Matthew and Maddison are home

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by kaylaishaving2, Mar 3, 2008.

  1. kaylaishaving2

    kaylaishaving2 Active Member

    Hey everyone just wanted to update .

    As you all know i was supposed to go in for my repeat on my amnio to have my babies on last thursday since my DD was losing fluid around her due to running out of room ...I got to the dr's office around 830 and waited to get back there ...finally got back there around 9 the amnio took about 35 minutes or so because the dr was having a hard time getting a good spot for fluid because the babies head was in the way and then my placenta was right there also so he had to do alot of pushing and moving the baby around wich was painful !!! He finally got a good bit of fluid and told me to roll on my side and as soon as i did i just started crying and hurting so bad that i could barely breathe so the dr came back in and checked me and i was having contractions so he sent me on to the hospital i got hooked up to the moniters and my contractions were coming every minute so they called the dr and she said to get me ready for surgery and she was putting me ahead of everyone because of the severe pain and contractions i was having so before i knew it was getting hooked up to an IV and back in the room getting ready for my surgery ! It all happend so fast that my husband almost missed it all ran and got him and as soon as he sat down they said the first baby was coming out ..Matthew was born at 1125am weighing 5lbs5oz and 17 3/4in long and Maddison was also born at 1125 weighing 4lbs10oz and 17 1/2in long ...they were born so fast they didnt even get their own birth minute !! They both came out screaming and had a beautiful color . Matthew had to go to NICU for 2 hours because he was grunting but had no help breathing and was back down in my room a little later . Maddison went straight to the 2nd level nursery and was in my room in an hour . Both babies got to stay in my room the entire time ..they were eating great and maintaining their temps and weight and got to go home with us on Saturday . They are both doing fantastic ....our DD is wonderful ...she sleeps all night but our DS on the other hand is up a little more then her ...but every night is an improvement ...last night he was only up once and then slept till 6 this morning . Thank You to everyone who gave me such great support and even better ..since my babies were born before my husbands check out date they pushed it back to March 12th so we have a little more time to get settled . As far as my C-section went im doing great so far ...havent really had to take my meds . Getting out of bed is the hardest part . Good Luck to everyone else out there !!!
  2. meganguttman

    meganguttman Well-Known Member

    :yahoo: :banana:
    I'm so happy for you! I've been so worried! Those are some great birth weights and such little NICU time. What a relief for you! I wish you the best with the move and hope you have time to PM me when you get settled in.
  3. twins2008

    twins2008 Well-Known Member

    Congratulations! I am so glad everything worked out well for all of you and everyone is healthy. Good luck in the next step of your transition.

  4. KellyJo3479

    KellyJo3479 Active Member

    Congrats. I can't wait to see pics. :hug99:
  5. TwinMama6

    TwinMama6 Well-Known Member

    Congrats!! My b/g twins were born @ 36 wks as well,6lbs+6lbs 1oz
  6. brookbranplus2

    brookbranplus2 Well-Known Member

    Wahoo I'm so glad everything went well!
  7. Dianna

    Dianna Well-Known Member


  8. b/gtwinmom07

    b/gtwinmom07 Well-Known Member

    Congrats, wow that is fast to get them out in the same minute! Great weights and story and glad they are home. Hope you check in often to FY lots of helpful women and advice there.
  9. girls429

    girls429 Active Member

    congrats... im glad you all got to home ... and im glad your doing so well after a c- section... i hope me and my girls are sooo lucky

    [email protected] Well-Known Member

    Congratulations! You had people praying for you from all corners of the world! I am so glad your story has such a positive outcome. I can't believe one of your little ones is already sleeping the night away. How wonderful. I am so happy that you have a bit more time to adjust before moving. Take care, Lisa
  11. mairoge

    mairoge Well-Known Member

    Congrats on such a great delivery story. I am so happy that everything turned out so well for you. I wish you all the best! :p
  12. 2boysforus

    2boysforus Well-Known Member

  13. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

  14. Twinnylou

    Twinnylou Well-Known Member

    Congratulations! x
  15. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

  16. bran24

    bran24 Well-Known Member

    wooohooo!! Congratulations. Glad both babes are healthy and home with you. :)
  17. 2IrishBlessings

    2IrishBlessings Well-Known Member

    Congratulations!! I am glad everything went well for you and everyone is doing so good. Goodluck with your move!
  18. DMBMom40

    DMBMom40 Well-Known Member

    [SIZE=12pt]Congratulations!! I'm so glad it all went so well. Good luck with your move. :D [/SIZE]
  19. TFine

    TFine Well-Known Member

    Congrats! Mine were born 22 seconds apart in the same minute. It is insane howfast they can get them out.

    Enjoy them!
  20. ladybutterflyrose

    ladybutterflyrose Well-Known Member

  21. Vero

    Vero Well-Known Member

    CONGRATULATIONS! :icon_biggrin:
  22. Angelaandtwins

    Angelaandtwins Well-Known Member

    Wow - what an experience! Congratulations on your two healthy babies!

  23. Overachiever

    Overachiever Well-Known Member

    Congratulations and happy birthday to Matthew and Madison! :birthday:
    Glad everything turned out so well. Good luck with the move and we'll see you in FY!
  24. butterfly02

    butterfly02 Well-Known Member

    Congrats on your new arrivals!
  25. cynthia502

    cynthia502 Well-Known Member

    Congratulations! So glad everything turned out okay!!!!!
  26. cheriek

    cheriek Well-Known Member

    congrats!! wow thats a fast labour:) cant wait to see pics!
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