Lunch / Dinner Recipes

Discussion in 'General' started by Kasyan, Jul 8, 2024.

  1. Kasyan

    Kasyan Well-Known Member

    Hey everyone! Hope you're all doing well. I'm getting a bit bored with my usual lunch and dinner rotation and could use some fresh inspiration. What are your go-to recipes for a quick and delicious meal that doesn't require too much prep time? I'm looking for something that's not only tasty but also easy to make after a long day at work. Thanks in advance!
  2. Gaserty

    Gaserty Well-Known Member

    Hi there! I totally get where you're coming from. Sometimes we just need a change to keep things exciting in the kitchen. One of my favorite ways to find new dishes is by using recipes by ingredients on the Dish Magazine website. It’s super helpful because you can enter whatever ingredients you have on hand, and it will suggest a variety of recipes. For example, the other day, I had some chicken, spinach, and mushrooms lying around, and it suggested a creamy chicken spinach pasta that was both quick and delicious. Another time, I had some leftover ground beef and tomatoes, and it recommended a hearty beef and tomato stew that was perfect for dinner.
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