Losing Baby teeth Chart.

Discussion in 'Childhood and Beyond (4+)' started by Gin Elliott, Jan 21, 2009.

  1. Gin Elliott

    Gin Elliott Well-Known Member

    I did a baby tooth chart and Brandon has his front tooth so lose right now...I thought it would be cute to do a lose tooth chart also....

    boy I thougt this was early for them to start but the dentist said everyone is differ. My friends daughter is exactly one year older and just lost her first one this past weekend... Brandon did get his teeth right at 4 months when you are supposed to at 6 months...
  2. Debb-i

    Debb-i Well-Known Member

    Our son Luke just recently got his first permanent/adult tooth. It happened 2 weeks after his 5th b-day.

    My best friend's DH is a dentist. I talked to him about it and he said there's a wide range of "normal" with getting permanent teeth (age 4.5 - 7...most at age 6) Their son is almost 7 and still has yet to lose a tooth.

    He also said that in general the pattern of losing teeth/getting an early permanent tooth usually equates to an earlier development/puberty. This does not apply to early infant baby teeth only early adult teeth.
  3. angelsmom2001

    angelsmom2001 Well-Known Member

    He also said that in general the pattern of losing teeth/getting an early permanent tooth usually equates to an earlier development/puberty.

    I so did not need to hear that! Holly lost her baby teeth early and I believe has only one left to go. Cassie held on to hers a bit longer, much to her dismay, but I know I don't need her having early puberty. I'm not sure I would live through it. Keeping my fingers crossed that it doesn't hold true for Holly.
  4. Becky02

    Becky02 Well-Known Member

    We did a getting their teeth chart a losing your teeth chart sounds like a neat idea. I did write on our calendar when my girls lost their first teeth but I can't remember which bottom ones they were. I wish I was better at taking pictures and writing things down for my kids to look back on.
    QUOTE(Debb-i @ Jan 21 2009, 10:27 PM) [snapback]1156399[/snapback]
    He also said that in general the pattern of losing teeth/getting an early permanent tooth usually equates to an earlier development/puberty. This does not apply to early infant baby teeth only early adult teeth.

    QUOTE(angelsmom2001 @ Jan 22 2009, 01:15 AM) [snapback]1156631[/snapback]
    I so did not need to hear that! Holly lost her baby teeth early and I believe has only one left to go. Cassie held on to hers a bit longer, much to her dismay, but I know I don't need her having early puberty. I'm not sure I would live through it. Keeping my fingers crossed that it doesn't hold true for Holly.

    My girls lost their first teeth right after they turned 5. My one daughter lost hers a little earlier since she got hit in the mouth but my other one has lost 4 or 5 already and another one is lose. I am so not ready for her to hit puberty early, she is already really moody.
  5. BGTwins97

    BGTwins97 Well-Known Member

    My DS got his baby teeeth fairly early (4 1/2 mos adjusted); DD was late (nearly a year).

    They're now 11 1/2, and DS has lost ALL of his baby teeth; DD has lost only eight of hers.

    Neither of my kids, though, are showing any signs of hitting puberty.
  6. Gin Elliott

    Gin Elliott Well-Known Member

    Thanks....OOOO Puberty...well then I wonder who would be the best to go thru first....Boys or girls...I thought it was most of the time girls but Brianna teeth are hardly lose at all and brandon his one I swear I give it 2 days it will be out that is how lose it is...and his tooth next to it is getting loser by the day.......he got that tooth w/in days of the the other... I keep wondering he was 4 months old so if he was born on time he would of gotten his teeth at earlier is that right (at 2 months old)?????? Of am I thinking backwards....Boy that would be weird if it was....I know babys can be born (rare) w/teeth but that is crazy.... :)
  7. Jocelyn5173

    Jocelyn5173 Well-Known Member

    Wow, I'm glad to see I'm not the only one with an early "loser"! We are days shy of our fifth birthday and the Tooth Fairy paid a visit to Madeline last night!
  8. 2girls2boys

    2girls2boys Well-Known Member

    Chase is 6 1/2 and still doesn't even have a loose one yet!!

    Jake lost the bottom 2 last summer.
  9. Emerald

    Emerald Well-Known Member

    My kids so want to loose their teeth, but we don't even have a loose one here yet. I just told DH about the puberty thing and his response was a tired "hmmmm". Maybe we can stave that off for a while longer than normal :0 ANd with 3 girls in the house and me, that is ok :D
  10. Gin Elliott

    Gin Elliott Well-Known Member

    Has anyone seen a tooth chart for losing teeth...he lost his tooth on last friday...he was so excited but brianna wasnt she was up a few times thru the night cuz she was afraid that the tooth fairy was going to come in her room and take her teeth.....but now that Brandon got something under her pillow....well he didnt see it at first cuz Brianna came in and grabed it...LOL
    Now she does want the fairy to come...LOL She is so Funny!!!
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