Man, I'm SOOO bummed

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by Poohbear05, Jul 28, 2008.

  1. Poohbear05

    Poohbear05 Well-Known Member

    I'm SOOO bummed. Here I am, 40w6d (going by my latest due date of 22 July, not 18 July like I was originally given) and my c-section is scheduled for tomorrow morning. :(

    I've tried everything, from DTD, EPO suppositories, accupuncture, accupressure, walking, nipple stimulation (every hour for 8 minutes, should I do it more frequently or longer intervals??) Pretty much everything but castor oil, which I just can't stomach. I know THAT will send me into labor, between having the runs and puking (I don't handle liquid meds AT ALL, even Pepto Bismol) all that action will surely cause tons of contractions....

    Problem with all these methods?? They'll cause contractions, but maybe for only a couple of hours then they stop. Twice now I've been able to time menstrual type contractions (that I even had to breathe through) for roughly 2-3 hours, one time they were 6-7 minutes apart, the next every 10 minutes consistently, and just when I'm about to go get DH to go to the hospital, they just STOP. All day Saturday both my mom, MIL and SIL were convinced I was having back labor. My tailbone all the way around through my pelvic region and into my lower ab were in so much pain I could barely walk. It felt like I had a pinched nerve really. Well Sunday morning baby shifted and all that stopped too.......

    I just DON'T want a c-section again! :( I'm thinking of asking the Doc to check me prior to prepping, and depending how far dilated I am (I was 3 cm last Tuesday) asking if he'll let me try induction instead of proceeding with the c-section.

    The only thing I'm really scared of with induction is that I do have adhesions from my previous c-section. I've had some pains that the Dr. said can only be becuase the uterus is adhered to my abdominal wall. I had a pretty severe infection after my c-section that I wonder if that caused the adhesions.... Anyways, with that issue I'm scared that an induction will put me at a higher risk for uterine rupture.

    If I'm at least 4cm dilated though, what are the chances they will start with just breaking my water and seeing what happens??? I wonder if that would be enough of an induction w/o having to add any medications like Pitocin.
  2. Mum2TwinBoys

    Mum2TwinBoys Well-Known Member

    I would absolutely ask your doc about induction, whether it is just breaking your water or pyt. Good luck, I know how frustrating it is. Molly is now 17 months old and I think if I weren't induced I would still be pregnant with her.
  3. bsqc

    bsqc Member

    Is there any way that the c-section could be rescheduled for next week. You are only 1 week overdue.....most doctors will let you go two weeks overdue provided Mom and Baby are doing ok. I would think in the next week you would spontaneously go into labor. Just a thought....
  4. nikki_0724

    nikki_0724 Well-Known Member

    I second Sequoia, If everything is ok with you ans baby maybe see if you can put it off a week if you can stand it that is. being a 3 already I would think you would go into labor soon on your own.
  5. Poohbear05

    Poohbear05 Well-Known Member

    Our Docs won't let you go over 41 weeks for whatever reason. It's the military - they have strange rules. So tomorrow is do or die day for us - either c-section, induction or unless I can make myself go into spontaneous labor today. They also don't make practice of doing NST's after 40 weeks. For that matter, they never bothered to test my urine for Proteins, nor do they do anybody else, they didn't want to start seeing me weekly until 39 weeks (I thought that started at 36 weeks) There's a LOT of things the military docs don't do that seem to be common practice in civilian OB clinics.

    I'm doing the nipple stimulation for 15-20 minutes, both breasts at the same time (yesterday was one at a time) every hour. so far I've done it twice and it's only produced contractions WHILE I was using the breastpump. During that time, I'm getting every 5-6 minutes. After I'm done though, no more contractions. Maybe 1 or 2 but that's it. And I'm doing some serious house-cleaning too, so I'm tryiing to be as active as possible.
  6. rubyturquoise

    rubyturquoise Well-Known Member

    Wow, things have changed in the military. When I had DS1 they would have let me go to 42 wks (but my water broke, although labor did not start, at 41 wks, 2 days). They did only one NST for the whole pg, but did see me weekly after 36 wks.

    I hope you get your contractions going strong before tomorrow.
  7. nikki_0724

    nikki_0724 Well-Known Member

    Is DH Home? if so did you DTD? I have heard that works:)

    I really hope you go into labor today. I hope you get the delivery you want. FINGERS CROSSED!!
  8. babies@2

    babies@2 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(bsqc @ Jul 28 2008, 02:08 PM) [snapback]899936[/snapback]
    Is there any way that the c-section could be rescheduled for next week. You are only 1 week overdue.....most doctors will let you go two weeks overdue provided Mom and Baby are doing ok. I would think in the next week you would spontaneously go into labor. Just a thought....

