Looking for opinions, seriously

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by harryjacksmom, May 22, 2007.

  1. harryjacksmom

    harryjacksmom Well-Known Member

    I have one who is fully independent for pee but still working to poop in the potty.

    I am asking about the second, who is great at holding it for most of the morning and just starting to show real interest. He watches brother, says he needs to go, goes thru the motions, but has yet to void anything into the potty....argh.

    Do you think he's ready?
    Do you have any 'tricks' for getting him to let it rip??
    If it's drowning him in beverages, do you have any schedule suggestions....like, how long to wait?

    We are armed with stickers, jelly beans (which we were giving him 1 for trying, 2 for peeing, 5 for pooping....seems to have fizzled), and a big prize for the first release. I am quite willing to wait, but DH has been pushing and it seems like he might be more ready???

    TIA for any suggestions!
    GL to everyone else who is going thru this now.
  2. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    Cyndi, sorry I don't know what to tell you! I have been reading the Babywise approaches to PT and it's a pretty intensive bootcamp type style with salty snacks and juice etc..... I'm not that into it yet, so don't know which approach is going to work for us! I wanted to bump you back up!
  3. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    There is no way you can make him understand the sensation of peeing, he has to figure it out for himself. I found that rewards other than clapping, etc. really didn't have any effect, and after the first few tries, we stopped using rewards. Let him keep trying. All the sudden he will get it. And then you won't have to look back.
  4. MichelleS

    MichelleS Well-Known Member

    Ditto to what Sharon said. Kelly was ready earlier than Kaitlyn. We tried giving them a sticker on a special chart every time they peed on the potty. It couldn't have mattered less to Kaitlyn if she got a sticker or not. She just needed to go at her own pace. She started the training process later but was trained quicker than Kelly. Let him go at his own pace - he'll get it eventually. :)
  5. harryjacksmom

    harryjacksmom Well-Known Member

    Thanx for the feedback, ladies :good: We're pretty much stuck, but it's all good. Like you said, it will come in time (fingers crossed)

    GL to everyone else who is in the midst of this fun journey!
  6. Fay

    Fay Well-Known Member

    It will happen ;)

    We were in the same boat. Because my ornery children are such terrors when my back is turned, I always took both to the potty even though only Ethan really seemed ready. Well, once Tony saw that Ethan got to go in the potty, he wanted to, too! Mostly he just sat on the potty but once he figured it out, he was good to go!!


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