Loosing weight fast

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by sbcowell, Feb 18, 2008.

  1. sbcowell

    sbcowell Well-Known Member

    Just wondering how fast you guys got back to pre-preg size? I had my twins only 2wks and 4days ago, and already have lost about 37 of the 50lb I put on. My stomach is nearly flat again (nearly back to where it was), and I fit into many of my slightly larger pre-preg pants. I am so excited, and I think part of my quick weight loss has come from bf both babies! That is one of the main reasons (somewhat selfish I know!) for continuing on with bf, not to mention the benefits to the twins.

    Just thought I would share a good story!
  2. mandyfish3

    mandyfish3 Well-Known Member

    By 3 months I had lost all my weight and by 6 monhts I was down an add'l 20 lbs.

    I contribute this 100% to breastfeeding because I certainly did not diet.

    Now that I've weaned (10 days into it...) I'm sadly awaiting that 20 lbs to return!
  3. caryanne07

    caryanne07 Well-Known Member

    I lost my pre-pregnancy weight within a month I think. I was 20 lbs. less than my pre-pregnancy weight at about 3 months and have been holding steady since then. I would like to lose about another 20. I contribute this to bf'ing as well.
  4. xavier2001

    xavier2001 Well-Known Member

    I left the hospital weighing less than my pre-pg weight and lost an additional 10 pounds in those first 2 months, now it's coming back on though, I'm already 10 pounds heavier than my pre-pg weight and my jeans don't fit. Darn this being a SAHM, it's too easy to snack all day long (since I never really get to sit down and really eat).
  5. Susanna+3

    Susanna+3 Well-Known Member

    I ususally have the opposite experience with bf....I can never lose the last 10-15lbs until I wean. ugh.
  6. caba

    caba Banned

    I came home from the hospital weighing less than before I got pregnant. But I only gained 17lbs through my pregnancy. I found that I gained weight AFTER I had them, because there was more room to eat, and I was eating a whole lot of crap. Now I'm on weight watchers and trying to lose more weight. I think everybodies bodies are just different. I didn't breastfeed, so I didn't have that added bonus to help keep the weight in check. I heard that breast feeding is GREAT for losing the weight!
  7. shannonfilteau

    shannonfilteau Well-Known Member

    Good for you! YYou should feel proud!

    I had put ona total of 33 pounds and by my 6 week checkup (probably sooner/didn't weigh myself) had lost 34 pounds. I did not breastfeed. I just watched what I ate and got as much sleep as I could get. lol. I think I was partial to not gaining that much b/c of the gestational diabetes and the twins were born at 33 weeks.

    I have had friends who lost it right away but put it on and then some after the 6 week mark, b/c they weren't careful with what they ate.
  8. Britten

    Britten Well-Known Member

    I lost the 40 pounds that I gained in the first week post-partum so I was really lucky. I think it was because I was pumping, pumping, pumping! But I just couldn't make enough and had to stop after just that one week. I put 5 pounds back on since, but I would really like to get those back off!

    I will say that my weight is okay, but my shape has changed. I used to be a 34B, now I'm a 32D! :eek: My hips and legs are definitely bigger too! :angry:
  9. chitownmama

    chitownmama Member

    I was down about 37 pounds of the 53 I gained by my six week postpartum visit. Now the twins are almost 7 months, and I am within a couple pounds of my pre-preg weight.

