LOs crying a lot more recently

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Rach28, Jun 16, 2009.

  1. Rach28

    Rach28 Well-Known Member

    My twins are on their merry way to 13 months old. For the past 4 days, however, they have changed. DS more than DD.

    DS was always the social baby but now he cries with strangers (totally unheard of), cries when he wakes up and ony wants to be held. Once this moment of clinginess passes, he will play happily and independently. Yesterday afternoon, when he woke after his 2 hour nap, he was clingy and whiney for 2 hours. We couldnt leave the room without him having a meltdown. He was never like this before. I initially thought it was teething - he´s just got his front bottom teeth - but we are on day 5 so I dont think it´s soley that. He isn´t ill either and his appetite is good. Nights are OK, but he cries when I leave the room as he wants me to stay. I dont though and he usually stops within a few minutes unless he´s lost his paci or blankie.

    DD used to be afraid of strangers but seems to have changed for the better. Her crying is due to being frustrated as she cant crawl (she goes backwards & round in circles) and she wants to be standing all the time but is dependent on us for help. She can cruise alone. She also cries but it´s due to that. Should I leave her to figure it out or help? At the moment Im standing back and helping when she asks for it. She is clingy too but Ive put that down to being in-between wanting freedom and separation anxiety.

    I should also point out that we´ve spent the last 2 weekends at the in-laws´ and during that time, DH and I were away for 2 nights (we had a wedding in the UK) then 1 night last week. Could this be influencing their behaviour? Do they know at this age that we arent there? MIL said they were really clingy the first weekend and the same last weekend. I also saw it. They arent normally that bad when we´re at home but they are now.

    Any thoughts/advice welcome. Im at my wits end and am so tired.

  2. christie76

    christie76 Well-Known Member

    I don't have any advice really, but we are going through something similar. Abby has become extremely cranky and clingy. I think it might be teething too. I brought her to the dr. and she doesn't have an ear infection. Who know what is going on? We had a family reunion this past weekend and she would only let daddy hold her. Ellie will still go to anyone. Thank God. They have developed a cough in the past few days, so maybe it's that. They want me down on the floor with them all day. Normally, they will play by themselves. They have never really been ok with me leaving the room. They stand at the gate and scream. I'm hoping it's a phase. It's exhausting. Just know you aren't the only one dealing with this. Hopefully, moms with older kids will tell us it is going to end soon.
  3. Rach28

    Rach28 Well-Known Member

    Hi Christie: Im sorry you´re dealing with this too. It is exhausting, isn´t it. Im also down on the floor and playing but am hanging back as I want them to play independently. They are but constantly checking to see if Im there! When I put DD to bed, DS came crawling after me crying for me. He does it with the carer, MIL and DH too. It´s better today though. Maybe he knows that with mum it doesnt work as easily as it does with others! I believe it is a phase and common at the age our LOs are. Im guessing we have to ride it out - we can do this!
  4. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I definitely think it's the age and that it's only going to get worse before it gets better. Mine are almost 20 months now, and if we are around people they don't know they freeze up like statues and want nothing to do with them. If we are around people they don't know then they cling to me. I'm sure they were aware that you were gone for 2 nights but I'm sure they are fine!
  5. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I think it is the age too. Ours went through something similar and still have their moments. Just recently they have been very clingy with DH, he was on vacation for two weeks and when he went back to work (he works the night shift, so the problems would come when he went to sleep for the day) that they would start crying and be clingy to him. Sometimes a change in routine can do that too. They'll get past it. Hang in there!
  6. Rach28

    Rach28 Well-Known Member

    Thanks girls, you´ve reassured me. :) They are back to normal today though DS is still a little clingy - nothing like the previous 4 days though
  7. twinboys07

    twinboys07 Well-Known Member

    :hug: Glad they are doing better! We've gone through quite a few episodes of extreme clinginess - it seems to come and go, often without much logical reason.
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