major yucky diaper problem... they wont keep them on!!!!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by ladyeeyore31, Mar 9, 2007.

  1. ladyeeyore31

    ladyeeyore31 Well-Known Member

    What do I do, they wont leave their diapers on at night. It is fine when they only pee and maybe I find a couple puddles around their cribs.... but not when it is poopies and I have to scrub down the whole crib and floor after putting them in a bath with them screaming their heads off (they love baths but not right after they get up). I have tried everything... at first I used duct tape around the tabs so that they could not pull them open but then they found out that if they pull really hard they can just pull the diapers right down like pants. Then I tried onsies under their jammies and for awhile that worked because they couldnt undo the snaps but then they figured out how to put their arms through the neck hole and pull it straight down to their feet, and now they do know how to undo the snaps. I dont know what else to do, I am going crazy with this everyday. I was hoping that someone would have some ideas of how to keep them dressed or even a way to make the clean up easier. Please help me!!!!! [​IMG]
  2. twopinkpeanuts

    twopinkpeanuts Well-Known Member

    Have you tried a sleep sack yet? I've read where some other TSers are using these...
  3. Mom4Boys

    Mom4Boys Well-Known Member

    What worked for us was cutting the feet off footsy PJ's and putting them on backwards. I have also heard of people who put PJ's on inside out. You might want to do both, double up since it sounds like you have very talented twins. On the bright side, I bet they won't have any fine motor skill problems when they grow up.


    DS - Daniel 7/12/95
    DS- Andrew 8/13/97
    DS - David 10/14/04
    DS - Sam 10/14/04
  4. ladyeeyore31

    ladyeeyore31 Well-Known Member

    Oh I love the backwards jammies thing, I am definitly going to try it. And if that doesnt work then I hope we get some more suggestions. I think that the sleepsack would drive them nuts though. Thanks!!
  5. Stellaluna

    Stellaluna Well-Known Member

    My guys have been in sleep sacks (the ones from Halo) since they were infants. I love them.

    They have also never (hope saying that doesn't doom me!!) removed their clothes/PJ's nor their diapers.

    The backwards PJ's idea sounds interesting!
  6. cantwait2bmom

    cantwait2bmom Well-Known Member

    My two are totally into the "let's get naked thing". They do take off their diapers as well, but it's only happened during nap times, thankfully not during the night. And I have yet to experience a mess yet, so maybe I should think of introducing the potty to them.

    I tried the Sleepsack on backwards, but they have both managed to get out of them while on backwards [​IMG]! They both have no problems manipulating zippers and my ds is a pro at just ripping open the snaps on his onesies.

    I haven't tried to cut the footies out of their pjs yet and put them on backwards, but that may be my next step.

    Good luck with getting yours to keep the diapers ON!

  7. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    a friend of mine has to put one of her trips in the backward pj's with a too tight t-shirt over them to help keep her diaper on...she's actually gotten out of the backward PJ's before
  8. ladyeeyore31

    ladyeeyore31 Well-Known Member

    well we did the backwards pj's tonight. I am crossing my fingers that we have a clean morning. I will let you all know tomorrow and if it works hopefully it will last for awhile. I cant wait until summer so that they can run around naked in the backyard and maybe that will make them feel better to get it out then. Thanks!!!
  9. ladyeeyore31

    ladyeeyore31 Well-Known Member

    Well I put thier pj's on backwards last night, I didn't cut the feet out. I figured that if I could just twist the legs around so they were facing the right way and it worked. Tyler didn't take his off at all, but Brady's pj's were one size bigger and he had enough wiggle room to get out of them. So I will make sure they have on the ones that fit just right. You guys are so great to come to for advise.... Thank you so much!!!
  10. Ali M

    Ali M Well-Known Member

    Have you tried putting on the pjs inside out? I did that and it made it too difficult for the girls to get to the zippers and pull them down. I always dressed them in their pjs during naptime to keep the diapers one. [​IMG]
  11. mac

    mac Well-Known Member

    Originally posted by Ali M:
    Have you tried putting on the pjs inside out? I did that and it made it too difficult for the girls to get to the zippers and pull them down. I always dressed them in their pjs during naptime to keep the diapers one. [​IMG]

    I took Alison's advice as we have strippers here too, who both then were taking off their diapers so we awoke to naked twinkies. I've been doing the inside out jammies and it's working great. Now if I could just get them to nap........
  12. ladyeeyore31

    ladyeeyore31 Well-Known Member

    Well inside out and backwards isnt woking, but the funny thing is that they didnt even undo the zippers they just pulled them right down and off. I cant put smaller ones on them unless I cut the feet cause tghey are too short so maybe I will try that...any more ideas????
  13. Cheesecake

    Cheesecake Well-Known Member

    Hmm what a dilemma. They can pull them down so they must have slim shoulders. My boy twin can do that too. All I can think of is taking a stitch in all of the necks so they are snugger. KWIM? Make it snug like a turtle neck, of course not too tight.
  14. Olifia

    Olifia Member

    I love this website. I have stripping naked babies also. Thank God the backwards pajamas are working. I zip them up the back but I know it is just a matter of time before they start working together.

    Now if I can just keep them in their cribs... the crib tents don't fit on our cribs (darn fancy sleigh cribs) - we learned that lesson the hard way. I wish someone told us about this while we were picking out our cribs!!
  15. bridget nanette

    bridget nanette Well-Known Member

    This is too funny! [​IMG] I love Olifia's comment about naked stripping babies! [​IMG] My Mikayla is also taking off her clothes and whipping off the diaper. I had just posted recently about the "granola bar incident" that was no granola but a big poopie in the co-sleeper. I'm SCARED! Mikayla is only 16 months, and it seems a lot of your babies are 18 or 19 months!

    I will definitely try the backward jammies on her.

    BUT....does this pulling off diaper thing mean that they are ready to be potty trained??? What do y'all think? [​IMG]

  16. MichelleS

    MichelleS Well-Known Member

    Well inside out and backwards isnt woking, but the funny thing is that they didnt even undo the zippers they just pulled them right down and off. I cant put smaller ones on them unless I cut the feet cause tghey are too short so maybe I will try that...any more ideas????

    As Amy suggested, try putting a t-shirt on over the backwards pj's. Can he get a t-shirt over his head?
  17. ladyeeyore31

    ladyeeyore31 Well-Known Member

    Personally I dont think that they are ready to be potty trained just because they take their diapers off. I guess if maybe they did it every time they messed in their diapers, but you really need to make sure that their bodies are ready. I dont think thay we will be trying potty training until they are at least 2 1/2 years old. If they get out of their backwards insideout pjs with a onsie underneath and duct tape on their diapers then I guess I will have to try stitching the neck holes a little smaller like above post suggested. Oh this is getting so tiresome to deal with every morning. Thanks again everyone!!!
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