    MYSTICH Well-Known Member

    I lost all pregnancy weight the first week, but I still am trying to lose my 2 year olds pregnancy weight I gained 60 lbs (not knowing I had gestational diabetes until week 31)with him and only 20 lbs with the twins so someday I will get back to my pre Tommy weight as I call it :)
  11. idtwinstx

    idtwinstx Well-Known Member

    Still trying to lose my pregnancy weight here. I gained 60 and have lost 40. Still 20 more to go to get me to my preprgenancy weight.
  12. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    I lost all 47lbs of it within the first 2 weeks. I bf for one week. BUT, then I gained about 20 of it back in 18 months! Working on that...
  13. lilly_&_hunter

    lilly_&_hunter Well-Known Member

    I came home from the hospital at my pre-preg weight. I was SHOCKED when I stepped on the scale. My babies are 3 weeks old and I've lost another 10lbs. I think it's all the pumping I'm doing. Whatever it is - I'm happy about it!
  14. fuchsiagroan

    fuchsiagroan Well-Known Member

    Almost all the preggo weight fell off almost immediately. When I went to my OB for my PP visit, she looked at me like :shok: and asked "Are you eating?!" And I told her "All I do all DAY is eat!!!"

    The last 5-10 lb was stubborn for a while, but now I'm below my pre-preg weight. I eat everything in sight and couldn't gain a pound if my life depended on it.

    Ahhhhhhh, I love BFing!!! :banana:
  15. melissak

    melissak Well-Known Member

    I was bak to pre-preg weight within a month or so and only BF for a month. I do need to start working out again though to get my 'tone' back.
  16. ShelbyJ

    ShelbyJ Well-Known Member

    This has to be the most depressing thread EVER! I lost a good chunk of my pregnancy weight by my 6 week check-up, but I still haven't lost the rest. I've been going to Weight Watchers and it hasn't budged. I wanted to BF and pump, but that didn't work out, so I had to go to formula. And...geez, my body! Everything is not where it used to be! I'm not sure I'll ever get back into my pre-pregnancy clothes because of how everything has shifted. I'd love to work out, but I work full time and have twins!!! :)

    Anyway...I'm sincerely happy for all of you lovely ladies who lost your weight so quickly. Grrrr..... :p
  17. serranoboys

    serranoboys Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(ShelbyJ @ Feb 19 2008, 12:20 AM) [snapback]627935[/snapback]
    This has to be the most depressing thread EVER! I lost a good chunk of my pregnancy weight by my 6 week check-up, but I still haven't lost the rest. I've been going to Weight Watchers and it hasn't budged. I wanted to BF and pump, but that didn't work out, so I had to go to formula. And...geez, my body! Everything is not where it used to be! I'm not sure I'll ever get back into my pre-pregnancy clothes because of how everything has shifted. I'd love to work out, but I work full time and have twins!!! :)

    Anyway...I'm sincerely happy for all of you lovely ladies who lost your weight so quickly. Grrrr..... :p

    Yes, breastfeeding has literally melted the weight off of me but don't hate me yet...my body is NOWHERE near what it used to be. I've seen 4th graders with more curves than me-not cute at all! I would trade a few extra pounds for some womanly curve any day. And the "girls"...eek!
  18. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(ShelbyJ @ Feb 18 2008, 07:20 PM) [snapback]627935[/snapback]
    This has to be the most depressing thread EVER!

    :hug99: Your babies are still so young. Really my body is only now getting back to 'normal' (different still).. almost a year later! While I lost a bunch of weight immediately after the girls were born, my body hung on to some extra pounds. I didn't BF (pumped for almost a month- low supply, didn't work out, etc etc), so the weight loss is not attributed to that. Now that the girls are on more of a schedule, I'm able to get them out of the house for walks and things and the last bit of weight is coming off. Also, don't underestimate how much of a work out it is to care for (and haul around) 2 babies as they grow! GL! -Leighann
  19. aandax246

    aandax246 Well-Known Member

    Depending on how you look at it, my daughter was one of the fortunate ones - she weighed less when she got out of the hospital from having the boys than she did before she became pregnant. She was so sick and nauseated, the first five months of her pregnancy she lost over 25 pounds and after five months the boys had taken up so much room, that she couldn't eat hardly anything. She wasn't overweight to begin with so she looked like a stick after she delivered the boys. Her legs were so long and thin. She's pregnant again, and so far the only weight she has put on is strictly in her belly. Her legs and arms are still thin. She's 5'10 so she has a lot of room for babies to grow. Now years ago when I was pregnant - I only had singletons, I came home from the hospital wearing my pre-pregnancy jeans, zipped and fastened. I never had to diet or exercise and my belly went down immediately upon delivery. Unfortunately I can't say that now. Somehow the years and gravity prevailed. I could use a little lipo and a tummy tuck and butt lift wouldn't hurt.
  20. ladybenz

