind that they'll be drinking less milk and eating more food now, so a more accurate estimate might be anywhere from 36-48 ounces/day. Just buy on a week-by-week basis and you'll soon figure out how much you need.

    We buy organic milk. It's a tad more expensive, but it usually has longer expiration dates. We can stock up and not worry about it going bad. Plus it tastes a lot better than regular milk IMO!
  3. CHJH

    CHJH Well-Known Member

    We buy bags of milk rather than cartons. We go through about a bag a day. I buy organic whole milk.
  4. snoopytwins

    snoopytwins Well-Known Member

    Mine drink from sippies so they don't always drink a full sippy (on an average day they drink 16-20oz). With mine getting one sippy of milk at daycare a piece, we still go through about a gallon and half in a week. I would guess easily 2 gallons a week if they were home full time.
  5. 2Xthelove

    2Xthelove Well-Known Member

    is there a good brand of organic milk to get? can u find it in a regular grocery store. i'm have heard organic milk is better for them no growth hormones or anything so i wanna go that route.
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