MIL comeback

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by Rollergiraffe, Aug 31, 2009.

  1. Rollergiraffe

    Rollergiraffe Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My MIL is great, but she hasn't been very supportive of breastfeeding... while she was here, she told me several times that she quit at 2 months and her daughter did the same. Not exactly what you need to hear at 4 am feedings.

    Anyway... last night she asked me how things were going after my bout with mastitis/breast abcess, and I very proudly reported that we're almost back to full time breast milk feeding, and she sounded a bit like I was nuts for even bothering. She said very tentatively.. "Well, aren't you... something"

    And I said "Yes! I am a supermom!"
  2. DayDreamin

    DayDreamin Well-Known Member

    :yahoo: Good for you!!! How sad that she doesn't see the importance of breastfeeding... or how important it is for you to get the support you need. Keep up the good work SuperMom!!
  3. mollyjm

    mollyjm Well-Known Member

    Good for you. Sometimes when people feel like they failed at something they think that everyone else has to as well and they just can't be happy for someone doing better then they did. You should be proud that you stuck it out even when someone that should have been supporting you was discouraging you. BF can be hard and doesn't just come easy to everyone. You committed and made it work. GOOD for you mom!
  4. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Way to go! My MIL never was supportive of me breastfeeding either. I think it's just the way some people of their generation think. :pardon:
  5. swilhite25

    swilhite25 Well-Known Member

    Good for you for standing up for yourself and for letting her know you're proud of what you're doing! Keep it up!
  6. carlaj23

    carlaj23 Well-Known Member

    :clapping: Yay for you! And yes you are supermom :)

    My MIL is a former LLL leader and she calls me the "Dairy Queen". She would have to be the other extreme of your MIL.
  7. tiff12080

    tiff12080 Well-Known Member

    :clapping: Clearly she is jealous. I only lasted two months and that was with supplementing! You are supermom!!
  8. meganguttman

    meganguttman Well-Known Member

    I would have to agree that she is jealous. During her time, it wasn't the popular choice. My mother said nobody taught her anything about it so when I didn't latch on the first try so gave up and bottle fed. She was very impressed that I didn't give up right away and amazed at the efforts I went through to pump.

    I'm amazed at your efforts especially after mastitis (did I spell that right?? :pardon: )! :yahoo:
  9. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    You go girl! Keep up the good work!
  10. lawilliams77

    lawilliams77 Well-Known Member

    I can relate so much. I felt sabotaged by everyone around me, my mother, my husband, everyone. I was so defeated. The moments I needed support the most, all I got was, why don't you just give him formula. I'm so proud of you. I wish I could have BF longer.
  11. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    :woohoo: for you Supermom!!
  12. AmberG

    AmberG Well-Known Member

    Yes, it sounds like she is jealous. Great job!
  13. stefwebb

    stefwebb Well-Known Member

    I do think some of it is their generation. Even my mom who was very supportive, never seemed to get it and I always felt like she thought it was something I shouldn't be trying to bother with. Good for you for sticking up for yourself and for continuing!
  14. StaceeyL

    StaceeyL Well-Known Member

    You ARE Supermom! :woo:
  15. mes_00

    mes_00 Well-Known Member

    Woohoo! You go Super Mom!

    My mother isn't supportive really either about breastfeeding/pumping.

    Should have seen her face when I told her that feeding the kids on the drive to and from home wasn't a problem! Why bother with formula and the mess? I had it covered and both kids fed in no time. :lol:
  16. mannanichole

    mannanichole Active Member

    I LOVE IT!!
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