milk on the go?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by twinERS, Nov 12, 2007.

  1. twinERS

    twinERS Member

    my twins just started having milk and i was wondering how u take it with you when u are out shopping or doing errarnds. let me know..thanks!!!
  2. ****mws****

    ****mws**** Banned

  3. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    I would usually just buy some milk at a restaurant or fast food joint and put it in their cups. I also have a insulated little lunch bag that I put a portable ice thingy in and that keeps it cold too.....

    When we travel, I always just get milk on the plane or again at a restaurant etc.....
  4. ktfan

    ktfan Well-Known Member

    I would do one of several things. I'd put the cups in an insulated bag with ice (usually when I needed to take several cups since we'd be out a long time), I'd use insulated sippy cups, or just buy it wherever we were if it was just one meal.
  5. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    If I'm shopping and doing errands, I bring water. If I'm going somewhere for a while, then I use an insulated lunch bag.
  6. twinsohmy

    twinsohmy Well-Known Member

    I use a insulated bag made by Similac that was designed to transport formul/breastmilk...there is a pocket for an icepack and it fits 2 sippy cups nicely.
    An insulated lunch bag would work the same.
  7. imlodog

    imlodog Well-Known Member

    i use the insulated bag w/ ice packs. i put snacks/lunch/dinner whatever in there too.
  8. Ange2k25

    Ange2k25 Well-Known Member

    Insulated bag with a coolpack here. Now that they are older, we carry water with us and just buy milk when we're out and about if needed. They are down to a breakfast and dinner cup of milk only now per the ped.
  9. kristie75

    kristie75 Well-Known Member

    I don't bother with an insulated bag, lol. I used Playtex insulator sippy cups and I only take milk if the girls are going to drink it relatively soon. If not, I just take water. It's so much easier to deal with, and once the babies are drinking milk it's really not as crucial that they drink certain amounts at certain times of the day like it was when they were on formula (or nursing). You can give milk at breakfast, water for lunch, etc.
  10. jwozy

    jwozy Well-Known Member

    Depending on how long we will be out but we use the fridge to go bag (insulated bag w/ice) and put some milk in a sippy cup. If we are out for longer periods we use the shelf milk (hoirzon box milk) and those don't need to be refrigerated. Mine still love to have milk with their meals and we have been out to place where they don't carry milk so the shelf milk works great.
  11. blessedby2

    blessedby2 Well-Known Member

    I try to use water while running errands, but sometimes DS wants only milk. If that is the case, then I will let him take his cup that he has and after it is gone (usually there isn't much left in his cup when we have had this come up) then he drinks his water.
  12. Shadyfeline

    Shadyfeline Well-Known Member

    I only bring water when I am out. When they started with regular milk their Pedi said only give 2 16oz. cups a day so I give it only at breakfast, lunch and dinner and they drink about a 12-16oz. also during the day they drink water. I have been doing this since 12 months old.
  13. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I only take milk out if we will be out for lunch or dinner. And then I put it in an insulated bag with ice packs. If we are out shopping or at playgroup I take juice for them.
  14. Meximeli

    Meximeli Well-Known Member

    Don't the sell milk drink boxes in the US? You know the ultrapasturazied tetrapaked stuff that doesn't need refridgeration until after it's been opened? It comes in a 1/4th a liter with it's own little straw just like a juice box... look for it in the juice box isle. Maybe if you have a hispanic grocery store in your area they might be more likely to have it.
  15. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    if we're out for a meal (if its breakfast or dinner) I just buy a glass of milk and put it into their cups...if its lunchtime - I just get them a water...I had enough of lugging around icepacks and crap when we had formula so now I just spend the extra $1.50 and get them a glass of milk
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