matching outfits for Frat twin girls?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by tracilynn, Feb 27, 2010.

  1. tracilynn

    tracilynn Well-Known Member

    She didnt come out and say it was dumb but she kept asking me why I would do the "matchy matchy clothes" for non identical girls and that she was surprised I was gonna do that... but I was planning to. I bought a few outfits yesterday and they are identical matching. Anyone else *not* do matching for frats? or have an opinion on it? How many ident moms think its "wrong" for frat moms to dress their kiddos alike? haha :)
  2. MrsWright

    MrsWright Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    O geez...dress your kids however you like:) I dress my frat. boys alike a lot of the time just bc I know eventually they will have a say in what they wear and you can bet it won't be the same as their brother;-) I also do matching outfits of different colors. To each their own:) My mom dressed my sister and I alike for holidays and occasinally everyday clothes and we are a year apart! Tell your sissy to shove it!! :p
  3. luvrkids

    luvrkids Well-Known Member

    I have frat girls and I like to dress then in same outfit just different colors. I have dress them in matching outfits but mostly when they were under a year and at holidays. But I do pefer they at least match and there clothes dont clash.:D I would never dress them both in different bright flower prints I would do one flower and one solid color that matched the other outfit. I'm only like that when out in public I dont care much at home or when there in there pj's.
  4. j_and_j_twins

    j_and_j_twins Well-Known Member

    I have frat girls and dressed them identical for a few years. Most the outfits people buy u will be identical anyhow. Do what you want.
  5. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My boys were di/di, so everyone assumed they would be frats. I had a coworker who thought it was terrible to dress them alike (as did DH's family). Yes, at 35 it's not so cute anymore. Neither are diapers. I don't dress them alike every day but I do enjoy it. I have to buy, clean and change the clothes- at 6 months they can wear what I want. When they voice an opinion on it, we will stop.

    As the pp said, you run into clashing problems more frequently than you might expect when dressing them different. Also (secret here) sometimes if one outfit is really cute, it's like picking favorites by dressing the other kid not so nicely. If they aren't in matching stuff, I do try to do similar stuff- like today is overalls day. Tomorrow I *may* bother with onesies, pants, shirts, socks and shoes. Of course when they get that first outfit messed up, it's back to sleepers!

    PS- no baby cares about individuality. Dress them however it makes you happy. Your sister & others can decide what their twins will
    wear- these are yours.
  6. seamusnicholas

    seamusnicholas Well-Known Member

    I think it is so cute to dress babies alike regardless if they are ID or not!

    My boys were di/di so we assumed they were fraternal. I bought all matching clothes for them. At 2 years old, we found out they were identical. So for me it did not matter if they were ID or not...I dressed them the same. If it was not matching, they were coordinating colors. Dress them how you want and have fun with it!!
  7. Sunny

    Sunny Well-Known Member

    You only get to pick out your kids' clothes for a short time... do whatever floats your boat. Other people will always have their own opinions about whether matching is cute or stupid regardless of whether your twins are ID or frat, don't let that stop you. Just have fun with it. :) My mom used to sometimes put me and my brother in coordinating outfits, and we were 2 years apart.
  8. tundrababy

    tundrababy Well-Known Member

    I think it is just FINE!!! and super cute as well. My MIL told me I was de-individualizing the boys by dressing the same - although she bought me plenty of matching outfits :rolleyes: I think you will only be all to do it for a while so have at it!
  9. teamturner

    teamturner Well-Known Member

    Me. Their wardrobe was entirely gifted or handed down and it's also my personal preference not to.

    Yes, I have *strong* opinions on it. My strong opinion is that it is entirely your decision! :) Like the PP said, do what you want and have fun.
  10. MamaKimberlee

    MamaKimberlee Well-Known Member

    I frequently dress my frats alike. Besides the fact that I think it's cute, logistically, it's sooo much easeir to find them when we are out in public.

