Looking for votes on names

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by Dominique, Aug 21, 2008.

  1. Dominique

    Dominique Well-Known Member

    Okay.... so here's what we've got so far for our boy/boy twins:

    Nathan Patrick and Micah Allen

    The Nathan is because we like it. The Patrick is because we have a LOT of Irish. The Micah is a sound tribute to Michael, which is my favorite name and one grandfather's name. The Allen is our peri who saved our first daughter's life in utero.

    The concerns: Nathan has a much longer name than Micah.... does this matter really? Micah's name, all said together, sounds like he sells furniture. :)

    The biggest concern is our last name, which is VERY feminine (lacey), so making strong boy names is hard!

    Any advice is welcomed!

  2. nikki_0724

    nikki_0724 Well-Known Member

    Love them both.

    I have considered many times using the name Nathan but I can not accept that people will probably call him Nate.

    but I adore Nathan!
  3. april mcdaniel

    april mcdaniel Well-Known Member

    Ilike those names. they both sound very strong! I wanted to name my son Nathaniel, but my last name is McDaniel and Nathaniel McDaniel was a little too much!!-LOL

    God Bless and have fun coming up with those names!!

  4. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    I love both names!!! I laughed when you said that Micah's name sounds like he sold furniture! I didn't even think of that until you said it!! so I think you will be fine!! I think the names you have choosen are very nice!!!
  5. AngelKLP13

    AngelKLP13 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(april mcdaniel @ Aug 21 2008, 09:29 AM) [snapback]940603[/snapback]
    Ilike those names. they both sound very strong! I wanted to name my son Nathaniel, but my last name is McDaniel and Nathaniel McDaniel was a little too much!!-LOL

    God Bless and have fun coming up with those names!!


    HaHa I am so sry but this made me think of a kid that was in my fourth grade class. I know it is off topic but his name was Patrick Kirkpatrick.

    By the way, I love the names! My dh middle name is Alan and I have an Uncle named Allen.
  6. twomoreboys

    twomoreboys Member

    We're having b/b twins too and both Nathan/Nathaniel and Micah are on our list of boys names. I think they both sound perfect. Oh, and about the furniture funny my first thought was well then just switch the middle names but then I realized that would make Nathan Allen and that REALLY sounds like the furniture store LOL. I think Micah Allen sounds very nice.

    nikki_0724 - it's funny how different tastes can be. The reason I have Nathan/Nathaniel on my list is because I would love to call him Nate. :)
  7. Ali M

    Ali M Well-Known Member

    I like both names. :) It doesn't matter that Nathan's is longer than Micah's. They'll barely use their middle names anyway.

    Since you are working so hard to find strong boy names, I just wanted to bring up that Micah is also a girl's name. I believe it is used more for boys than for girls but it's something you might want to consider.
  8. twins2008

    twins2008 Well-Known Member

    I think they both sound great. My dd has a long name Camdyn Whitney and ds is shorter Kyle James. If you are concerned with length you could swap middle names. Just a thought. I think they are fine the way you have them though. GL

  9. SC_Amy

    SC_Amy Well-Known Member

    I think they are great names and sound good together.
    Not sure why Micah's name sounds like he's selling furniture though?
  10. SC_Amy

    SC_Amy Well-Known Member

    Also, it took me a second to figure out why you said Nathan had a much longer name than Micah. I guess in terms of letters for both, Nathan's is a few letters longer, but they both have two-syllable first and middle names so I see them as comparable. Doesn't jump out at me like, say, Luke and Alexander would. (Although I think that would be fine too. ;))

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