Love/hate the pacifier

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by davdig, Sep 27, 2008.

  1. davdig

    davdig Member

    My boys will be 2 in December, and I'm thinking about the dreaded task of taking away their pacifiers. I love them b/c they are way of soothing them to sleep, and that's the only time they're used. However, even though we have a couple for each son, they ALWAYS end up on the floor - usually behind the crib, requiring us to move the crib away from the wall just to get the paci. Honestly, they both think that that's where the pacis belong! We come to get them in the morning/after naps, and they take the pacis out of their little mouths, turn around and deliberately throw them down between the wall and the crib. We still get up at least once a night to retrieve a pacifier for one of the babies, so I'm just ready to get rid of them!

    Does anyone have any suggestions on a smooth transition? We waited until our oldest son was 2, which is probably what we'll do w/the twins. With our oldest, we snipped away at the end. It eventually worked, but I'm just wondering if you have any other ideas.

    Thank you!
  2. HRE

    HRE Well-Known Member

    Hmmm, mine are still on them for bedtimes only just because I am so scared to get rid of them! I know I need to, they were two the end of July, and it's time. But...grrr, I'm so scared they will never sleep again. So, maybe somebody will give a great solution.

    My dd1 was on one, and I took it away when she turned 3. We put it in the box for the new baby (ds1 was due in 4 months). She was wonderful, understood, and it was all good. She just had to learn to fall asleep without it. It took her about a week. Not looking forward to that with 2 of them, so I'm avoiding.
  3. moski

    moski Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We just did it cold turkey. The baby came home on the 29th, the binkies went away about 2 days later (Nolan was biting through his) and the kids were 2 weeks shy of their 2nd birthday. We had a couple of bad days (for Nolan more so than Meghan), but after the 3rd day, they were fine without them.

    I know some people do the binky fairy as well.
  4. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    If they are deliberant, then I woudl warn them and then no more.. that's where they stay. But be ready for some tears. DD got rid of hers (cold turkey) at 2.5 years old. It was a lot easier than I imagined it would be. Talk about it with them... say if you throw it back there, they stay. good luck!
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