Managing backaches

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by evemomma, Nov 18, 2009.

  1. evemomma

    evemomma Well-Known Member

    Hey everyone!

    I'm sure some of your 3rd trimesters are going to snicker at my 'complaining', since I know it will get worse. But, at 17 weeks, my back is really starting to bother me. I think it's the combo of the twins growing so fast and this being my second pregnancy. I've been using a heating pad in the evening, and am not on my feet that much during the day. I try to put extra pillows around me when I sleep at night on my side.

    Any other tips from others dealing with the same thing...especially as I KNOW it's going to get worse?
  2. Kristin N

    Kristin N Well-Known Member

    I had horrible back pain around the same time. I did the same things: heating pad, putting my feet up when I could, etc. I know this may not help, but I thought the same thing... that it's only going to get worse. But it actually improved as my uterus grew up and they seemed to have a little more room to move around a little higher. My doctor told me it was just a result of my joints being so relaxed that they were separating. Once the babies could move a little higher the pain went away...or at least got a little better.
    PS My doctor also reminded me that Tylenol is ok, so if the pain was really bad I would take it before bed so I could just rest with little/no pain. I'm a minimalist, so I have really tried not to take it, but there certainly nights the pain was too awful.
    Hang in there!! :hug:
  3. E&Msmom

    E&Msmom Well-Known Member

    2 things:

    1. Get back support! I used something calledPrenatal CradleMy doctor wrote a script and my insurance actually covered it! But ththeir are lots of other types and alot of them are pretty affordable (you can find those at motherhood maternity etc).

    2. Have you ever thought about the chiropractor? I saw one all through my pregnancy with the twins and now with my singleton. There is a LOT of positive things that can happen from having chiropractic adjustments in prengancy. If you're interested in the benefits read Here
    One of the big things it says (and I truly believe) is that it decreases your chances of a cesearan and reduces your labor time. For me this was definitly true! Chiropractor adjustments help make sure everything is aligned and allows the maximum growing roomm in your pelvis to accomodate everyone :)

    Hope you feel better!
  4. christy.fisher

    christy.fisher Well-Known Member

    I had horrible backpain from the start of my second trimester. My tailbone felt like it was going to rupture out of my butt. I went to the chiropractor for 6-8 weeks and it helped tremendously. My back/tailbone haven't hurt in two months now. It can get better as your uterus grows upwards.
  5. evemomma

    evemomma Well-Known Member

    Thanks so much for your replies!!!!!

    You ladies give me hope! I felt so dumb even putting this on here, since I know I'm only going to get bigger and bigger. So good to hear that maybe I'll have a little relief before I start feeling the invetiable ache once again!

    I have used a chiropractor in the past when not pregnant for headaches/pinched nerve in my neck. I need to check with my peri to make sure it's ok, since I already have an irritable uterus and don't want to 'trigger' anything. But I'll try most anything at this point!

    Thanks for the encouragement!
  6. evemomma

    evemomma Well-Known Member

    Just wanted to say that I FINALLY found a comfortable position for my back at night! I've been using tons of pillows...but I've been putting a thin one length-wise under my side/back. Last night I changed and used a really thick pillow sideways under my back/side, then used the rest to prop myself up some. It provided the support I guess my back needed b/c it was the most comfortable I've been in weeks! Just wanted to share my 'trick': THICK pillow under the body!
  7. Anneke

    Anneke Well-Known Member

    A belly belt also brings relief during the day. Mine is not like E&Msmom described, it looks like a belly belt to wear on top of your clothes (as in, except it is supposed to be worn on the skin and it offers support to both you belly and your back.
  8. E&Msmom

    E&Msmom Well-Known Member

    quote name='evemomma' date='19 November 2009 - 04:03 PM' timestamp='1258678994' post='1511558']
    Thanks so much for your replies!!!!!

    You ladies give me hope! I felt so dumb even putting this on here, since I know I'm only going to get bigger and bigger. So good to hear that maybe I'll have a little relief before I start feeling the invetiable ache once again!

    I have used a chiropractor in the past when not pregnant for headaches/pinched nerve in my neck. I need to check with my peri to make sure it's ok, since I already have an irritable uterus and don't want to 'trigger' anything. But I'll try most anything at this point!

    Thanks for the encouragement!

    Willing to bet you get the green light :) My OB even let me go to my chiro appts when I was on BEDREST!
    I think it helps with irritable uterus too because things arent contorting/stretching in unsuaual ways since they are being alligned. You'll have to come back and let us know!!
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