Milk in Sippy Cups

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by twinkler, Oct 5, 2012.

  1. twinkler

    twinkler Well-Known Member

    How much milk do your twins manage to drink in a sippy cup?

    My girls still take 8-10oz in a bottle at 6am, and 6oz in the evening. During the day I was giving them milk in the sippy but we were lucky to get them to drink 2-4oz so the pedi said to go back to the bottle for the middle of the day milk.

    I'm just curious to see what others are doing, especially as our cups get flung around a lot too, which can be frustrating.
  2. ward

    ward Well-Known Member

    well. we have done strictly sippy cups for about a month now and they do really well we actually ended up giving them partial juice and then filled the rest with water and they loved it. now they drink everything out of their sippy cups
  3. lilybay

    lilybay Well-Known Member

    We got rid of the bottles a week before the boy's 1st birthday and they drink everything out of sippies. They get milk at breakfast, lunch, and dinner (water all other times.) Our pedi said they could have 16-20 oz of milk per day, I'd guess they drink about 18.
    Have you tried changing the type of sippy cup? We tried all kinds and finally settled on the straw kind.
  4. MrsWright

    MrsWright Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Do they eat cheese or yogurt? I would try to change cups but in the meantime why does the ped want you to go back to bottles? If they are eating plenty of other protein rich dairy then I think your doing good:)
  5. twinkler

    twinkler Well-Known Member

    A month ago, I replaced their 11am and 3pm bottle with sippies. I've tried quite a few different cups but they just play with it, (spitting it out, throwing the cups around), take about 30-40 minutes to finish maybe 2-3oz. So the pedi said to go back to the bottle for the 11am feed. He also said that most babies go to 2 years old on the bottle as long it wasn't interfering with their solids. I'm hoping we will be off bottle way before then, as in before 18months! (He has a few different ideas to me).

    I have about 6 different types of cups and it's cost me a fortune! They will drink water out of all of them fine and have done since 6months old. Their favourite is the big Nuby straw cup which is what they drink their water from all day. So I bought two half size ones of those, thinking since they drink water from them, they will drink the milk from that too, but no, the straws on these seem a bit harder to suck through (and they cost $13each!). The best one that they seem to drink the most milk from is the Tupperware one, but this isn't spill proof, so it ends up either all over them, or on the floor, table etc. They also have a habit of throwing their cups on the floor when they're finished, whether they are sitting in the highchair or not - it's so frustrating and they think it's funny :(

    They still have their early morning bottle (6am) and they polish off 8-10oz in less than 10mins. I have been waiting for daylight savings to wean them off that, which started today so I'm looking for suggestions on how to transition this bottle which I can see will be the hardest because that's a lot of milk to consume in a cup.

    They have cheese yoghurt every day and probably in a full growth spurt, they will drink between 18-22oz per day with a bottle. But if two of those feeds are in a sippy cup, they would be lucky to make 14oz per day. We still give them the 5pm milk in a bottle but they have been difficult with this bottle for over 4 months! It's hard to get them to finish 4-6oz in this, we almost have to force them to have it because a 12-13 hour sleep is coming and they wake up so early as it is.

    So I'm very confused. I've gone back to giving them the 11am feed in a bottle and they scoff 6oz in 5 minutes.

    I had really wanted to be off bottles but I can't see it happening any time soon :(
  6. ward

    ward Well-Known Member

    I would say as long as they are taking other dairy that the milk really isn't that important. And i am NO doctor but ours told us that its best to get them off the bottle as soon as teeth really started coming in as the bottle and passifiers can create problems. So we moved to sippy cups around 13 months. They didn't do well at first at all especially Amelia, we had a huge problem getting her to drink anything from it but we stuck with it and it took us a few days but she finally got the hang of it and now they get watered down juice water and milk how ever we may lay off the milk as it seems to have given them a diaper rash when they drink it and then wet or poo in the diapers soooo....milk not such a HUGE deal as long as they are getting other dairy such as yogurt cheese etc. like the pp said. =) hope this helps!!!!
  7. MrsWright

    MrsWright Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    [quote name='S.T.A.'s mom' date='07 October 2012 - 01:18 AM' timestamp='1349587105' post='1887723']
    I would say as long as they are taking other dairy that the milk really isn't that important. And i am NO doctor but ours told us that its best to get them off the bottle as soon as teeth really started coming in as the bottle and passifiers can create problems. So we moved to sippy cups around 13 months. They didn't do well at first at all especially Amelia, we had a huge problem getting her to drink anything from it but we stuck with it and it took us a few days but she finally got the hang of it and now they get watered down juice water and milk how ever we may lay off the milk as it seems to have given them a diaper rash when they drink it and then wet or poo in the diapers soooo....milk not such a HUGE deal as long as they are getting other dairy such as yogurt cheese etc. like the pp said. =) hope this helps!!!!

    This is what I was trying to say lol! I wouldn't go back to bottles just offer them sippys(the ones they like and drink from) and on days they don't drink as much offer more cheese and yogurt. It took me a long time to realize their nutrition isn't just from milk anymore.
    As for throwing cups....we went through that lovely phase too and I have no advice other than to take the cup after so many throws and hope they catch on soon:-/
  8. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I agree with previous posters. I did not take my two off of bottles until they were 15 months old. This was because the pediatrician wanted them to gain weight, so I wanted to track how much milk they were actually drinking. They had sippies for water and once we got the okay to go straight sippy, I started off with a little bit of milk in them and supplemented with other dairy and eventually they would start taking 8 oz in the sippy 2x a day.
  9. twinkler

    twinkler Well-Known Member

    Well, the growth spurt seems to be over so we are back to little amounts again.. Another question, where did you give the milk in sippy cups? in the highchair or just sitting at the table?
  10. MrsWright

    MrsWright Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    When they were little I gave it to them all day and they probably drank 20-24oz all day. Now they only get it at meals and sometimes in the afternoon and they drink 10-20oz, my daughter still mostly gets milk throughout the day bc like I said she would drink it all day long so I try to take it from her so she'll actually eat done food at mealtimes:)
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