Man I totally suck

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by double-or-nothing, Jul 31, 2007.

  1. double-or-nothing

    double-or-nothing Well-Known Member

    I couldn't do it!!! I tried, I really really REALLY tried. Trying to completely get rid of the bottle and switch to sippy cups is so much harder than I thought. I think however that I did too much at the same time. Not only did I offer the milk to them in the sippy cups but I offered it cold which I never do (except a little bit during meals or snack but the almost NEVER drink it). The first morning milk which I usually give them when they wake up, they took one sip (from the sippy cup) and threw it to the side. I kept trying to give it to them and encourage them and say "yum, yum" and drink a little myself but it was a no go. They were like "get that crap away from me." They (especially Lorien) were just so off from that moment on for the whole day. But I tried to stick to my guns. I even threw away about 14 bottles (kept 6 for emergencies) and I was doing well at not giving in but I swear it seemed like Lorien was going through withdrawls. They are also both teething really badly right now. Teeth are just popping all over their mouths so perhaps this was not the best time to start??

    I did however cut out the 4-5 oz bottle that we were feeding them before bed and they have actually been fine with that. We just offer them water from a sippy and I'm happy about that because they used to drink the milk after their teeth were brushed which seemed pointless to me.

    I know that it will only get tougher and tougher to break this bottle habit but for goodness sakes, they are only 15 months old!! That's not really too old for 2 bottles a day is it?? I mean they drink everythng else from sippy cups during the rest of the day. Please tell me that it's ok. I will try again at 17 months (or so)
  2. rematuska

    rematuska Well-Known Member

    Whatever keeps your sanity in one complete piece (or something relatively close) is ok. Just please tell me that when I start trying to get rid of bottles all together with the twins in a couple of weeks/months. :p

  3. rheamay

    rheamay Well-Known Member

    You do NOT suck!!

    Mine are almost 15 months and they still take 2 at wake up and one at bedtime. They can do without the bedtime bottle a lot of the time, but if they are fussing or didnt eat a good dinner, I will give it to them.

    Don't worry about it. They will be ready soon enough. :D
  4. lindylooo

    lindylooo Member

    hey, your doing great. mine are 15 months and they are on about 5 bottles a day. i am terrified of cutting them out.
  5. first_second_and_last

    first_second_and_last Well-Known Member

    First, a hug to you. This was hard for me, too.

    I thought about giving up after a couple of days, but I stuck with it. I went down to one bottle only - in the morning. I had a goal of being completely off by the end of June. Find the right sippy, too. That's half the battle to find a cup that they'll use. I diluted the milk, warmed the milk, etc., but found that cold was going to be the most logical choice for us down the road, so I stuck with that. Now, I finally conceded and put a little sugar-free chocolate milk powder in DD's sippy and she drinks about 15 ounces per day. I'll be decreasing that as time goes along.

    Going back to bottles is avoiding the inevitable. No matter when you do it, there will be resistance. There will always be a phase. They will be teething for many more months.

    Come on, mommy! You can do this! Get down to one bottle by the end of this week. Get rid of that bottle by the end of next week. Before you know it, you'll be all done. I promise. :)
  6. Marieber

    Marieber Well-Known Member

    We didn't get rid of the evening bottle until just before they turned 18 months. That was the "deadline" our pedi gave us.
  7. Her Royal Jennyness

    Her Royal Jennyness Well-Known Member

    Nope, you don't suck, sorry!
  8. swiertel

    swiertel Well-Known Member

    You totally don't suck! This is tough. So you try again at another time. You're doing great!
  9. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    You definately don't suck...because if you do, then so do I! ;) DD was easy to switch to sippies. I just did it and she just took it. DS does pretty much what you described your dd's do. He just won't have it. At this point in time I am not willing to sacrifice his intake of milk to switch to sippies. I know eventually he will get to that point but please don't say you suck!! :)
  10. Lougood

    Lougood Well-Known Member

    Mine still take bottles. I've tried and tried but it freaks me out when they don't drink b/c they're so small. So, bottles it is until I can get them to LOVE milk or eating which they don't. Hang in there. I'll try again at 18 months.
  11. MichelleS

    MichelleS Well-Known Member

    You don't suck! Try again next month. They'll use the sippy cups eventually. Mine were still taking bottles at that age.
  12. mandylouwho

    mandylouwho Well-Known Member

    You don't suck!!! It was hard for me to do it too, and they got 1 at night until they were 2....then I refused to give it to them anymore...dont worry!! Its natural that you want to give them what they want!! Jys be strong about it when your ready and it will be fine. They are still little guys and really don't get it yet.

    Hakuna Matata.
  13. LouCee

    LouCee Well-Known Member

    You don't suck! There really is no rush to get rid of all the bottles, is there?

    At that age my boys were still getting a wakeup and bedtime bottle. Now they still get a bedtime bottle. All four of us look forward to the snuggle time. We dropped one bottle at a time. At first they didn't drink much out of the sippies but now they drink a lot!

    Don't be too hard on yourself or them.
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