Major sippy frustration

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by 4boysandme, May 14, 2007.

  1. 4boysandme

    4boysandme Well-Known Member

    Ok, so I know this has only been posted about a million times before but I am really getting frustrated. One of my boys is pretty much refusing to take his sippy cup. It doesn't matter what kind, if someone is holding him or what is in it. He just doesn't want it. I wouldn't be all that concerned but he is also not taking much from his bottle lately either. So, I thought that it would be a pretty normal transition for him to start drinking out of a sippy cup. I was WRONG!!!!

    I should say that he has never been an extremely big drinker (unlike his brother). From when he was in the NICU he had to be on his own schedule regarding drinking and eating. I guess I am most worried about him getting enough fluid in him during the day. I know that they say that they need 16 oz when they are 1 but I don't know how to get that much in him. It is a major fight every day and he will even cry sometimes when I try to give him the cup to drink out of. I guess I am just beyond frustrated right now and am not sure what to do. Any help, ideas, suggestions would be greatly appreciated and welcomed!

  2. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    Megan, what are you putting in it? Formula or whole milk? I would try the whole milk if you haven't already.
  3. 4boysandme

    4boysandme Well-Known Member

    We just started whole milk yesterday thinking that would be more intriguing to him but no such luck. He continues to just push it away and only take tiny little sips if he takes anything at all...
  4. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    Is he teething? Have you tried Orajel on his gums before you give it to him? Has he been sick at all...ear infection? Just trying to think of possible causes besides being stubborn!
  5. excitedk

    excitedk Well-Known Member

    Have you tried giving them sippies in their highchairs with meals? Mine love it this way and actually drink instead of playing with it.
  6. 4boysandme

    4boysandme Well-Known Member

    Well, I am glad to see that this is stumping others besides just me! :) He hasn't been sick at all and I don't think that it is related to teething because he has always done this refusal of the sippy thing. Also, he takes the milk fine from a bottle. I do put a sippy with milk in it on his highchair at all meal times and snack but he just pushes it away. He will put it in his mouth sometimes but it seems like he quickly realizes what it is and then pushes it away. He may take a very teeny, tiny little sip but that is it. I guess we will just keep trying and see if the switch finally flips sometime soon, hopefully!

    Thanks for your thoughts/advice and if you have any more I welcome them with open arms!

  7. naomi02

    naomi02 Well-Known Member

    I'm bad, but if it were me & it was causing fights every day I would just skip it. :) If he's drinking ok from a bottle, I would wait a little longer. Mine are doing ok now with sippies, but for awhile it was tough. DD always took to them better than DS, and he's just now started liking them. Have you tried straws at all? I didn't think mine would be ready for awhile yet, but when we tried them out they loved them! I think it was just something new & different.

    The other thing I've noticed with DS is that he will NOT drink milk from a sippy. Water, fine. But not milk. So, since we're working on weaning them from formula I'm just giving him milk in a bottle for now. I told dh, maybe it was just too much, too soon. Maybe when he's more used to the taste we'll go over to sippies. When I give him water in a sippy, he acts like he's been in the desert all week! Seriously.....the wild gulping, the water running down the chin, the big "AAHHHH" when he's done. But way.
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