Milestones: Should I be worried?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by w101ttd, Dec 22, 2010.

  1. w101ttd

    w101ttd Well-Known Member

    Hello, my twins are 8.5 months. I have some concerns about my girl. She started 'talking' around 3.5 months: hiiiii, yeahhhhhh. Around 6.5 months, she said 'cha-cha' 1 week after her brother said 'da-da'. But she stops talking for over a month. She doesnt say a word, just laughs and coos. Her brother talks a lot. He says da-da, ba-ba, ma now. And he doesn mean DAD when he says da-da. My girl used to be very competitive. if her bro said something, she'd say it the next day. But now she like lost the interest. She focuses on moving. She rolls, crawls everywhere. And she is very happy about it. Another thing I think its weird and makes me worried is that she doesnt like to sit. She can sit and play toys with her hands but not long. She doesnt like to sit. She likes to be on her tummy. When she doesnt move, she likes to get on her knees and hands and rock and watch TV at the same time!!! Should I be worried? I dont know these things bother me abit though. Other than that, she develops normally to me. She does understand simple tasks: swallow it, drink your milk, stick your touge out, nite nite, no dont eat that. She can hold bottle and feed herself (of course she plays more than drink it lol), she drinks juice out of juice bag, oh one thing really inpressed me that one day I saw her tried to turn on her crib mobile. She tried those music buttons. they didnt work because the switch was at OFF mode. Then she pulled up and reached the volumn and on/off buttons. And now she knows how to do it herself. morning after she wakes up, her farvorite thing to di is to lie there kick those buttons to change music now (before her farvorite thing to do in the morning was TALKING). We will meet with Help me grow nurse on 1/6/2011 to evaluate them. And we will have 9 months well check on 1/11/2011. Im so nervous. Im not worried about her brother though.
    Am i worried too much? thanks ladies and happy holidays!
  2. Trishandthegirls

    Trishandthegirls Well-Known Member

    It sounds like your daughter is simply focused on moving right now rather than talking. A lot of times when there's a big growth spurt in one area, the others suffer a bit because a baby spends all her energy mastering the new skill (rolling, crawling, etc.). I wouldn't worry...
  3. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    Babies can sometimes seem to be "losing" skills just because they aren't choosing to practice them, because they're working on something else. As long as she's progressing in some areas (not necessarily in all areas at the same time), don't worry. :)
  4. Rollergiraffe

    Rollergiraffe Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Ditto what the PP's said. My kids would go for weeks without babbling as they were picking up crawling or some other new skill. Once it was mastered they'd get back to their chatty selves.
  5. eagleswings216

    eagleswings216 Well-Known Member

    I agree with the others - our boys didn't talk much when they were learning to crawl and walk. Now that they have those down pretty well, they are babbling like crazy and starting to try really hard to say words. They have both said "bye", "mama", "dada" and "mum-mum". They are still working on the rest! They also would do something for several days (like clapping or whatever) and then not do it for awhile while they were working on a new skill. I wouldn't be worried - it sounds like your kiddos are just fine.
  6. w101ttd

    w101ttd Well-Known Member

    Thank you ladies! You all made me feel way better.I can't wait for the day she calls me mama. My son did already. He calls me at night before bed when he wants to cuddle. Its so cute and nice to hear heheh

    Happy xmas!
  7. talktomei

    talktomei Well-Known Member

    I recommend this book, which will help you feel a million times better about hitting or not hitting milestones:

    Some babies are more interested in practicing new physical skills, others are watchers/listeners. Both are totally normal, but they will hit different milestones earlier than the other. I have one of each in my twins. One girl is more advanced socially, the other is doing more physical things. The difference is getting more striking the older they get. I am not worried about either one. :)
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