
Discussion in 'The First Year' started by slr814, Jun 6, 2009.

  1. slr814

    slr814 Well-Known Member

    For those of you who's kids have a "lovey", did you get them something specifically to use for that, or did they just get attached to certain object, and you went with that? In hind sight, does it help your child feel more secure and help them self sooth, or is it just one more thing they always have to have? My little ones really like their burp cloths; they rub on them and chew them, so I thought about getting them a soft little blanket animal thing, that they could take to bed with them (I feel uncomfortable about having burp cloths in bed with them) and would be a little cuter than the cloth diapers I use for burp cloths. Did any one else go out and buy something specifically to be used as a lovey? Did it work, or could they care less?
  2. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Mine did not really choose loveys until they were almost a year old. At the age yours are, I would not be comfortable with them sleeping with a burpie cloth, but a burpie cloth is what my DD choose as her lovey, she sleeps with one every night. My DS choose a stuffed dog and stuffed bear. They were things that we already had on hand and they would keep them in their arms as bedtime grew closer and closer.
  3. MeldieB

    MeldieB Well-Known Member

    I got the little blanket animals you are talking about for my twin girls. I got a giraffe one and a frog one for them when they were about 5 months old. I did buy it with the intent that it would be a comfort object, and just put it in the crib with them for every nap and at bedtime. I limited the use of these blankets to the cribs so that they would associate them with sleep. It did work. They did become objects of affection and did help the girls self sooth. They still sleep with them at almost 4 yo, and curl up close to them at night. Katy rubs her little giraffe's horns in her sleep even. So yes, I think you can make it work. I plan to get something for Amelia too!
  4. SweetpeaG

    SweetpeaG Well-Known Member

    It was a little of both. I made taggie blankets for the boys when they were about 6m. They were 12x18 (perfect size for lap cover in car and stroller, not big enough to really wrap around them). These were our comfort items for car rides and strollers. I started letting them have it in the crib at about 10m.

    At 21m I gave them some blankets, pillows (travel-size ones I got at Jo-Ann's), and simple pillowcases I sewed from remnant fabric. They both got attached to the blanket, which they call their 'soft love'. Joe is much more attached to his yellow, flannel, star pillow's his must-have.

    Nick has a few interchangable blankets that he will accept. Joe has a specific blanket, his special pillowcase, and a stuffed elephant that he prefers to sleep with.

    Even with all that, we often travel without these items and they do just fine.
  5. MrsWright

    MrsWright Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    QUOTE(MeldieB @ Jun 6 2009, 09:30 PM) [snapback]1344154[/snapback]
    I got the little blanket animals you are talking about for my twin girls. I got a giraffe one and a frog one for them when they were about 5 months old. I did buy it with the intent that it would be a comfort object, and just put it in the crib with them for every nap and at bedtime. I limited the use of these blankets to the cribs so that they would associate them with sleep. It did work. They did become objects of affection and did help the girls self sooth. They still sleep with them at almost 4 yo, and curl up close to them at night. Katy rubs her little giraffe's horns in her sleep even. So yes, I think you can make it work. I plan to get something for Amelia too!

    Ditto. I have the little blankets with heads on them that I started using when they started Daycare at was sort of their piece of home to take with them:) At home I only use them at nap/bedtime and they work well...if they fuss we give it to them and they snuggle right up with them and go to sleep:) I'm still not comfortable letting them sleep with them though, we usually take them away from them before we go to bed.
  6. orangeyaglad

    orangeyaglad Well-Known Member

    I read somewhere that babies might calm down and fall asleep faster if you put one of your shirts in the crib with them or something that smelled like you. One day I did just that and gave each of the girls one of my old tshirts that I had stretched out during my pregnancy. They loved them!!! So I cut them up into a smaller type of lovey and tied a knot at the top with pieces dangling from them. They actually can't sleep without them now. At night when they start to cry for their binkies they will chew on the shirt instead. I wash them everyday so I don't think they smell like me anymore but they sure do love them. We take them with us when we go out and they just cuddle away with them. It's so cute!

