
Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by trustinHim, Aug 11, 2009.

  1. trustinHim

    trustinHim Well-Known Member

    When did your LO's develop the attachements with their loveys? Do you offer them an assortment of lovey's? What do children typically "attach" to? I'm thinking stuffed animals but my co-workers son as a cell phone ;o)
  2. Beth*J

    Beth*J Well-Known Member

    Annelise got attached to a burp cloth (any one, but it must be a burp cloth) at 10 months or so. Can't really remember. Karina just recently (16 months) got attatched to a little froggie blanket. It was in her crib all the time, but she just started using it and wanting it when she isn't in the crib. We didn't ever offer an assortment. It just happened.
  3. Kyrstyn

    Kyrstyn Well-Known Member

    My girls both got very attached to their "Blankies" starting at 18 months. They were just the blankets we kept in their cribs with them, nothing special. I actually went out and bought 2 more, so that I can rotate them and keep them clean.
  4. Halseyse

    Halseyse Well-Known Member

    Rose found her 'lovey' around 9.5- 10 months old. It's a plush lamb from BRU that she's had in her crib for months and then all of a sudden she wants to just eat his face and drag him everywhere with him.. Don't dare try putting her to bed w/o him, she will cry for hours.

    Alyssa has recently shown an attachment to her blanket [that's been in her crib since day one]. She'll steal it out of her crib and walk around the house with it in her mouth. Though her attachment is nothing compared to Rose and her lamb. Alyssa will cuddle with pretty much any really soft blanket you hand her - but I think she's a tad partial to her blanket in her crib ^_^
  5. E&Msmom

    E&Msmom Well-Known Member

    I want to say they were around 9-10 months, Its hard to remember now.
    They have little "Security blankets" they both just love! We kept them in their cribs/car seats etc since birth! They have a few other stuffed animals/blankets in their cribs but the "Security blankets" are they ones tey love and carry around.
  6. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    We started putting little stuffed animal blankets (they were a gift from my SIL) in the cribs when they were 6 months old. Sarah attached to hers right away -- we would see her rubbing the ears while she was falling asleep. Amy didn't pay much attention to hers until at least 12 months, but then she decided she loves it.

    They have both attached to various other things since then -- some we allow in the bed, some we don't -- but those remain their primary loveys.

    Amy is also very attached to a bunch of little terrycloth drool bibs. They have to be a specific kind -- we had at least a dozen from Target when they were babies, but of course Target doesn't sell them anymore! So I have to keep reminding her that if they all get lost, they are gone. She carries them around the house but we try not to let them leave the house.
  7. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    About 9-10 months. DD is totally attached to her blankies and lately her Brobee doll. She has to go to bed with at least 5 blankies, Brobee, and two of her puppets. DS has been attached to his stuffed dog and small bear (we call them Snuggle Dog and Snuggle Bear) and they have to be in his crib for nap time and bedtime.
  8. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    Around a year old Meara got super attached to her kittens (two small stuffed animals), and Ana to her hankies (DH's old bandanas that he used for hankies). I gave them all the prettiest blankies around and this is what they chose.. oh well. They love them and I live in fear of losing them :D
  9. twinboys07

    twinboys07 Well-Known Member

    I love to hear all of the cute loveys some kids have!

    Mine each have blankets. Jack has one medium-sized blanket (formerly a super-sized swaddling blanket), Jacob has two huge fleecey blankets. Jack began having an attachment around 9-10 months, Jacob around 21 months.
  10. dezmitch

    dezmitch Well-Known Member

    Gabby - she has a small blanket with a bear head attached to it. She carries it around with her everywhere since she was 10 months old. We have to sneak and wash it b/c she tends to get graham crackers on it. OH, and I had to sew the bear head on once already -- she's challenging my home economics skills! ;)

    Brody -- I'm his lovey! He always has one eye on me, and he loves to crawl over to me, hug me and jump up and down.
  11. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    Mine don't really have a lovey, although they use their sleep sacks like one.
  12. naomi2

    naomi2 Active Member

    My 23 month old boys don't have loveys; we never put blankets or stuff in the crib with them when they were falling asleep. I've tried to present them some stuffed animals, but they don't choose those things to play with. So, my kids are lovey-less!!!! I agree with one of the other responders, that I am the lovey of at least one of my boys!!!
  13. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    we ended up with like 5 or 6 sets of those cute security blankets with stuff animal heads on... very cute! I usually keep 1 or 2 in the crib, and my dd loves this one really cute pink bear one. she really smiles with it. I don't typically let it out of the crib though... but she'll steal it sometimes and run around with it. my ds loves the matching doggie one. but both will go to sleep (thankfully) without them or with other ones. but it is really sweet to see that they take an interest in the blankets they chose.
  14. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    We gave them loveys, they chose not to attach to them. They do love their regular blankets that they have in their beds but any waffle-weave blanket with a satin trim qualifies in their book. When I messed up on laundry day and Trent's blanket wasn't dry at bedtime, he opted for no blanket rather than the "backup" waffle-weave blanket without a satin edge. I guess the key is the satin. Surprisingly, he went right to sleep without a blanket so I guess he's not THAT attached.
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