    ladybenz Well-Known Member

    I came home from the hospital twenty lbs under my pre-pregnancy weight. I gained a few of those back when my milk came in, but I'm keeping steady right around 15 lbs. under. My ideal weight is 125 and I'm at 130, so I am happy with what I weigh. My belly looks for the most part like it did pre-pregnancy, with the addition of a few red stretchmarks.

    I am really looking forward to working out again once my doctor says its okay. I am desperate to get back in good cardio shape. It helps me deal with stress when I can work out. I could really use that right now.
  21. troublewitangels

    troublewitangels Active Member

    Did anyone loose weight like this without Bfing? Im still up in the air about it. Im not all that confortable with it, Id like the help with feeding from my fiance and im worried my boobs will sag to much.
  22. ladybutterflyrose

    ladybutterflyrose Well-Known Member

    At my six week check up I was two pounds under my prepg weight. At three months post partum I was 9 pounds under prepg weight. I had a very flat stomach prepg and now it is pretty flat, but definitely not the same. It has been getting better steadily since I delivered. I hope it continues to do so and I do plan on starting a regular exercise program again. I attribute this to pumping.
  23. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I lost all of my pregnancy weight with 5lbs to go with pre-pregnancy weight. I can't wait to get back to working out (working out not meaning taking care of babies).
    Congrats to all of you ladies who have lost weight and then some! You are an inspiration!
  24. fuchsiagroan

    fuchsiagroan Well-Known Member

    Im still up in the air about it. Im not all that confortable with it, Id like the help with feeding from my fiance and im worried my boobs will sag to much.

    It doesn't make you sag - age & gravity do that. ;) It's just an old wives' tale. And BFing doesn't mean you can never give a bottle!

    Do stop by the TS BFing forum if you're interested. :)
  25. SeattleLisa

    SeattleLisa Well-Known Member

    I'm down 64 pounds from my last pregnancy weight - I gained 34 while pregnant, and I'm down 30 now from my pre-pregnancy weight. BFing twins is great - I eat a lot and I'm still losng. My body shape is very different though - despite the fact that I weight 30 pounds less than before, my stomach is still very puffy. But - as everyone says - it took 9 months for it to get it all stretched out, so I expect it will take at least that long for it to go down.

    Definitely stop by the BFing forum if you're considering BFing but not sure - the ladies over there are so great and so supportive. BFing twins is very doable with the right support!
  26. Cabbyk82

    Cabbyk82 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Shannon @ Feb 18 2008, 07:33 PM) [snapback]627426[/snapback]
    I have had friends who lost it right away but put it on and then some after the 6 week mark, b/c they weren't careful with what they ate.

    Ugh, this is where I am. I bf for the first few months and during that time lost all my weight. then I stopped and gained 30 lbs! I'm trying to lose weight in time for the summer. My dh gained weight too so at least we're losing it together.
  27. lharrison1

    lharrison1 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I have about 8lbs to go to be back to pre-preg weight. Keeping my fingers crossed it comes off easy!
  28. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I still have a lot of weight to lose. I worked very hard at maintaining my weight before pregnancy, so I knew there was no way I was going to leave the hospital my pre-pregnancy size. It's just not possible to go from working out 2 hours a day, 5 days a week to 9 months of nothing and then to expect to lose it all when the babies are born. I am expecting it to take me 9 months - 1 year to get back into shape again and lose it all.

    I'll tell you what - if I ever get pregnant again I will only gain the recommended amount and I will continue to exercise, I learned my lesson! I feel absolutely horrible about the way I look now.
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