Mean pregnant lady at Old Navy, and it wasn't me :)

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by kdoleva, Oct 11, 2007.

  1. kdoleva

    kdoleva Well-Known Member

    So I ran over to Old Navy at lunch to get some fall clothes for DH and check out clothes for myself. I had picked out some things non-maternity and went over to the maternity section. To my happiness there was a real-life pregnant lady shopping there. (now pregnant ladies are like elves to me since I have become pregnant) She is pretty big, so I ask her when she is due. She says, January. I ask her if she likes Old Navy's maternity clothes. She replies yes, I say, I prefer Target's. Target's line seems to fit me better. She then says, why are you shopping here? To which I say, I am pregnant with twins and due in February sometime. She looks me up and down makes a face and walks away! Now come on, I know I don't look pregnant just fat, but what did she think I am a pretend pregnant lady, maybe one of those baby stealers. Ug.

    Now it is amusing to me. As I said, mean pregnant lady!

    [email protected] Well-Known Member

    lol i am in the same boat.. im also a heavy set twin caryring machine right now but the lady at wal mart got mad at me because i was 30 weeks and hadnt delivered the twins early! she kept sayin impossible and asked if i was sure i was pregnant!!
  3. kdoleva

    kdoleva Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(DoubleTrouble07 @ Oct 11 2007, 03:04 PM) [snapback]445949[/snapback]
    lol i am in the same boat.. im also a heavy set twin caryring machine right now but the lady at wal mart got mad at me because i was 30 weeks and hadnt delivered the twins early! she kept sayin impossible and asked if i was sure i was pregnant!!

    So you never got the big belly?
  4. Grandma2TwinBoys

    Grandma2TwinBoys Well-Known Member

    My daughter was a plus size (20-22) before she got pregnant and didn't really show until her seventh month. People always questioned whether she was REALLY pregnant with twins! I think the babies just "spread out" instead of sticking out in front. Even when she delivered (37 weeks) she didn't look that big to me. She did like some of the shirts from Old Navy because they didn't look too "maternity." (She doesn't like frilly trim or fussy prints, that sort of thing.) She bought a bunch of t-shirts in XXL and wore those all the way up to her delivery date. Her favorite jeans were from Old Navy. Fortunately, DD wears scrubs for work so she didn't have to invest in many extra clothes during her pregnancy.

    Here's a picture of DD at 31w2d. She didn't get much bigger than this. (Sorry for the fuzzy picture quality!)

    [email protected] Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(trouble squared @ Oct 11 2007, 02:55 PM) [snapback]446049[/snapback]
    So you never got the big belly?

    im huge lol she was just mad at the world cause she said twins are always delivered at 28-29 weeks... i just laughed at her
  6. BMartinez72

    BMartinez72 Well-Known Member

    uh! That was SO rude! Like she's the only pregnant lady in the world, so how dare you say you are too AND 1-up her by carrying TWINS? LOL

    I'm a size 22 and I went from "are you pregnant????" (18weeks) to "When are you Due???" (22 weeks) in aabout a month or so and people are shocked when I say when... I already look pretty big and my belly shape didn't help (B belly not a D and the upper part always stuck out more, irritatingly so). Now when I wear my baby hugger support thing, it brings it all together and I look like I'm about due! Of course, at almost 25 weeks (had U/S yesterday) the babies are practically under my boobs. and so their butts are in the right spot to make me look bigger as I'm carrying higher rather than lower right now. With DD, I carried her well and in so it spread out well and not many people asked... yet with this pregnancy I love bringing it up or answering people's questions. I haven't gotten a rude person yet or an opinionated one except for my original OB that I fired. I did feel smaller with DD but that was because my older sis was preggo too and bigger by 5 weeks so I was always smaller than her. But with the excess fat and two babies and no one to compare it with except for stick pregnant women - I feel huge and the belly is already in the way.
  7. Gordana

    Gordana Well-Known Member

    Maybe she's jealous because she is carrying a singleton and really wants twins. ;)

    She's a grouch, good luck to her poor husband in putting up with her crabby self. Ugh.

    [email protected] Well-Known Member

    im always amazed the people expect me to drop any minute and when i say i am going to carry full term if my body allows it they look like a deer in the head lights and say not happening.. great to know u think ill have preemies...
  9. kdoleva

    kdoleva Well-Known Member

    Thanks for all the support. I wish I ran into one of my fellow twinstuffers at a store, I know you all would be nice!
    My Mom didn't show until 7 months when she had me (I was her first), so she keeps telling me to be patient and of course that, I am LUCKY.

    Or...Maybe I am carrying very skinny tall children? ;)
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