Making the move to big boy beds

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by meganguttman, Feb 27, 2009.

  1. meganguttman

    meganguttman Well-Known Member

    I know this is going to seem like we're doing this early, but we have mini cribs and the boys are quickly outgrowing them. I need to start planning their transition to big boy beds. Their cribs convert into twin sized beds. I've heard to put the mattress on the floor first then move them into the bed. I know they'll be fine at bedtime (they are really good about going to bed then), but am really worried about naptime. Please share your transition stories!
  2. threebecamefive

    threebecamefive Well-Known Member

    Well, my boys just made the transition a couple months ago, but they are twice as old as yours. It was tough for awhile. We tried lots of things, many suggested on here, some from books, and super nanny's (or whatever her name is) ideas. None of them worked. What finally worked for us was adjusting their schedule for earlier wake time, earlier nap time, but same bed time. Also, I had to super tape one of those child safety do-hickies to the inside of their door so they can't get out. :blush: One of my boys had a super fit when I first did that, but we would just reassure him that all was well, we were still nearby, but he needed to stay in bed. He was fine after one night.

    They both sleep beautifully now, at bed time and at nap time. I am so relieved, because even though they are 3, they still need their naps (and so do I!).

    I've never put the mattresses on the floor. It just seems to me that you're adding one extra transition step in there. I have, however, used bed rails on two of my three. We bought them at a consignment shop for $13, so it wasn't too expensive.

    Good luck! It will most likely go well, but it may take some fiddling around to figure out what works. Making the move when they're so young may also be a huge benefit (or it could go the other way, but it's a crap shoot no matter what the age, so let's just think positively! :ibiggrin: )
  3. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    I don't have any advice as we waited until they were 3 to switch. I honestly can't imagine having them switched over at 18 months, it would have been a complete disaster for us. Good luck and I hope it goes smoothly for you.
  4. meganguttman

    meganguttman Well-Known Member

    Thanks ladies. I tell everyone on here who asks about mini cribs to avoid them! I thought we'd at least make it to two, but my boys are long bodied. A big plus is that they can't reach the door knob yet, so I don't have to worry about them escaping. I was very lucky yesterday and a friend gave me two bed rails so I am set with those.
  5. Callen

    Callen Well-Known Member

    All my children transitioned early.

    DS - 19 mths
    DD - 12 mths
    DS - never slept in a crib (co-sleeper/with us/bed)
    Twins - 12 mths

    All of them moved easily and without great stress to DH & I.

    I would just say relax. Don't have set in stone expectations and it will all work itself out :)
  6. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    Need your success stories!

    :laughing: Sorry! But I can't reply then!

    I shouldn't laugh, but I can't help it! We were 2.5 and it was a NIGHTMARE! But it's like everything, it passes!!! Not all kids are hard to transition, so keep a positive outlook and maybe it'll go smoothly!!
  7. my2littlebubbas

    my2littlebubbas Well-Known Member

    We had a great transistion. My little guys were jus 2 when we switched. My nightmare was when they learned how to climb out of their cribs and the "big boy beds" weren't in yet. We had to wait two weeks till they got delivered. Anyways, bedtime was easy for us too. Stick to a routine and don't start bad habits. Naptime took a little but longer. Good Luck!! You never know how it will be until you try for sure.
  8. Trishandthegirls

    Trishandthegirls Well-Known Member


    I'm going through this right now. We transitioned Piper and Cricket to "toddler daybeds" last weekend. Our original cribs were recalled and I ordered beds that I thought converted to toddler beds with the little rail, but somehow got beds that only convert to daybeds, where you basically just take one side off. My girls are not quite 22 months, so a little bit older than your boys but not by much. The transition has actually been fantastic. I posted here after the first night because I didn't think it was going to work. They both fell out of bed three times the first night and then started playing in their room real early the next morning. However, I took out the fun stuff like diapers and a laundry basket that can tip over and we haven't had an issue since.

    Nap times have been totally normal. The girls lie down and chat for awhile, but end up sleeping the same amount as they did before. And other that Piper falling out of bed once a night for the last five nights, you'd almost never know we made the switch. I suspect that because they're so young, they don't quite understand that they've been given freedom, so they don't abuse it.

    You could get bedrails and move your boys right into the twin beds (with the frames), or if you don't have bedrails, perhaps do the mattress on the floor until you're satisfied they won't roll out. If I was going to move my girls to twin beds, I would do the rails rather than mattress on the floor. I could be wrong, but a mattress on the floor seems not 'bed-like' enough and I worry that my kids would think it was just for jumping.

    Good luck - and I agree with whomever said it, don't stress. It will probably go a lot better than you expect!
  9. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    I haven't done it yet! We're painting their bedroom today, and their furniture is coming on 3/11, so we're switching soon. But mine are almost 3.

    I know my cousin switched her 15 month old and it went well. But I think maybe it was his personality.
  10. JDMummy

    JDMummy Well-Known Member

    I don't have a lot of good advice here. John transitioned at 2 and it was awful and took months and months.

    I am doing the twins now as 2 and 8 months and they are doing pretty well. Just be careful and I would go directly to the beds, not the floor.
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