Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Debbi and A.J., Feb 12, 2007.

  1. Debbi and A.J.

    Debbi and A.J. Well-Known Member

    Hello! Quick question about milk. I have been buying organic milk for the girls. Should I be doing this? HOOD does not use growth hormone in their milk- is that the only reason that I should use organic, or is there other stuff in HOOD Milk that is scary and I should stay away?

    I ask because I can get HOOD to home deliver their milk to my house... which will be good with having twins and all.

    What do you do?
  2. Debbi and A.J.

    Debbi and A.J. Well-Known Member

    Hello! Quick question about milk. I have been buying organic milk for the girls. Should I be doing this? HOOD does not use growth hormone in their milk- is that the only reason that I should use organic, or is there other stuff in HOOD Milk that is scary and I should stay away?

    I ask because I can get HOOD to home deliver their milk to my house... which will be good with having twins and all.

    What do you do?
  3. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    Well I'm not sure what HOOD is. But we use organic milk here. I guess it just makes me feel better. But at $5 a gallon, it sure adds up.
  4. Debbi and A.J.

    Debbi and A.J. Well-Known Member

    HOOD is just a brand of milk- just regular plain old milk, without added hormones.
  5. melissao

    melissao Well-Known Member

    I buy milk from a local creamery that is not certified organic, but it's no hormones/no antibiotics. It's about $2.35 or so for a half gallon. If they don't have it I just buy the regular milk.
  6. kaysyd

    kaysyd Well-Known Member

    We rotate- regular whole and organic whole. My girls aren't really big milk drinkers so it doesn't make much of a difference $ for us- organic is a little more.
  7. Amanda

    Amanda Well-Known Member

    I'd probably go ahead and get it.

    We buy ONLY Organic, due to the growth hormones and also the feed/antibiotics.

    Peace of mind for me.
  8. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    We do the local dairy thing. They say it is just the same as organic milk (they use organic feed, no hormones or antibiotics) but it just isn't worth it financially to them to be certified organic. I guess they could be lying about this, but lots of people around here use them and I am just trusting them.

    If I didn't have that option, I would probably buy organic, just to be safe.
  9. burgybabies

    burgybabies Well-Known Member

    We buy organic from the store or get farm fresh (Grade A) delivered to our house. The farm fresh is organic feed, hormone free, antibiotic free and is cheaper than the store.
  10. RachelJoy

    RachelJoy Well-Known Member

    I do NOT buy organic milk for the following reason . . . most organic milk is "ultrapasteurized", which means it is heated up to a ridiculously high temperature (much higher than for regular pasteurization). Have you noticed that the sell-by date on organic milk is often weeks (or months) away (compared to a usual 7-10 days for regular milk).

    My husband is very sensitive to the taste and can tell the difference (it tastes "cooked"). I'm more concerned because the proteins are messed with at high temps and I'm not sure they are still as good for you. Anyhow, I don't trust milk that I can keep around for 2 months.

    I figured this out when I started to make cheese and found that you cannot make cheese from store bought organic milk.

    I like to buy milk from a regional dairy (actually costs more than organic) but I know it's fresh, it hasn't been shipped across the country, and it is "organic style" (just not certified).

    Good luck deciding!

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