    I just wanted to add that my girls love their burp cloths too. When their 'loveys' aren't available they will use these instead. I think it is perfectly safe to have them in the crib with them because they have good head control. Sometimes, aurielle will not sleep without her lovey covering her face. I check on them constantly and I have seen both of them move them on and off their faces so I know they are in control of where it goes and won't hurt themselves.
  7. Lizzybo

    Lizzybo Well-Known Member

    My little guys loved cloth diapers from 2-5 months, which we used as burp cloths. One day at Ikea, I found some of those little blankies with animal heads - a frog and a bunny. I bought one of each and one of my boys just fell in LOVE with the bunny, the other wasn't so keen on either. The bunny lover chose his and sleeps with it every night, it has become a great lovey for him and it is a great helpful part of our night routine. I still don't have a lovey for my other son, who sometimes still likes to hold a burp cloth and sometimes doesn't. The one without a lovey still has a hard time sleeping at naps and all night.
  8. LMW1015

    LMW1015 Well-Known Member

    My DH and I picked out some adorable Loveys when I was pregnant - the little blanket animal head things. We knew we couldn't have them in the crib with them till they were older but when they were 3-4 months I started putting them in their swings with them so they could cuddle them. They did like them. My MIL made a bunch of burp cloths with a soft flannel material and go figure they decided they LOVE those things. When mine were just over 5 months I started letting them sleep with those burp cloths and that really helped with soothing. I checked on them a LOT but they do fine. At about 5 1/2 months I started letting them sleep with the Loveys as well but I put those in the corner of the bed. Sometimes they cuddle them up but normally they'll just hold onto the burp cloths. They like cuddling the Loveys when they're up and sleepy though.
  9. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My first son chose a "green puppy" Ty beanie baby when he was almost 2, it was his transition item when we took away the paci.

    My first daughter chose a stuffed mickey my sister got her when she was about 1 yr old. She now has about 8-10 mickey's in bed with her but can sleep without them if necessary (that's rare, I make sure to take one with us when we are away).

    The twins I bought the little blankets with heads that say "Thank heaven for little girls/boys". I didn't think to use them until we were at the zoo the other day with our friend, and our little girl was having trouble sleeping. We draped one of her daughter's little blankies over Rylee's cheek and she fell right to sleep! So at home I've now pulled out our blankies to use, and when it's nap time I use them. I'm not ready to put them in bed with the kids yet. I found a couple more at babies r us without the head to keep in the diaper bag or carseat for when we are out and about. That way if they fall on the ground I don't have to be sure they are washed before naptime/bedtime! :)
  10. KKing

    KKing Well-Known Member

    Someone gave me the loveys with heads on them for my shower. I introduced them around 5 months and my DS really likes his puppy, DD didnt really care about hers, but loves tags. I couldnt get a "real" taggie right away so i bought a sort of one at Walmart and she loves it, she curls up with it at night. She also loves her "first" doll, its little and soft and she sleeps with that too. When she wakes up she is in there talking to it......such a girl!!
  11. rumbo

    rumbo Well-Known Member

    I have the little head blanket things also and I started introducing it to my girlies around 3 months or so. One was into it, the other not so much... the one that does seem to "like" it really takes out her frustrations on it more than anything (ha!). she bites it and chews on it when I put her down for her naps. We were also given a lot of handkerchief size silkies... they like those as well. Nothing cuter than checking on your sweeties and they're curled up asleep with a lovey in the crook of their arm! :wub:
  12. MamaKimberlee

    MamaKimberlee Well-Known Member

    My first DD picked the ugliest blanket she owned (made my someone I dont' especially like) and drags it around to this day. (She's 9)
    So, I paid $60 for the CUTEST stuffed aminal/blanket combos for the twin and had their names embroidered on them. They hate them. They love ugly blankets too. (not nearly as ugly as DD #1, but still...)
    So good luck! My kids seem to like what they like no matter what I do!
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