Losing Weight

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by wildblueberry, Jun 12, 2008.

  1. wildblueberry

    wildblueberry Active Member

    Did anyone else start losing weight when you went on bedrest? I've been on modified bedrest for 2 weeks now, and have lost just over a pound - when I should have gained a couple. I think I'm just not eating as much because I'm not getting up to fix things and because I'm bored with the pre-prepared and frozen things I have available. A friend brought over a lunch yesterday that was different than what I'd been eating, and I devoured it. I think I need to eat more. What are you doing to keep up your appetite?
  2. Emily@Home

    Emily@Home Well-Known Member

    I was drinking 3 Ensures daily along with small meals w/ lots of lean protein. Some days lately, I just don't force myself to eat much. I say try to eat healthy and all, but don't make yourself uncomfy. That'll turn your appetite off too.

    I hardly ate this past week but managed to gain 3 lbs.! Yikes! Before, I could hardly gain.
  3. monaraj

    monaraj Well-Known Member

    I was about to post a question about apetite. I have completely lost interest in food since I have been on bedrest. It could be lack of movement :huh: . Everyone keeps telling me how I must be eating like a hungry wolf, since I am carrying twins :angry: . I am eating half of what I used to before pregnancy. Since I am a vegetarian, I am really concerned about my protien intake. My doctors never asked me take any protein drinks. So should I just take them anyways? What protein drinks do you guys take. I gained only 1 pound in the last week.
  4. wildblueberry

    wildblueberry Active Member

    Ensure is a good idea- maybe I'll have hubby pick some up today. I've been making shakes with protein powder. In the mid-morning I make an orange julius (banana, calcium fortified orange juice, ice, and protein powder), and in the evening I make a chocolate milk shake with protein powder. I've been using Designer Whey powder, simply because my husband uses it so it's already in the house. I don't know if this is the best kind for pregnancy or not - anyone else know?
  5. lovelylily

    lovelylily Well-Known Member

    I don't know how to get your appetite up, but I can tell you that mine dropped drastically the entire time I've been on bedrest. I also drink the ensures, but sometimes I only have a bite or two of meals, so the ensures replace that. I'm getting nowhere near the calories you're supposed to get and I've only gained 6lb the whole time I've been on bedrest (11 weeks). But my babies are both 4lbs each at 31 lbs and have stayed growing well the whole time. I think a lot of the weight gain is confusing because on bedrest you're also losing a lot of muscle. I'll bet I've gained more than 6 lbs in reality, but since I've lost so much muscle, I just weigh differently now. I just eat as healthy as I can and it seems to have worked so far!!! Good luck...
  6. Mommy2BofTwins

    Mommy2BofTwins Well-Known Member

    Well my appetite has gotten down then before but then i have been on bed-rest only couple of days, i guess i am just being lazy also about getting up and making something but my appetite has gone down before i had to eat every couple of hrs and snacks but now i eat only breakfast lunch and dinner and i get full quickly also. But i am ok with my weight gain for right now i have already gained like 40 lbs and i am only 20 weeks preg. I asked my doc is it ok not to eat as soon as you get hungry because i don't i wait 1/2 hr to 1 hr just coz i can't think of what to make for myself and get lazy in even grabbing an apple he said its ok to wait a while. I know i don't drink milk as much as i should because i don't like the taste may be only 1 glass per day. how much milk are you girls drinking?

    I guess being in bed-rest you get bored and also get tired of being at one place all day and alone, that might turn off your appetite. hope it improves for you girls i will know in a week how i feel and surely will let you guys know
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