milk questions

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by ~ilyse~, Nov 13, 2007.

  1. ~ilyse~

    ~ilyse~ Well-Known Member

    We have begun our transition to milk today. And I forgot to ask, once we make the complete transition, how much milk should they have a day? Also, they eat yogurt for breakfast usually, is it possible to have too much dairy? And if so, how much is too much? Thanks.
  2. dawnmj

    dawnmj Well-Known Member

    Have you already had their 1 year appointment? I would check with the doctor. When the girls started they were getting milk at all three meals. Just a partially filled sippy cup. Now they only get it 2x a day (morning and night) which the doctor is ok with because they are eating 3 meals a day.

    So check with the doctor at their appointment.
  3. swp0525

    swp0525 Well-Known Member

    Yes, it is possible to have too much dairy. I just learned this at our last nephew was born at 31wks. He's now 18mo and they did a hemoglobin check on him at his last dr's appt and he's anemic. The dr put him on the Poly Sol vitamins and told my brother and SIL to cut his milk intake. I couldn't understand it so I asked my dr and he said that premature babies are at a higher risk for anemia b/c the ability to process iron is developed in the last trimester, which Matthew missed out on b/c he was born early. He said it's not a big deal, no lasting problems or anything like that, but they do need to be mindful of his milk intake b/c milk inhibits iron absorption.

    So...ask your dr. Mine said b/w 22 and 24oz a day is fine, others say 16oz.
  4. ktfan

    ktfan Well-Known Member

    We were told a minimum of 16oz, a max of 24oz. When we first made the switch at a year, we were already on sippies so I just replace the same oz of formula with milk instead. Once they were used to the milk, (they were getting it with all three meals and before bed, about 6oz each time) I switched lunch to water or very watered down juice. Then around 15mos, we had dinner late a few nights in a row so I gave them a full cup with dinner and none before bed. Once they didn't get the bedtime cup anymore, I started giving them a full cup at breakfast and dinner. Any other time is water, or occasionally very watered down juice.
  5. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We were told no more than 16 oz. of milk a day. If they drink too much milk it will fill them up.
  6. TeeandGee

    TeeandGee Well-Known Member

    I forgot to ask the doctor last week but I have heard that they should get between 16-24oz per day. Keep in mind that they can also get the calcium from other sources like yogurt, cheese etc. My doctor did say that they can get too much milk which isn't good because it can affect the absorption of other nutrients (i.e. iron) and it can make them constipated and be hard on their bellies and also it can fill them up so they don't eat enough.

    Seeing as our girls like large quantities in their bottles (8-9 oz), we have dropped one of their bottles so now they only get 2 bottles per day. One when they first wake up and one before bed. That ends up totalling between 16-18oz so I make sure they also get yogurt and/or cheese in the day. Once they drink milk from their sippy cups then I will add some milk at lunchtime too (a few ounces).

    Good luck!
  7. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    Yes, you can get too much dairy! Besides the anemia issue, they can get constipated if they are drinking too much milk. Our doctor told us to keep it to around 16 oz total for all dairy, including cheese, yogurt, etc.
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