Making baby food?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by i4get, Mar 21, 2007.

  1. i4get

    i4get Well-Known Member

    Call me crazy, but I'm thinking of making my own baby food. I want organic anyway, and there's not a lot of variety...and the stuff in the jars is just nasty!

    What equipment do you use to puree the food? I have the Super Baby Food book and it mentions some smaller blender part that you can add to your current blender. I have the cuisinart, and they don't have this extra piece. I also have a friend who really liked the electric food mill available at BRU.

    Is it worth it to buy a separate blender, or should I just use my regular ol' cuisinart blender? Why is one better than the other? I know I'll try my blender first since I don't want to invest too much until I know I'm going to *really* do this.

    Any other tips on making food would be great!

    Thanks! Shannon
  2. Erykah

    Erykah Well-Known Member

    I have a small cuisine art that I will be using. Its worth it to have a dedicated piece of equipment, at least to me. I am starting to make the foods now, hoping I have a freezer full by the time they eat more than rice cereal.
  3. Trillian

    Trillian Well-Known Member

    I use a cuisinart mini-prep. It sells for about $25 and it's done the trick so far for me. I don't have another food processor or blender. For cooking for Dh and I it's always been enough so when I decided to make baby food I just used it and it's great. So far we've done bananas, applesauce (just to get the lumps out), avacado and sweet potatoes.
    It's really not that hard at all and you get way more food for alot less money than the jars. I bought $1.50 worth of sweet potatoes and I got 3 ice cube trays full of baby food out of it [​IMG]
  4. Jello717

    Jello717 Well-Known Member

    I use a magic bullet blender that I got for Christmas. Before that I was just using my regular blender. I've been able to make everything so far. The only time they have anything out of a jar is when my mother gets ahold of them.
  5. JuJu55

    JuJu55 Well-Known Member

    I also use the cuisinart mini prep and it work perfect for me. [​IMG]
  6. twinduckmom

    twinduckmom Well-Known Member

    I use a KIdco hand mill... fresh food is best, and feeding them whatever you eat ensures a less picky eater and then they eat what is served for dinner!
  7. cael0816

    cael0816 Well-Known Member

    i used just my ordinary blender with Gavin and I planning on doing the same for the twins. I am thinking about also getting the kidco foodmill grinder so I can grind up what we are eating for dinner so they are less picky jwen they are older. my son got a little picky when he got older.
  8. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    I also used a blender, and a hand mixer.
  9. 2IrishBlessings

    2IrishBlessings Well-Known Member

    I think its smart, healthier and cheaper to make your own baby food. I used just my regular everyday blender to make ours.
  10. auzigal

    auzigal Well-Known Member

    I use a food processor. I love it. I do huge batches at a time and freeze it in ice cubes. says to only freeze it for about 6 weeks though. Good on you for giving it a shot. A lot of people say imc razy, but its cheaper and i dont really put that much time into it and the kids are getting food without any preservatives. the only one i have had to buy instead of make is bananas, they copme out slimey and dont freeze well, even with a little drop of lemon juice... Good luck! [​IMG]
  11. i4get

    i4get Well-Known Member

    I bought organic, fresh sweet potatoes and bananas as well as frozen green beans. I'm going to making food on friday after my son has tubes put in his ears. (Assuming he's not screaming in pain.)

    The bananas I'll serve fresh. Got these super cool mesh feeders to try out. I've heard they're a pain to clean, but I just had to have them. [​IMG]

    Thanks ladies! Shannon
  12. JDMummy

    JDMummy Well-Known Member

    We have a magic bullet. Its great and works better than a blender!

    Great to hear you for stuff to start making it! Enjoy, its fun! [​IMG]
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