    I absolutely agree!!! They cannot legally force you to have a csection ONLY a week post-due! You DO NOT have to consent to a csection!!! Please don't do it if your heart is pointed to birthing your child vaginally. Do not feel bad about not consenting to the csection, it's YOUR BODY and BABY! You are only a week past your due date. Please give your baby time to signal when he/she is ready to come. I personally wouldn't even consent to an induction, including breaking the water. You are SOOOOO close, you're already a few cm dilated. Follow your heart!
  9. babies@2

    babies@2 Well-Known Member

    OH, I didn't read your most recent post. The breast pump worked for me. About 15 minutes pumping both breasts at the same time. Wait about 45 minutes and do it again for another 10-15 minutes. I REALLLLYYYY hope this works for you. I only hope the best for you!
  10. Erykah

    Erykah Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(babies@2 @ Jul 28 2008, 01:34 PM) [snapback]900433[/snapback]
    I absolutely agree!!! They cannot legally force you to have a csection ONLY a week post-due! You DO NOT have to consent to a csection!!! Please don't do it if your heart is pointed to birthing your child vaginally. Do not feel bad about not consenting to the csection, it's YOUR BODY and BABY! You are only a week past your due date. Please give your baby time to signal when he/she is ready to come. I personally wouldn't even consent to an induction, including breaking the water. You are SOOOOO close, you're already a few cm dilated. Follow your heart!

    I'm going to agree with this.. no one can make you have a c/s... many moms just didn't show up due to "car trouble." :love0028:
  11. ktfan

    ktfan Well-Known Member

    With my third, I was 3 to 4 cm dilated when we arrived for induction. I asked the doctor to break my water and wait an hour before going to pitocin. I started contracting almost right away and he was born about four hours later. I hadn't had a previous section so I don't know how adhesions would have been affected by it but it's definitely worth asking about.
  12. Poohbear05

    Poohbear05 Well-Known Member

    True. No one can force a c-section, and they aren't trying to. I agreed to the c-section because I thought it would be safer than an induction with my adhesions. HOWEVER, I honestly didn't think I'd even MAKE it to the c-section. For a minute we were actually thinking I would deliver EARLY, we never thought in our wildest dreams we'd go late at all.

    I do not, however, have a choice as to whether he comes tomorrow or not. Like I said, with the military, for whatever reason this particular hospital will not let you go beyond 41 weeks. I'm thinking becuase they don't do NST's, or any other close montioring (like an u/s to check fluid levels, etc) and they don't want anything adverse to happen. THAT I don't have a choice about.

    Now that we're actually there, I'm having serious second thoughts becuase the LAST thing I wanted was another c-section. I'm definetly going to ask tomorrow morning if we can change course and attempt an induction prior to a c-section.

    The breast pump isn't working. I went for a full 30 minutes and didn't have one contraction the whole time I was pumping. I haven't had a contraction since either and I've done the pump 3 more times for between 15-20 minutes each. :(

    I guess this lil dude is just determined to stay put. Ah well hopefully tomorrow morning they'll agree to the induction attempt.
  13. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    :hug99: I'm sorry. I was feeling that way as my due date approached. My due date was a tuesday and I was thinking that if I hadn't had the baby by Friday... I'd go the c-section route. Luckily I went into labor on my due date. I'm sorry your body is not cooperating! :hug99: I hope it goes well.
  14. Christel

    Christel Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(blueclouds @ Jul 28 2008, 03:42 PM) [snapback]900165[/snapback]
    Our Docs won't let you go over 41 weeks for whatever reason. It's the military - they have strange rules. So tomorrow is do or die day for us - either c-section, induction or unless I can make myself go into spontaneous labor today. They also don't make practice of doing NST's after 40 weeks. For that matter, they never bothered to test my urine for Proteins, nor do they do anybody else, they didn't want to start seeing me weekly until 39 weeks (I thought that started at 36 weeks) There's a LOT of things the military docs don't do that seem to be common practice in civilian OB clinics.
    I'm doing the nipple stimulation for 15-20 minutes, both breasts at the same time (yesterday was one at a time) every hour. so far I've done it twice and it's only produced contractions WHILE I was using the breastpump. During that time, I'm getting every 5-6 minutes. After I'm done though, no more contractions. Maybe 1 or 2 but that's it. And I'm doing some serious house-cleaning too, so I'm tryiing to be as active as possible.

    I know I'm too late, and by now you have a baby (congrats!!!!) but no one can make you have surgery without your consent, not even a Dr. I've been down this road a few times. It's difficult, pretty much sucks in fact, to go against medical advice. But it is possible.
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