Meal amounts for 13 month old

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by ljmcisaac, Feb 20, 2011.

  1. ljmcisaac

    ljmcisaac Well-Known Member

    I know some people struggle with getting their kids to eat enough, but not this one! Please reassure me that this is normal!

    morning: nurse
    breakfast: most of an english muffin with strawberry jam, 1/4 pear, a few sips of water
    morning snack: 1-2 oz milk
    lunch: 2 oz leftover oven fries, 2 oz leftover chicken, 3-4 slices cucumber, 10-12 pieces blueberries and raspberries, 2 fig newton cookies, 1-2 oz milk
    post nap: nurse
    afternoon snack: homemade ginger cookie, water
    supper: 2 oz chicken, 1/4 bagel, 2-3 oz steamed veggies, 1-2 oz milk
    pre-bed nurse
    1 am nurse

    (normally I don't give her cookies twice in one day, but it is Sunday!)

    she's been eating like this for a week or so, ever since getting over a cold...I thought she was making up for lost time while she was sick, but shows no signs of slowing down! She's got one grinder tooth on the bottom and another coming in, plus the 4 each on top and bottom.
  2. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    It sounds like she is doing pretty good eating for you. :clapping: I would say when kids go through an eating spurt like that, I always think they are having a growth spurt.
  3. smiley7

    smiley7 Well-Known Member

    Don't worry my kids eat even more than that!!! If they eat, let them :). The only thing that stood out is the 1 am nurse, at this point this should probably go!
  4. mommylaura

    mommylaura Well-Known Member

    My son eats so much that my husband is convinced something is wrong with him. We have asked the pediatrician about it and she says that he has always been 50th percentile from birth until now, and that his normal growth is proof that his appetite is normal for him. I have to admit that watching at 12 month old stuff his face like he is in an eating contest is pretty disturbing. My first never ate much at all, and even to this day doesn't eat much. Who knows why kids are so different? But to answer your question, I'm sure my boy twin eats at least as much as your baby, if not more.
  5. eagleswings216

    eagleswings216 Well-Known Member

    Until about 2 weeks ago, both of my boys were ravenous eaters - eating anything and everything in sight! Now they have really slowed down. Gabriel doesn't finish about half his meals anymore. Michael still finishes 2 of 3 most days, sometimes all of them, but he's not shoveling it in like he used to. I would say keep feeding them if they want it, but be prepared that they may suddenly switch it up and cut back what they eat - it was like flipping a switch for Gabriel. Once they start spitting things out, throwing it on the floor repeatedly, or letting the milk run out of their mouths, we end the meal and know that means they have had enough. So just pay attention to their cues and you will know.
  6. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    I always heard that toddlers didn't eat very much, but my guys (especially Nate) started eating like starving hyenas when they turned 1 and pretty much haven't stopped. AND they're like 5% for weight! :wacko: I swear, at some meals they eat more than I do!! I once watched Nate eat 3 hot dogs (cut up), half an apple, a piece of bread *and* a cookie for dessert. :faint: This was before he turned 2.

    I've been doing some reading about toddler eating patterns, and there are *huge* variations in how much different children eat. Some kids seem to exist on goldfish and air, and are above 50% for weight, and some are under 5% for weight and eat massive quantities of food.

    So I think your daughter is eating perfectly normally for *her*. :good: She may be going through a growth spurt, or maybe you're right about her making up for lost time when she was sick. Just keep offering healthy foods and let her eat however much she wants! :)
  7. sistersbeall

    sistersbeall Well-Known Member

    i am very impressed. My 22 month olds don't even eat that well. They will go through spurts of a couple of days at a time where they eat really great and then we may have about three or four days where they eat very little. I used to worry about both events, but I have figured out that it is pretty pointless to figure out why toddlers eat like they do. Just go with it and be happy that she eats so well.......cause the day may come where you are on here wondering why she won't eat anything that she used to eat. Congrats on the good eater!!!
  8. slugrad1998

    slugrad1998 Well-Known Member

    Mine are big eaters too. Both are skinny as can be but will put away several waffles at a sitting, 2 hot dogs each, etc. My daughter ate 10 fish sticks, an english muffin pizza and a cup of yogurt for lunch today! I think some kids just have a faster metabolism.
  9. k2daho

    k2daho Well-Known Member

    Do not worry. That's nothing compared to my kids! Sounds like a decent amount of food, but not a ton by any means.

    This is and example of what my son generally eats in a day:

    Morning: nurse

    Breakfast: a two egg omelette with cheese (to himself!) or two pieces of french toast, followed by half a pear, a mandarin orange, and a yogurt (sometimes two!), and water.

    Lunch: a grilled cheese sandwich, 1/4 chicken breast diced up and tossed in pesto sauce, 1/4 to 1/2 cup of roasted squash, 1/2 cup of kiwi or strawberries or melon, and sometimes another yogurt.

    Before nap: nurse

    After nap: 1/2 banana and cheese, or a yogurt, fresh squeezed OJ and fruit smoothie.

    Dinner: 1 cup of whole wheat and flax pasta with cheese, 1/4 cup of shredded lamb, 1/2 cup broccoli and cauliflower, followed by more fruit and sometimes more yogurt if he's still hungry!

    Befored bed: nurse

  10. HorseyLover

    HorseyLover Well-Known Member

    Ditto!! The boys were huge eaters starting around 11 months - and they would eat anything - chicken, pasta, vegetables, etc. Now they have started to slow down a bit and do throw stuff on the floor as if they are Princes - it's funny but difficult. They still eat well, just not like before.
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