Losing weight - cause for concern?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by cmharper, Jan 4, 2007.

  1. cmharper

    cmharper Well-Known Member

    I haven't gotten an accurate weight (our home scale is whacky), but I'm worried that Chloe is losing weight. Her diapers seem a bit looser, not getting tighter. She's been in size 4's for what seems like forever (but maybe I'm just being paranoid). Her clothes are not getting any tighter. She'll be 8 mths on Friday, and is still fitting into her 6 months clothes with room to spare, and even some 3 month clothes still. She's always been really petite, but I'm worried she might be losing weight. I'm going to call her pedi tomorrow to get her in for a weight check, but I was wondering if this is cause for concern if she is losing.

    She's eating a lot of solids, she really loves them, but her bottle intake has decreased. Her pedi said this is normal at this age when they're taking in more solids. Bryce is still eating the same amount of formula in addition to solids, but Chloe has dropped her total by probably a full bottle a day when I add it all up.

    Otherwise, she seems perfectly healthy and happy.

  2. cmharper

    cmharper Well-Known Member

    I haven't gotten an accurate weight (our home scale is whacky), but I'm worried that Chloe is losing weight. Her diapers seem a bit looser, not getting tighter. She's been in size 4's for what seems like forever (but maybe I'm just being paranoid). Her clothes are not getting any tighter. She'll be 8 mths on Friday, and is still fitting into her 6 months clothes with room to spare, and even some 3 month clothes still. She's always been really petite, but I'm worried she might be losing weight. I'm going to call her pedi tomorrow to get her in for a weight check, but I was wondering if this is cause for concern if she is losing.

    She's eating a lot of solids, she really loves them, but her bottle intake has decreased. Her pedi said this is normal at this age when they're taking in more solids. Bryce is still eating the same amount of formula in addition to solids, but Chloe has dropped her total by probably a full bottle a day when I add it all up.

    Otherwise, she seems perfectly healthy and happy.

  3. Ange2k25

    Ange2k25 Well-Known Member

    My girls are 14 months old and still in size 3 diapers. They still wear 6-9 month pants in some brands and 9-12 months in everything else. So, my point is that size isn't everything. They are growing just right on their growth curve-taller than average and lighter than average, so they are a little small size wise.

    Having your ped do a weight check to calm your concerns would probably help. Katelyn has had some medical issues-staph infection, ear aches, etc-and been weighed way more often than Jessica, so I have more info for her. Katelyn did lose weight from approx. 11 months to 12 months but the ped assured us this is normal when babies become more active-she started walking solo during this time and walked everywhere. So, if Chloe is suddenly crawling and/or cruising everywhere that could be why she may not be gaining as quickly.

    BTW-Hello from a fellow Washingtonian!

  4. cmharper

    cmharper Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the quick response Angela (fellow Washingtonian [​IMG])! I know size shouldn't be the issue - she's always been our petite little princess. I'm probably just being a paranoid momma. She did have surgery 2 weeks ago for a kidney blockage, but other than that, she's been healthy. She isn't crawling or cruising yet, just starting to master sitting unassisted.

    I have to stop comparing her growth rate to the VERY rapid growth rate of her brother. He was almost 22 lbs at our last RSV injection appt in November, and has gone from 12 mth to now 18 mth clothes in just 2 months. He did the same from 6/9 to 12 mth. It's getting expensive! [​IMG]
  5. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    My girls are 9 months old and still in size 3 diapers. They are moving to size 12 month clothing, I think all due to their length though (not weight).

    Once they started moving around more, their weight gain dramatically decreased. I upped the calories in their formula to accomodate for the drop in volume with starting solids (per ped's okay, they were preemies).
  6. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    My girls have been in size 4's for about a year! I moved them along too quickly and they will likely NEVER get past 4!

    Anyway, if you are concerned, go in for a weight check!
  7. 4jsinPA

    4jsinPA Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Mine have battled with their weight their whole life. Mitch especially. He is losing weight and when he was younger I had my fears that he was losing (clothes fitting loser, diapers looking almost too big on him!). It can be a cause for concern of some babies just don't take in the calories they need. Some just need a little help! I would def go for a weight check, if for nothing else to calm your concerns.

    Good luck!
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