Milk Questions.....reactions & Amount

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Cablegirl, Apr 8, 2007.

  1. Cablegirl

    Cablegirl Well-Known Member

    I'm new to the 1-5 boards our babies just turned a year old this past week.....Then I came in here to post and they have changed the forums (btw I really like it :D ) but not sure how to get around in here just yet LOL :eek:

    I was wondering if your babies had any reactions to milk?? Katie is not drinking much of it like Kyle is and they have both had the runs since starting it :rolleyes: . Also How much milk do you give each day?? do you still give it every 3hrs?? I'm just wondering if I'm giving them to much :blush:

    I look forward to your responses :icon_biggrin:
  2. twoin2005

    twoin2005 Well-Known Member

    They were getting around 20-24 ounces at the most, but closer to 20 oz. They would have a sippy with milk in the morning, a sippy with milk at meal times (not much), and a sippy before bedtime. At around 15 mos, we cut out the morning and evening sippy and just served milk at mealtimes. Also, they didn't just get the milk and guzzle it down like they did in their bottles. They would have some, eat, have some, eat. That way, they really did not drink that much. I also started giving them more water around the same time.
  3. 2girls2b

    2girls2b Well-Known Member

    We give the girls a sippie of milk in the morning when they wake up (about 8-10oz) before they go to the baby sitter where she feeds them breakfast a little later. They also get about the same amount, in a sippie cup, with their evening meal. The rest of the day they get water in their sippies. Our pediatrician said that 16-20oz a day is really all they need and that if they drink more they will fill up on the milk and not eat their "real" food. They have been on whole milk since a week or so before their first birthday and have been off bottles since before that. If there has been any kind of reaction, it has probably constipated them more than anything. It comes and goes. I am trying to make sure they eat lots of fruit and drink lots of water throughout the day to help alleviate the chance of constipation. They love their dairy products (milk, cheese, yogurt, etc)!
  4. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Ours just get a sippy of milk at breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and they also get a 6 oz. bottle of milk before bed. I wold say between breakfast, lunch, and dinner they maybe drink about 5-6 oz. But we make sure they get calcium other ways through yogurt and cheese daily. Sometimes Trevor only takes a few sips of the milk with his meals. Emilie does drink more than he does though. I think they are both still getting used to the idea of milk in sippies and food instead of a bottle throughout the day.

    Once I got off bottles during the day at 12 months they got the milk with in a sippy with their meals. Trevor didn't really start drinking well from a cup until his bottles were gone. BTW, I just bought the Nuby straw sippies for them since they couldn't get the tipping of the head thing with the regular sippy and they totally get those and can do it by themselves, that is from the advice of a lot of ladies on this board.

    Good luck, you will figure it all out.
  5. ktfan

    ktfan Well-Known Member

    When we made the switch to milk, like a pp mine were a bit constipated from it. If your's are looser bms, try feeding lots of bananas and cheese! To switch from bottles to cups, I just replaced each bottle one at a time with a cup instead. They had four bottle feedings a day. At 8, noon, 4 and 7:30. The first three were meal times and they'd get the bottle right before or right after the solids. I had started laying them in the boppies for the bottles so the cup wasn't much different since they didn't have to tip it to drink, they just had to learn the new way to suck. Ds had 8oz at a time and dd had 6. Once we moved to sippies in the highchairs/boosters, I cut ds back to 6oz each cup. At about 15 or 16 mos I changed lunch to very watered down juice then at 18mos moved dinner later so that was their last cup of milk. When we did that, we switched to an 8/9oz cup of milk with breakfast and dinner and that's still what we do. Some days they get milk at lunch too, just depends on where we are and what we're doing. hth
  6. Cablegirl

    Cablegirl Well-Known Member

    Thanks Yall......Sorry its taking me so long to reply......I was definatley giving them milk way to often.....
    Guess I was trying to build them bones more than I should have. :pardon:

    I think I've got it figured out now :good: .....Although Katie is still having bouts of Diareha :huh:
  7. Lilpark

    Lilpark Well-Known Member

    I give mine milk at breakfast, lunch and dinner and I leave a juice sippy in the playroom for them to drink on all day. I also give them a sippy of milk at bedtime. Every so often ....I give them juice or water at lunch.
  8. Trish_e

    Trish_e Well-Known Member

    Although Katie is still having bouts of Diareha

    I would watch this and see if it continues, she may have a milk intollerance. If it doesn't clear up I would try some soy, or rice milk and see if that clears it up. I'm sorry shes going through this, its no fun.
  9. annieuetz

    annieuetz Well-Known Member

    My girls are 15 months and are allergic to all dairy and soy. Loose stools are one symptom of an allergy. What we really noticed is that they would not sleep through the night. They would be hungry all of the time and when they did sleep, they rolled around moaning and crying out all night. When we eliminated all dairy they slept through the night without a peep. If you suspect a dairy allergy, eliminate all dairy for at least 4 days. It usually took us two days for it to leave their system. We would then re-introduce dairy to see the reaction. It was amazing. We always know when they have eaten something they shouldn't have.

    It is amazing what contains dairy (ex. McDonald French Fries) so if she does have an allergy you need to be very careful.
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