    I know they won't do it once they can pick their clothes, so I might as well have fun now. I say it's my reward for the hard work of twins!
  11. ladypotter

    ladypotter Well-Known Member

    Everything I have bought so far is in duplicates!! The first thing I bought that wasn't was their bathing suits because I couldn't find two infant ones the same. The stores would only have one of each kind, so I got two that are the same color scheme, but different prints. It still looks cute to me. I plan on adding little headbands in different colors if they come out looking the same. (my girls are di/di so not sure if they are frat's or id yet).
  12. twingma

    twingma Well-Known Member

    Not sure what your sister's issueis but I dont see what the problem is. My sister and I were two years apart and mom bought us lots of identical outfits. Buy what you think is cute and ignore the others opinions.
  13. jamiandkyle2002

    jamiandkyle2002 Well-Known Member

    I have boy/girl twins and sometimes do matching outfits if I can find them!!! Who cares what she thinks. You do what you want to do! Be prepared for LOTS of attention when you have them dressed alike.

  14. emp59

    emp59 Well-Known Member

    I don't think its dumb at all! My girls are ID, but even if they were not, I would still dress them alike. Most of the time I do the same thing, different color or slightly different style, but sometimes they are dressed exactly the same. If i see a really cute outfit, I can't just get it for one of them, I have to buy two! And if the outfits are too different, I always think one is cuter and that makes me feel guilty for the one who's outfit isn't as cute (Wow, I am sounding quite crazy!).
  15. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    I have (very!!) frat girls and I dress them alike almost all the time. :D I love it!! I started to feel very self-conscious about it after about their 1st birthday when people were giving somewhat negative comments about the fact that I still did it. Then another mom on here said something like "hey, it's our right as a twin mom" so I stopped feeling guilty and continue! I have started to let my girls influence what is purchased for the next season so I'm sure we'll be growing out of it soon.

    I agree with the above, do what YOU want and don't even listen to what people say. EVERYONE has an opinion.
  16. Aimless

    Aimless Member

    I have identicals, And I think you have every right to dress your frats however you like.

    But if you find yourself changing them both when one has a blow-out, you may want to relax a bit.

    Otherwise, have fun.
  17. Haley'sHope

    Haley'sHope Well-Known Member

    I think it's dumb to tell someone how to dress their kids;).

    My twins are frats and one of them is almost 3" taller and a size bigger. There has always been a size discordance in them & when they were little they would sometimes dress in very similar or matching outfits. If they had been girls, omg, look out! It would have been a clothes fest! Once they got old enough to have an opinion (around 4) I would let them help pick out clothes when shopping and if they wanted matching or similar clothes they got them and if they wanted different clothes that's what we did, then they would pick out their clothes in the morning with help so sometimes even if they owned matching outfits they wore them on different days. My singleton is 7 years younger than them and I still get them all matching or coordinating sibling outfits for special occasions, esp. if we will take pics. I am pregnant with another singleton right now and will be doing the same with all 4 of them once it comes, even if it is a girl (my other 3 are boys). I just think it's too cute to pass up and you can only do it for so long.

    Enjoy their adorableness while you can- no matter what type of clothing that involves for you or what other people think of it!
  18. MsTasha

    MsTasha Well-Known Member

    I think it is fine to dress twins in matching or similar outfits some of the time. I might find it odd if they never wore anything that didn't match and they were 12 ;), but otherwise, it is fine. Even parents of siblings that aren't twins dress them alike some of the time! Everyone has an opionion on how you raise your kids, and with twins, they seem to have twice the opinions too! LOL
  19. mommyto3girls

    mommyto3girls Well-Known Member

    I dressed my frats the same all of the time when they were babies. They still have a lot of the same outfits and sometimes they choose to wear them at the same time. I think it is funny when they each pick the same outfit without knowing what the other picked. LOL Once in a while my older DD will wear the same outfit also. When we went to Cedar Point last summer, I had them all wear the same shirts. It is easier to find them in a crowd.

    On a side note, the girls took me and my DH out for Valentine's day. The girls all dressed alike to go out for dinner because they know mommy likes it. LOL
  20. Trishandthegirls

    Trishandthegirls Well-Known Member

    I would never dress my ID girls alike... I just don't like that look. From day one they've worn different things. But you know what? That's what works for me. If you want to dress your frat (or ID) girls exactly the same, then go ahead! I do agree with a PP who said that if you have to change them both if one get messy, then you might be slightly obsessive... :ibiggrin:
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